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A Story of Personal Conquest and Rediscovery 

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Winter Specter

22,900 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:47 pm
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❄ [ x S O N Y O x RUE x ]

16 x / x E-rank x / x Hyouton x / x Evergreen

You are part of a machine, you are not a human being...
You're low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline...



_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Φ__Ⱥ я Ә__Ӌ Φ ʋ...]
Who Am I…| Sonyo Kuno Rue
How Old Am I…| 16, though I remember once being over 20 years old
What Gender Am I...| Female
When Was I Born...| December 15th, xxxx
What Are My People...| Japanese / French
What Frame Am I...| Light
How Tall Am I...| 5'3"
And How Heavy...| 125 lbs
User ImageWhat Do I Look Like...|
    I was always told I looked like my mother but I never really saw it. I think I look much more like my dad, with my dark hair and his same hazel brown eyes. I was once tall and intimidating but I am now fairly small and skinny though I do have some musculature to me.

    Sonyo has predominantly Asian features, with bits of her European decent mixed in. Standing at a fairly short five feet and three inches, with her light but slightly muscled frame, Sonyo is quite small and unassuming in stature. It doesn't help that Sonyo lacks in her sillouette, with barely any curvature in her body. The young female has quite the sleek form, despite that, with dancer's legs and toned arms. Sonyo has long slender fingers and hands, and gentle facial features. She's often remarked as adorable, with somewhat doe eyes and long lashes, often holding an innocent-type look when her face is neutral.

Where Am I From...| Yukigakure once long ago, then Otogakure, then Sunagakure. I thought Suna would be my home at last, but I found out that I have no true home
Did I Belong...| The icy winds of the Yuki clan ( Hyouton ) runs through my veins.

What Am I Like...:
    I am a broken house, who's been gutted and left with it's insides on the outside to rot away. I once wore my heart on my sleeve for the world to see and the world made me pay for it. I still find it hard to sleep and even though he's missing now, the anxiety and self doubt and anger that the shukaku brought still remains with me.

    Sonyo was once calm and gentle, but after a life of being a seasoned ninja, Sonyo became hardened and sarcastic. Becoming a jinchuriki didn't help that either, and being the host of the most monstrous one-- Shukaku --only made it worse. Sonyo has somehow remained a majority of her kindness and generosity despite all that has happened to her, but she is more cautious now of who she shows this side to. Most things in her life are approached with a certain amount of bitterness and cynicism, then drowned in sarcasm to cover her lack of self-confidence and general deep rooted anxiety and depression. Sonyo has an intense insomnia problem, both stemming from once being a jinchuriki and also a pre-existing problem with not sleeping. Sonyo is almost always in motion, fiddling or doing something, to keep her mind busy in an attempt to deal with said crippling anxiety. Now separated from the only things in her life that once made it worthwhile, Sonyo has returned to her withdrawn and frosty demeanor.

What Did I Believe In...: Once the soft and powdery snow, I am now the roaring blizzard-- if you do not fight back against life, it will shank you and then promptly kick you and laugh at you while you're down.

