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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Holds & Halls
[PRP] A Diamond in the Rough [K'lar, Ameliah, dragons]

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Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:47 am
K'lar loathed Nabol Hold.

At its heart, it was a filthy, desperate place, the sort that devoured men and women alive and never let them see the light of day again. Oh, it could be lavish and resplendent--but K'lar had seen its darker side. He'd helped rescue half-starved mining slaves, brothel workers that had nearly had the spirit beaten out of them--some mere children who ought to have been playing games and enjoying life. The gaunt man took a sip of his wine, looking for all intents and purposes to simply be yet another soul enjoying the many... pleasures that could be bought at Nabol.

You are unhappy. Mnereth noted simply, ever attentive to his rider's feelings.

This place is revolting. How can they treat people in such ways? Better to raze this Hold to the ground and start over. He thought savagely, though if push came to shove, he was a man that sought diplomacy rather than violence.

We could leave.

No. We have our orders. He would never turn his back on them, not when he'd seen firsthand how important they were. To truly sell his authenticity, it was best for K'lar to remain a frequent visitor of Nabol, often seen partaking in drink and... parties. Shards, but he hated parties. He never knew what to say.

We are not alone. Mnereth spoke suddenly, sounding both alert and interested.

What? What does that mean?

A Queen. Mnereth rose from his perch to bugle a respectful greeting. She may not have been of High Reaches, but a Queen was a Queen, and Mnereth would defer to her as he should.

Barely swallowing a curse, K'lar quickly rose, throwing a few marks down on the bar to pay for his barely sipped wine and headed outside. Mnereth didn't recognize this gold, but perhaps he would...?

Very vague opener, let me know if you'd like me to change anything!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:38 pm
Ameliah and Sharath had been out on the route delivering the latest round of firestone to a handful of cotholds in the more remote areas. Firelizards had gotten popular as sort of on-demand miniature dragons when Thread was threatening and Ameliah was happy to supply the towns with firestone for their firelizards and their flamethrowers. It hadn't taken long for the people of Pern to turn towards the resource so strongly.

It was a financial loss, these rounds, as Ameliah sold the firestone a little below cost – the cotholds couldn't afford much, and she often traded straight for goods like fine cuts of meat, sturdy clothing, and wine. As long as Nabol's Lord Holder got paid his cut at the beginning, he didn't care... and Ameliah was lucky because her status as Goldrider meant he sometimes tried to curry favour – the slick, oily man seemed to take pride in having a few Queens frequent his Hold.

It was a difficult trip this time around, however, and Sharath was a little dustier than usual and Ameliah was nearly caked black with the powder from the stones. They hadn't had a chance to wash yet. The last cothold had been in the tail end of the last Threadfall and they were struggling to keep the few threads that had connected with the ground in check. She'd helped them set firelines and explosive detonations above the more concentrated snarls of thread while Sharath had directed the firelizards.

The work had taken the better part of three days and Ameliah was exhausted.... and Sharath was in no mood to brook disrespect. Thus when a random blue bugled its greeting despite her not looking her best, the Queen trumpeted in response. The gold had put on muscle since leaving High Reaches Weyr and was a sturdy looking Queen, a physique to rival that of the bronzes – odd considering Golds were so coddled in other parts of the world. She veered off her course and landed solidly, with a flare of her wings and storm of dust not far from where the blue was currently perched.

They were closer to the active, entertaining part of Town then Ameliah would have preferred but, really, there was probably a bath house nearby she could go pollute. Again. Maybe buy the entertainers a few hours away from the scum that were attracted to those sorts of places. “Why'd you land so close,” Ameliah asked as she ungracefully slid off the Queen's back and unconsciously hit a 3-point landing. When she stood, there was a tired slant to her shoulders, and she yawned hugely, wiping off some of the grit from her hands – her gloves had snagged and torn, letting in the dust.

Under the patches of grit, one might see glimpses of fair skin but beyond that, and the dragon standing at her shoulder, Ameliah looked every bit like one of the ragged miners that populated Nabol.

A blue has greeted me, Sharath responded amicably, looking towards the male who had announced himself. It wasn't unusual for dragons to pass through, some of the riders enjoyed the less... savoury charms of Nabol, of which there were many.

