Chusi = Fairy Snails
Ragn = Schicksalswende

Recently Chusi had began her role as a spotter. It was the first step on her path to become a guard. So far she worked with guards and sentry's in their role. Despite being a completely nervous wreck, she did her best to help out when she could.

Now she had some down time from her duty. When she was younger she would latch herself to one of her siblings instead of being alone. But with her new rank, she felt a little more confident, that she could explore by herself. She traveled away from the pride, wanting to get acquainted to the area she would potentially be patrolling.

As much as she wanted to relax, she was still stiff and nervous from her training as a spotter. She kept listening for strange noises around her, just in case she ran into someone. Earlier, before she became a spotter, she had stumbled across an injured, but still scary lion. It was near the end of the day, so she suspected the most critters were getting ready to sleep.


Ragn was out on his own, away from his twin brother, who, at the moment, was back under the tree he'd left him at. It was nearby a haphazard rocky encropment that they could use for shelter from the rain, if the weather chose to cry as it sometimes did. There was, of course, the tree as well, but calling it a ' tree ' might've been stratching the word a bit too much. He could breather a bit easier, being away brom his high strung twin. Ragnar could always be counted on to be a pragmatic bore a good portion of the time. He needed to cut loose, just like Ragn was now, carrying a tune to himself and anyone else that wanted to bend their ear to listen. He wasn't one to shy away from an audience, especially if a handsome fella of love lorn lady that decided to fall into his striped lap. Who could possibly turn such a possibility away, eh?


'What was that?' She thought as she came to an abrupt halt. Her head darted in to her left and then to the right. As she listened, it sounded like a melody. Her attention went up, looking at the trees wondering if perhaps there was a bird chirping a tune. When she saw none, she continued onward in search of the noise.

She did not have too far to go when she spotted the lion. While she still had a good distance between herself and him she quietly crouched down near a bush to help hide herself. He did not look familiar to her, but she did not know everyone in Nil' . It would be strange for someone to be out this far from the pride though, not that she was one to speak.

He could possible be an outsider, she thought, looking him down from mane to tail. From what she could tell, he didn't seem mean. Most outsiders she had met were rather nice.

Taking a deep breath in she got out of her hiding spot and slowly approached the lion, trying her best to hide her shaking paws and awkward demeanor. "H-hello there!" She said, putting on a smile. Chusi stopped before she got too close to him, not wanting to make him feel threatened and giving her enough room to run away if needed. "Are you lost?"


Ragn would never *ever* admit to himself or to anyone else, that he'd seemingly glossed over the scent of another. Let alone of someone of the beautifully feminine variety, no less. The whorl marked male had slowed in jubulant paws and let his tune fade off into the wind upon laying lightly coloured golden eyes on the lioness. He really should've smelled her first before seeing and hearing her, but, there was time to ( maybe ) chaztize oneself later. Or completely bury it and forget that you ever made such a horrendous mistake. Though hid body language was relaxed, the male plopped down onto his haunches, seeing as how the young lady was keeping a bit of distance between them. Fair enough, all things considering. Strangers were strangers, afterall. Ragn flashed a grin at the female, " Ahsho! Hello to you as well, friend. " He bowed his head forward a little, a gesture of good merit, to show he acknowledged the other. " Nah, I'm not lost. You can never be lost when you've got the rythym of the world in your feet. It'll tell you where to make your feet go. "

His tail lulled to the side of him and sighed in enjoyment to the passing of a slight evening breeze, " And you, risyàv? Are you lost tonight? "


He was rather strange, Chusi thought as he laid down. Slowly she approached him and near him, bowing her head. She was grateful that he seemed harmless. Though only time would show if he was a threat to her. As he spoke, she could feel her cheeks warm with each word. There were some odd words he said, that she did not recognize.

"Risyàv..." she carefully enunciating it after him. "I have never heard that word before. What does it mean?" She spoke slowly and thoughtfully, not wanting to sound rude.