What Am I Good At...:
tab -----> Medical skills and knowledge
tab -----> Above average botany knowledge
tab -----> Easily emotionally displaced from situations
tab -----> Strong willed
tab -----> Resourceful
What Am I Terrible At...:
tab -----> Seems to have lost a good majority of her Eiseijutsu knowledge other than her customs
tab -----> Emotionally distant, making it hard to connect and work with others
tab -----> Crippling depression and anxiety
tab -----> A bad disposition for hermitry
tab -----> Often doubts herself and her capabilities
What Do I Fear...:
tab -----> Gaining people worth caring for again, the possible loss of said people could cripple her
tab -----> Never regaining the knowledge she lost
tab -----> Becoming useless/ a failure as a medical professional
What Era Am I From...: I was born in the Era of Madness, then grew up during the Era of Division before disappearing close to the end of the same Era
What Have I Experienced...:
    My childhood was not bad, but not good either. My mother was a harsh woman and my father a coward. During my younger years I came to care for a great deal of people, people who I lost or left me. I lived in Yukigakure for some time, along with most of my family like my cousin Hakanai. Yukigakure was quickly destroyed when I was still young though, and like most Yukigakure refugees my family fled to Otogakure where we were told we'd be "safe". I soon found out that Otogakure was just as bad, as after trying to help my fellow shinobi I was harrassed and threatened by the UHV. I left soon after with a friend of mine, and was brought to Sunagakure. Suna is... was my home, and I thought it would always be so. I fell in love, got married, adopted children-- I did good things, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. I tried. But people naturally fear that which they don't understand, so they came to fear me too. I lost everything. And then I tried to fix it and... I don't really remember? I was thrown through some sort of time-space ninjutsu and ended up here... where-ever here is..

    For most of Sonyo's young childhood ( from birth to age 8 ), she lived in the frozen world of Yukigakure; a frozen wasteland of a place. Born in to a family full of strict people, Sonyo was trained from a very young age the beauties of dance and fan usage; along with other things a woman should know how to do such a sewing and textile work. She was raised as a noble in a peasant's life, leading to a lot of conflict as to what she should be like, as she didn't like the strict ruling of her parents. The young female then, at the age of eight, immigrated with her parents to Otogakure; a land much much different than what she was used to. Snow banks and ice were replaced with swamps and mud, and it took her a long time to get used to the vastly contrasting surroundings. Of course, Sonyo entered the academy as soon as her parents arrived in the new village, as that was the reason they had moved in the first place; so that she could "become a strong and respectable ninja" instead of the failure her parents saw her as.

    Sonyo did much better at fighting than at the smaller tasks her parents had her work on since she could remember; she was better at molding ice than she was at sewing clothes, and she was better at kicking than she ever was at dancing. Of course, however, her parents continued to push on her the small tasks she had been doing previously. The young child began becoming over stressed and started to become bitter towards her parents and the world she lived in. However, when Sonyo turned 13, she met a girl who soon became one of her closest friends. The girl's name was Kinu, and she was the only person Sonyo knew to date that had the braveness to push through the blizzard that surrounded her heart. Kinu taught Sonyo patience and kindness; she taught Sonyo how to deal with anger and frustration and pain. However, later on that year, Kinu disappeared suddenly. She was never found, nor did there seem to be any rush to find the girl. It took a lot of strength, but Sonyo let it go, knowing full well that's what Kinu would have wanted her to do.

    A few years later, Sonyo graduated from the academy and became an official ninja of the hidden sound village. She vowed to herself that she would work her hardest, for both her parents, and her best friend who couldn't work beside her.

    Sonyo trained hard in preperation for her first real mission that would be given to her. She was instructed by Sgt. Justice Skelly to find the Village's Master Seamstress, who had gone missing. Early on, Sonyo was crippled by the idea that she might be too late and the female might already be dead. The female shinobi followed the trail given in the ransom note, only to happen upon the old abandoned building in the village; the only of its kind. It was here that Sonyo found not only a breathing Lady Yura, but also an operation going on under the village, invisible to those who never happened under the city. Sonyo knew her life would never be the same knowing this; her innocence to the village's inter-workings and what was going on was now shattered.. and she had a piece of knowledge that could get her killed.

    After that things only got worse for Sonyo, she had a hard time going out when suspicions began to rise about what she did that day. Someone saw her, that's for sure. Soon UHV soldiers began pestering her, asking her questions. She was absolutely terrified that she would die... so she did the only thing she could do. She got her parents out of the city and then left on foot a few weeks later, alongside her best friend Elizabeth. The two parted ways at the suna gates after having a brief confrontation with a Village ANBU. Sonyo was left to live in the village alone while Elizabeth became a rogue. The trip to Sunagakure was relatively easy, that is in till they actually arrived at the village. Masahiro Hatake saw Elizabeth in the distance, taking measures to protect Sonyo should she be attacked, and it backfired. Assuming that the two were somehow connected to the UHV, Masahiro took defensive actions only to find out that one of the young females was seeking asylum while the other was only worried about her friend. After Masahiro promised to take Sonyo to the Kazekage, Elizabeth set off to begin her life as a rouge.