Ameliah frowned as she followed her bonded's gaze. She tended to avoid the dragonriders that frequented the taverns and brothels and bathhouses. She preferred not to associated with many of that ilk. Just don't imply I'm looking for company? I'd like a bath.

The Queen merely rumbled her acknowledgement before padding towards the blue, the firestone satchels still attached to her riding harness, empty. I do not know you... But you greet me well. Hello! I am Sharath. Do you wait on Yours? Her tail flicked idly from side to side.

Her rider watched a moment before yawning again and shrugging, turning to continue on her way. A bath sounded lovely.

This ended up being a lot longer than I expected xD; Sorry!



Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:45 am
Mnereth's spike of alarm was enough to make his rider tense up immediately. Mnereth! You are well?

I am. The blue sent back privately, trying to arrange himself so he looked a little more decent. He was merely a blue, after all, and confident as he might have been in himself... this was a Queen speaking to him! Hello. I am Mnereth. Mine must stay here a little while longer. Mnereth didn't always understand it, but humans often did strange things... and though he loved His more than life, K'lar was very concerned with appearances.

The tall rider squinted against the sun to peer, and the bulk of the Queen was almost shocking. Perhaps from Western? She was dirty--and so was the woman who'd slid from her back! His eyes shot back to the Queen's harness, noting the empty satchels. Firestone? As the woman came near, K'lar merely offered a respectful sort of bow and stepped aside, certainly not about to impede her. If that were him, he'd be absolutely desperate to bathe...

Mnereth, in the meantime, found himself taking slow peeks at the Queen. Nabol had never interested Mnereth much, besides the occasional people they ferried away and to the Weyr. Her wings were so long and elegant.... and even as dirty as she was...

You are brighter than the sun. He found himself blurting out, tinges of yellow whirling through his eyes. Was that too forward? Would she take offense? She was just such a beautiful creature...

No problem!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:34 am
Sharath rumbled understandingly, Mine likewise has business... The gold's head abruptly pulled back as she snorted in surprise, the spike of emotion giving Ameliah reason to pause mid-step. Sharath was rarely flustered and the internal blossoming of happiness and approval was tinged with earnest surprise – she expected such words, yes, but they weren't often offered so swiftly! The gold chuffed gladly and approached, her voice warm with approval, You are a wise blue, Mnereth.

Ameliah put a hand on her hip and arched a brow, obviously bemused by her gold. “Who's blue is that? I think they've made a friend.” Even after years of riding a dragon, the miner still sometimes forgot to speak mental – easy to do when your dragon heard you regardless.

Not friend, no... but he has sparked my interest. Such respect in uncommon, you know that. Sharath chided privately, rumbling as she looked the blue over. He was a bright specimen, well cared for... that was a good sign. Sometimes the charms of Nabol forced wedges between dragons and riders and the dragon suffered from the stress. It meant at least the rider was not an addict.

It was that line of thought that reminded Ameliah to look around and she spotted K'lar standing off to the side. He was the only one nearby and had the look of a rider about him, High Reaches by his knots.... She waved and flashed a smile, “Hey, do you know who's blue that is?” Hopefully he knew... Sharath generally didn't care too much about the riders and Ameliah liked to know in case the queen decided to pick a fight. There'd been a couple times when disgruntled riders with wounded pride had come banging on her door to settle the score after their dragon had insulted Sharath.




Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:41 pm
Oh, oh, oh. Mnereth's eyes whirled with dark blues at the Queen's surprise and pleasure, a little shocked that she didn't take offense. He knew his attempts at being charming were often clumsy and awkward, but she had come even closer! The blue rumbled quietly in thanks, a little abashed at such a compliment. He was by no means stupid, but his short and simple way of speaking often led many to think he was.

K'lar gave a start when the woman mentioned his blue, and-- Shards, Mnereth, what are you saying?

She is beautiful.

What? Who?

Another jump escaped him when she suddenly spoke, and after a moment of gathering his wits, he nodded and offered a strained smile. "He's mine. He isn't bothering her, is he? He's a good fellow, he just sometimes gets carried away--" He shut himself up, aware that he was starting to ramble. Taking a deep breath, Klar forced himself to relax. "Sorry. My name's K'lar. He's Mnereth. It looks like you've had a long day, both of you, so please, don't let us distract you.

