“You said you left because you feared your cubs being too pale, Father.” Silens looked up from his rest to see Osp looking at him in confusion. Ah...of course the boy waited until they were nearing their destination to bring it up.

“We did. But we’ve no other place to go, truly, and the tales Utunosse shared of her travels speak of a changed pride. One where we needn’t fear a pale cub being mistreated if they are born pale.” The red-maned male sat himself beside his father, looking thoughtful as ever.

“We could have followed Côl. Or formed a pride of our own.” Ah, his son still didn’t truly understand. It wasn’t surprising, however.

“It is not as simple as that. I promise, you will understand once we are among others who house demons within them. Once you know the name of the demon I know you house inside.”

“But what if I’ve no demon, Father?” Oh. So that was the true worry his son had? Silens gave the boy a small smile.

“I’ve no doubt you’ve a demon, my son. I’ve seen the light in your eyes. Côl had no demon, and he knew it. Tis why he chose a different path. But you have one. I promise.” Osp fidgeted nervously, an odd habit he knew he didn’t get from either of his parents.

“I hope you are right, Father. I truly do. The place you’ve spoken of since we were small...it sounds nice. It sounds like home, in a way the mountain never was. And I want to meet the family you and Utunosse have spoken of. Both hers and yours and Mother’s. And...and perhaps the rest of my siblings have that light in their eyes, that spark you call a ‘demon’. Aside from Côl, of course.” Osp paused, then spoke again, quiet. “Can...can I visit him? Even though his path is different, he is still my brother…”

“Of course you can.” Silens shook his head at the new voice, while Osp outright startled. The Kinseeker stood not far away, small smile on her muzzle. “If needed, I can accompany whenever you choose to see him. I’ve come to know many paths across the world, thanks to my wanderings.” Never mind that their world was so much smaller than the gods’ world, according to her great-grandmother. “Make sure you speak with the pridal leaders first, however. Some things do not change between prides, including ensuring you aren’t abandoning your home.” Osp nodded, then looked again to his father.

“Do you have siblings, Father? You’ve not spoken much of your family, only your father.” He saw muscles stiffen, his father surprised by the question.

“I...I do have siblings, yes. A few full, many half. My relationship with them is…” Silens paused, frowning a bit. “Rather complicated. It is not the bond you have with your sibs, Osp. That is certain.” He would need to see which were still a part of the pride, which still lived. Perhaps....perhaps they had changed with the pride. Perhaps he could better get along with them.

“That is sad. I hope this is a chance for that to change. To not have that kind of steadiness in the world seems hard.” Silens chuckled, a sad half-smile on his muzzle.

“Ah, that was the way of the demons for a long while, my son. Especially when your parents were of two different sides of the pride, and you and your siblings took after a different side each. But if they are still with the pride, even in its rebirth...I think I should like reconnecting with them. See how time and tribulation has changed us.” Osp seemed to perk at that.

“I would love to meet them, Father.” Utunosse giggled, then wiggled the toes of a paw towards them in the strange sort of greeting-farewell she had come to call her own.

“I shall leave you two be for now. But if you ever need help seeking kith and kin out, you know where I am easily found.” The two males watched her trot off before letting out chuckles; Silens’ deep and full of restraint, Osp’s higher and full of unbridled amusement.

“Of course we would seek her help, should we need it. She is the Kinseeker.” Osp’s face was crinkled with his mirth. “She’s not let the destruction of home pile on her at all. She just keeps right on going.” Silens nodded, looking thoughtful.

“Likely because she’s already lost one home. She was born when the swamps still protected us, when the spirits saw fit for that to be our home. And with all her wanderings...I think she is a stronger soul than her frame belies. I doubt anyone will be able to challenge her claim to a demon. Not with the strength inside her, and the blood of Hakuna’jina herself running through her veins.” That confused his son, the lion turning his befuddled look on him.

“This...Hakuna’jina is a big deal?”

“She is. Was, at least, when we left the pride. She was one of the first members of the Aikanaro’hini, and a good half the pride bore her blood somehow by the time your mother and I left. She was as close to a mate for Verge’lian and his brother that one could get, and many born into the pride learned how to fight and survive from her. And Utunosse says she has wings now, which only means something saw fit to elevate her to the level of Sparda and Morifaer.” Osp looked thoughtful, nodding.

“You and Utunosse have given me much to think on, Father. I’m going to think on it. I shall see you after the next hunt?” Silens nodded, bumping his head against his son’s shoulder.

“Of course. Go think, and meditate. See where your thoughts lead you.” The younger male trotted off, leaving Silens to sigh and settle to rest for a bit. He had much to think and meditate on as well. Starting with wondering if there would truly be a place for his family in the reborn pride.

[Word Count: 1,032 according to Google Dogs]