    Sonyo then met Ayame, who appointed Nariomi Kaguya as her guide and mentor in till her probationary period was finished. Nari carefully guided and helped Sonyo to adjust to life in Sunagakure, even going so far as to allow the female to stay with him in his home as she was homeless upon arriving. The two spent time together and the young female couldn't stop from falling in love with him. However, after shortly confessing their feelings for eachother, Nari disappeared as he was sent of to some outerlying land for a mission. To try her best to keep her mind off the disappearance of the person she loved, Sonyo filled her days with missions and training. During this training, Sonyo met many more people, including her new sensei Theodin and the Community-Minded Woman, Bastet. After a mission to Takumi to get supplies for the mysterious woman's workshop, Sonyo became an apprentice under the woman for various artist pursuits. It was soon after this that Nari finally returned, and Soyno felt herself finally be at peace.

    That peace did not last long, as the seven-tailed beast Chomei was released upon Sunagakure. Sonyo and Nari split away from Bast to go and try to save as many people as possible. However, they were only able to evacuate the residential district before Sonyo was stabbed in the back by a young girl who she was treating. Upon hearing her injured scream, Nari too stopped evacuating citizens to rush Sonyo to the hospital. Here she was treated by another one of the Medical Shinobi of the village, Doc Nara. Despite his best efforts, Sonyo fell prey to the poison that had coated the knife that stabbed her and exploded in to a rampage. She not only destroyed a good part of the bunker but also injured a few people who were currently in the hospital before the doctors could evacuate. After a brief fight with Doc and a new arrival Manny Hyuuga, a woman by the name of Kaori stopped the attack and finally broke the trance that Sonyo had found herself in. The young female didn't take her actions well, and fell in to a small pit of depression and disappointment.

    Due to the mass of death to the village, the Kazekage threw a party meant for everyone. There was an announcement: relaxation and jolly-making were mandatory. Several of the villagers became drunk out of their mind, and fun was had all around. It was durring this party that Nari proposed to Sonyo, and she said yes. After all she had done for the village during the Choumei attack and everything she did for the village afterwards, Sonyo was also granted her Chuunin rank and thus the young woman left the village for the first time in search for her parents.

    Sonyo arrived to her destination, only to find her parents dead-- killed off by the UHV in a raid against the village they were finding sanctuary in. Sonyo made her way back to Sunagakure, enraged. She was in limbo for the following weeks, disgusted with her own weakness and her inability to save her parents. A tourney for the gennin was held, and so Sonyo ( who was one of the only high ranking shinobi in Sunagakure at the time ) attended in hopes of finally successfully helping someone. Towards the end of the Tourney, the previous host of the Shukaku which found residence in Suna lost control of his bijuu. The resulting fight found Sonyo a brand new Jinchuriki, her mental state battling with this monster that was the complete opposite of her. The Hokage, which had arrived to assist, married her and Nariomi on the spot. Despite battling shukaku, the couple of years that followed were happy years for Sonyo. She adopted two of the younger gennin of the village who were orphaned or worse, made a life with Nari, and became a successful medical professional.

    Then came the dark times, when Sonyo's control of the Ichibi began to crumble. Several times Sonyo was nearly swallowed by rage-- and the beast within her-- only her family bringing her back from the brink. The village civilians began to trust her less, she lost her job at the Sunagakure hospital after destroying it for a third time and endangering lives, and Sonyo began to find her happy dream slipping. The memories past this point are a blur, a dark and depressing blur, that Sonyo can't bring in to focus no matter what she does. She's not even sure she wants to.