I speak what I see. He offered humbly. Especially in a place like this. You are a welcomed sight to anyone's eyes.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:15 pm
Ameliah frowned and shook her head, the expression turning into a sort of bemused grin, “Nah, she's not bothered. Pleased more like...” The miner shrugged, “But fair warning if he crosses her – I don't have the energy to reign her in right now and, well, anybody who tugs the tail of a queen shouldn't be surprised if she snips.” She waved dismissively and turned to head off, padding towards the nearest bath house.

Love, try not to scar this one. His rider's a bit jumpy to start. I'm taking a bath now, have fun!

Why thank-you. Sharath replied, tilting her head to the side. She got absolutely no hint of irony or falseness from him and it was a pleasant change of pace. The gold settled onto her stomach, her wings fluttering a bit before tucking more tightly against her sides. It was obvious she was settling in to spend some time with the blue, her tails curling around to flick contentedly.

Enjoy your bath, Mine. I want one when you return, I am filthy and Mnereth says I am beautiful now – imagine what things he will say when I am freshly oiled!

Many a pleasant things, I'm sure. Don't be to enamoured with flattery, his rider probably wants something. Ameliah swiftly disappeared into the bath house and paid for a private pool, sighing wistfully as she waded in.

But he does not seem false, Mine. She seemed perplexed. Attention shifting back to the blue, Sharath relaxed a little, What is Yours doing here? Do you enjoy the Hold? It is... a difficult place but Mine seems happy.




Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:33 am
"Noted," K'lar said faintly, feeling threads of worry starting to creep in. Mnereth, do behave yourself. She may be touchy.

It will be alright, Mine. She is a Queen. There was no mistaking the emphasis on the word. Exhaling huffily, the dragonrider resisted the urge to throw up his hands and went back inside. Fortunately, his wine was still sitting there, and he snatched it up just as the bartender made to clear it away.

No. Mnereth said simply. It makes Mine unhappy. But it is also interesting. He hesitated for a moment, but he saw no reason not to share what, exactly, they were doing here. She was a Queen after all. We save those who have no way out. We bring them back to the Weyr for a new beginning. Some of them became Candidates, and some... well, some went off to do other things. But the most important thing, K'lar said, was that they could choose to do as they wished now, rather than being forced into something for the rest of their lives.

I am glad that Yours is happy. She suits you well. She was not K'lar, but he was not a glorious Queen, either!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:53 pm
Sharath nodded at the observation that the Hold was interesting. The way the humans hurried about... suffering or thriving, intrigued the gold. The order seemed to favour people at random, without the structure of a weyr and dragons to guide the people's efforts. Her eyes whirled with orange and yellow in surprise as Mnereth boldy spoke his secret to her and Sharath rumbled again, head tilting to the side.

You are one of the ferrymen, then? Ameliah and Sharath knew about those rider that 'rescued' people under the pretenses of being Searched but they'd never actually met one. Lord Gansley didn't take kindly to people competing for his resources. There are many who barely see the sun, they work the mines so much.

Sharath's attention shifted to her rider then, breaking into the quiet relaxation Ameliah had settled into, Mine, they are among the ferrymen.

Ameliah sat up then, the pool sloshing, and her expression serious. She was in the mines enough to know the people worked themselves to the bone, especially the indentured ones, and it broke her heart to see people there for greed rather than passion. As a Weyrless dragon, Sharath couldn't feasibly lay claim – and nobody would believe a Gold was a search dragon – but Ameliah had heards rumours about those taken to Weyrs under pretenses of a Search. It was a deeply rooted right the Weyrs had, to take those souls their dragons considered full of promise without problem.

It was a brilliant sham, really, and suited the seedy Hold oh so well. Problem was, the riders had to be subtle about their work – Sharath didn't care but occasionally that gem-hoarding queen Gansley courted was set upon dragons if things got irritating. Ha! That's good news Sharath! Tell him I would speak to him after my bath. Somewhere quiet. The queenrider set about scrubbing herself, peeling off layers of grit and sweat and dirt – there was work to be done!

Sharath crooned sweetly, Mine wishes to speak to Yours after her bath. They have... business to discuss. Would Yours be willing to meet? There was a moment or two before she continued, If you Search, you must be sensitive to the humans. Have any stood out to you this visit?



[IC RP] Holds & Halls

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