"My home isn't far from here, so it would be difficult for me to get lost." She responded with a grin. Her thoughts went back to how he had answered her question. "How do you feel the rhythm of the world? And how does it help you find your way?"

Was she asking too many questions, she thought, as she nervously looked away from the stranger. She hated giving off a bad first impressions, but she guessed that couldn't be help since she couldn't change who she was.


Ragn chuckled, his new companion's curioisity was going to be fun, and in the end, fun things always made others be friendlier and closer together. He hummed to himself for but a moment before deciding to answer the slew of questions. For his own sense of fun, the lion worked backwards, from the last inquiry. " The rythym is in everything, you need only listen to hear it. " Ragn slowly rose to his feet, stretching his limbs nonchalantly. A slight bounce in his step as he worked his way closer to the earthy lioness. " ..But all of you needs to listen, not just your ears. It is in everything, even yourself. " He stepped away from her to illustrate his seemingly odd philosophy to Chusi, but not going far enough away make it seem like he was leaving. " It's like this : If you feel the itch to wander, you're being told to go. Like myself. " He walked over to a nearby tree and looked back at her, " ..I left my brother to himself this evening. My feet told me to go, so I went. I know where he is, and he knows where I am. But I went from there.. " Ragn kept his grin throughout his spiel, even as he sauntered over to Chusi, coyly locking eyes with her as he got closer to her. " here. I am supposed to be here, risyàv! As are you. That is why you are here, too! " He chortled, feeling quite pleased with himself.

" Oh, yes. Risyàv.. is you. beautiful. "


Chusi watched him, waiting for him to speak. She hardly ever talked to anyone outside her family, let alone outside her pride. This was all still very new to her. When he spoke she soaked his words in and watched him move around. And when he walked back her, she stared back into his eyes. She couldn't think of another time someone looked at her like that.

"Beautiful..." She muttered, looking down at the ground. It was something she was never called and she would never consider herself beautiful. There were much more prettier lioness at her pride. She couldn't even began to compare. "I think I like the word risyàv more then beautiful."

His talk about his feet knowing where to go made her think of her brother. "My brother has talked about leaving my pride for a little bit and seeing what else is out there. I hope that he is guided somewhere safe." She gave a soft chuckle. "I worry about him a lot. He is so different then me. I enjoy my pride and wouldn't want to stay too far from it."


Ragn sat down next to Chusi, fancying the lioness and figuring any harmful tension was no longer a problem. Still, he was close to the lioness, but there was some space between, everyone has their ' bubble ', so to speak. Certainly, he didn't want to encroach upon hers and ruin the moment. " Mm, language is like wind, yes? You can't see it, but you just know it. Same thing! " So far, he was enjoying himself, and it seemed as though Chusi was enjoying herself, too. She was still in his presence, so, he had to be doing something right, or else she likley would've left. Or, at least, that's how Ragn's mind had worked things out. He always figured that if he was having fun, then everyone else in his vicinity were, too. Twin brothers and other outliers not being included in that mathematics, but it never bothered Ragn. They were just party poopers, or unfortunate individuals that had bad things happen. Such was the world, it could be a dark place, and the male fancied himself a little bit of sunshine. So, why not help brighten the time for others? If, of course, they left him.

His sandy-streaked ear twitched as he listened to the lioness speak of her brother. Family could always be a sore spot with some, but she spoke quite fondly of her brother, so perhaps she hailed from a good one. " He'll be where he needs to be, I'm sure it will be good place. " Ragn and his brother were not ones to settle for one area to live out there lives, and perhaps that would change. Perhaps not, no one can ever know what's around the bush. They'd met many with the same mentality and others who strived for a permanant home. Everyone was always going somewhere. A place where they need to be, temporarily or otherwise. It was the way of things. " Everyone has a place to be or go. You stay, because you are supposed to wander here. Your feet are home here. Not so much for your brother, but family always see each other. " Ragn scooted a little closer to Chusi, trying to disguise the movement as simple shifting to get comfortable. " Travel is much fun, lots to do and lots to see! " He leaned in, his broad should almost touching hers, " Strange trees, foreign songs.. different others to meet, both good and bad. But also dangerous, but also thrilling and exiting. "