    How she got to this point in time is... shaky at best. Something about a mission gone bad and a time-space ninjutsu misfiring. This incident regression Sonyo's age physically, ripped the Shukaku from her being without killing her somehow, and then tossed her in to time and space. She remembers arriving in a land that she wasn't familiar with, then getting really sick, before The Sleep took her over.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț __Ⱥ я Ә__Ӌ Φ ʋ…?]
What Was I to My Home...} In Sunagakure, I grew to become a Jounin who also became a Medical Onin
How Experienced Was I...| I was considered an S-rank Equivalent
How Do I Experience Life...|

How Do I View It...|

What Makes Me Unique Among My Peers...|
• Doraihyouton: Something special lies dormant in Sonyo, allowing her to instead make Dry Ice ( solid carbon dioxide ) instead of water ice for any Hyouton technique, causing all techniques to act one rank higher. Whether the technique uses water ice or dry ice must be decided before the move is used and cannot be changed.
• Green Thumb: Sonyo has always had a more-than-average amount of Botany knowledge due to the training her mother gave her as a child, giving her an additional 4 points ONLY towards the Herbology [ Identification ] skill
• Assailant: When using any dagger-type weapons, Sonyo's strength raises by one [1]
What Are My Limitations...|
Chakra Pool → 100
→→• Multicolored, flashing from bright pastel colors to a dark inverted spectrum with her heartbeat
→→• Floats in an aura around her like an aurora borealis that flows with her heartbeat. If one looks deeply enough to to the aurora they'll see snow gently falling
→→→• Suiton
→→→• Fuuton
Stamina Pool → 100
Archetype → Preformer
- +1 Stage [Bukijutsu or Taijutsu]
- +2 Genjutsu Slots
- +1 Proficiency Point
- +1 Skill Point
→→→Power → ☆☆
→→→Agility → ☆☆☆☆
→→→Intelligence → ☆☆☆☆
→→→Chakra → ☆☆

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț __ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә__Ӌ Φ ʋ__đ Φ ɳ Ә…]
How Much Ryo Do I Have...| 00, 000 Ryo
How Much Experience Do I Have...| 00, 000 Exp

What Have I Laid Claim To...|

What Skills Have I Learned...|
• Herbology [ Identification ] -- Tier Zero [ +4 ]
• Artistic [ Drawing ] - Tier Zero [ +1 ]
• Chemistry [ Potionmaking ] - Tier Zero [ +4 ]
• Chemistry [ Poisonmaking ] - Tier Zero [ +4 ]
• General [ Field Triage ] - Tier Zero [ +1 ]
• Gathering [ Foraging ] - Tier Zero [ +1 ]
What Am I Proficient In...|
• One Handed Light Weapons > Daggers
• Two Weapon Combat > Light & Light
What Can I Do...|
Ninjutsu → 00 // 00
Genjutsu → 00 // 00
Eisejutsu → 00 // 00
Fuinjutsu → 00 // 00
Stages of Learning [Bukijutsu] → 00 // 01
Stages of Learning [Taijutsu] → 00 // 00
Skill Points → 11 // 11 [ + 4 only for Herbology ]
Proficiency Points → 03 // 03

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț __đ Φ__Ӌ Φ ʋ__ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә…]
What Do I Carry...|

      • Unusual Dagger x2
      • Super Light Armor x1 [ Under armor ]
      • Normal Clothing
        • One Traditional Japanese Haori w/ partial detatched sleeves
        • One Traditional Japanese Hakama skirt w/ two pockets
        • One Traditional Japanese cloth belt
        • One Pair of sandals
        • Gold Hairpin w/ Hawk Feather

      • Backpack
        • Flint & Steel x5
        • Whetstone x5
        • Pencil x4
        • Pen x2
        • Cooking Pot x1
        • Camp Hammer x1
        • Mess Kit x1

      • One Person Tent x1
      • Blanket x1
      • Bedroll x1
      • Oiled Waterskin x1

What Techniques Do I Possess...|




• Runge Suibou [Lung Collapse]


▬▬┤|G e n j u t s u


▬▬┤|T a i j u t s u


▬▬┤|B u k i j u t s u

What Secrets Have I Discovered...|

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:48 am
              ... .... ... ONE FILE FOUND, PLAYBACK? tab Y / N

              tab tab tab tab PLAYING CIVILIANINTERVIEW.WAVE


          My name is Sonyo Kuno Rue; I once had many nicknames but can lo longer remember any of them
          I seem to have been returned to the same physical state as I was when I was sixteen, though I was once over the age of twenty.

          I stand at five feet-three inches, and I seem to weight about 125 pounds.

          Once my husband told me I was beautiful, a few of my friends too. But I still hold my ground that I am very plain despite my japanese and french bloodlines. I am quite skinny, despite having a dancer-like physique, with a slight musculature, and a very unassuming silhouette. I do not have a great figure, in fact I am missing most curves girls my age have. I was told once by a friend of mine that I look very innocent when my face is resting, and I can be quite graceful in my movements. I have dark brown hair and hazel-brown eyes that sometimes look caramel or even somewhat red in certain lights. I like to dress conservatively, often donning traditional Japanese attire like my mother taught me to wear when I was very young.

          I was once very gentle, kind, and maybe even serene; but like has been unkind to me. I'm often very withdrawn from most people, opting to keep a distance. I have problems with insomnia, anxiety and depression; and often cover said problems with a stand-offish demenor or hide it with sarcasm. I've been told in more recent years that I can be bitter and cynical, though after all I've been though... how could I not be? I find that I like to stay constantly animated, often fiddling with things-- even sometimes subconsciously. Like most of my clan, I give off a frosty air like my heart or maybe my even soul is made of ice.

          I once believed that that everything in life should be approached with kindness in til proven otherwise, but I have now learned that it is dangerous to live with your heart on your sleeve. I now believe that life is inherently hard, and will always kick you when you're down. The only way to survive is to always prepare and expect the worst to happen. Otherwise, life will tear you apart and spit you back out.

          I've been told my talents come in both my medical prowess and my botany knowledge. Also that I'm extremely strong willed and-- due to my intelligence --very resourceful. Due to more recent events, I also have no trouble emotionally distancing myself from situations.

          I am not quiet about my weaknesses, being narcissistic only gets you killed. I seem to have lost a good majority of my Eiseijutsu knowledge when I was thrown through time and space, and I have a hard time learning new techniques. It's hard for me to connect with my comrades because I don't like emotional bonds. As you can probably come to the conclusion yourself, my crippling anxiety and depression negatively effect me on a normal basis. I have a habit of defaulting to a hermit-like state and I have really serious self-doubt and self-esteem issues.

          What Era was I in...? What sense does that make- oh. Oh okay. Hm. Well from this guide it seems I was born in the Era of Madness, then lived in the Era of Division. These are really strange names for Eras.... Hm, it seems I also disappeared during that same Era, if these dates are correct.



Winter Specter

22,900 Points
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Foolhardy Benefactor 500
  • Battery 500


Winter Specter

22,900 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:44 pm
[ Combat data ]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:45 pm
[ Skills & Data ]


Winter Specter

22,900 Points
  • Rat Conqueror 500
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Winter Specter

22,900 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:47 pm
[ Inventory ]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:48 pm
[ Jutsu & Techniques ]


Winter Specter

22,900 Points
  • Rat Conqueror 500
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Winter Specter

22,900 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:49 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:50 pm
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Winter Specter

22,900 Points
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Foolhardy Benefactor 500
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Winter Specter

22,900 Points
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  • Battery 500
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:01 pm
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