Ragn reclined back again, " A vivid and colourful web life is. Everyone alive, living out day to day, different ways but also similar.Everywhere is safe, but also precarious. " He rolled his shoulders in a shrug, the lower part of his dark mane shifting in the movement. " Just the way things are. "


She managed to relax a little. The way he talked about traveling made her feel like Vasuki was making the right decision by exploring. If it sounded even half as wonderful as he described it, Vasuki would surely have the time of his life. She was certain she would hear about her brothers adventures, but right now she was more curious in getting to know Ragn better. It was still odd to her that she had met someone as interesting as him. He wasn't as intimidating as other lions she had met. The way he spoke was almost like poetry.

Chusi looked toward the sun and saw that it was getting closer to disappearing. “Did you have a place to rest for the night? If you don't, I could take you back to my pride. You would be more then welcome to rest there.” she said. There was so much that she could show him, she she certain he would have a good time.

“I could introduce you to my brother. He would spend the whole day asking you question after question.” He was always talkative and hyper. Even when they grew up, he couldn't help but bounce around. “Maybe you could give him some advice about traveling?”


Ragn glanced in the direction of the lioness and followed the light of sight to the ever setting sun. Quite soon, before either could realize it, or any other creature, it would be night. It would be dark, a time to wind down and take a break from the blazing heat of the sun. The stars would be out to shine a play, and guide the way for those that needed them. He looked back at Chusi, as she asked the male about his night plans or if he'd like to stay. He'd be lying to himself and any deities that might be incredulously prying and listening in, if he wasn't trying to make the night better. What ever that meant, which could be a wide range of things. Even just resting near another that wasn't his own twin, was a pleasure all on it's own. " Ahh, you've got me there, risyàv. I have all the world to be my bed, but it would be offensive to the Powerful Ones if I did not rest with you. "

With a toss and a shuffle of his mighy mane, he got up from his sitting position and stretched again. He was feigning any for of tiredness. Ragn was far too awake to be tired. Sure, he was a little hungry and had walked a fair distance but that was nothing out of the ordinary. He was somewhere knew, and with a new companion. Who could possibly sleep now? " I would be honoured to meet your brother, yes, give him all the pointers. But, not everything. Some things are best learned on their own. " Ragn said, turning to look right into Chusi's gold-green eyes, " Which way is home, ofiba? You lead, I follow closely. "

Ragn knew his brother would be fine where he was, as this sort of situation was nothing new to him. Sometimes, even without flirtation, some times the brothers just wanted to be a lone, and away from each other. Out of the vicinity of someone that, while looking identical, were completely different. It was funny, but also tiring. " I see what your Pride is about, I can bring items for them to use. Barter. " The largle male got close to Chusi, barely brushing up against her form as her circled around her. His feet stopping just shy of hers, and his eyes still looking into hers, " ...And gifts for you. though, you are so lovely, I know not anything that could compare. Not even moon or star. "


Chusi fell silent. She could feel her heart beat quicken, just a bit. 'Why was she special,' she thought as she stared back at Ragn's golden eyes. Everything was moving so quickly, but that didn't matter. She enjoyed being in Ragn's company. He was strange, but in an interesting way. “T-tomorrow you will have to teach me more of your words.” she said, thinking of what he said. Risyàv and ofiba. Those words were music to her ears.

“It won't take us too long to get to the pride. This is the farthest I ever go, but I still try not to venture too far.” She explained. “I am sure that there are those in the pride that will trade with you. There are healers and crafts who I am sure are always looking for new goods.”

The offer of giving her a gift had made her cheeks heat up. “There is nothing I need. I am working my way toward being a guard. Trinkets would just get in the way. For me, listening to you speak is the only gift I need.” Her toes fidgeted in the dirt as she spoke. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves so she could take him back to her pride. “My pride is this way.” Chusi finally said after standing up.