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(( The Rain Ceremony binds two souls together in marriage forever. There is no divorce or separation in this pride. Thus, the Rain Ceremony keeps two souls bound forever. The Rain represents love, how it is the lifeblood of marriage. The earth needs rain to survive, as does love to a union.

We will try to do this one pair at a time. A pair will approach Skan. They will need something to exchange with one another, whether it be a feather, a flower/leaf, or something similar. Skan will take each gift, bless it, and offer it to the other. Thus, they will be united. Then the pair should leave together, so I'm asking for at least two posts for you guys. <3

This is also a good time to renew such vows, as it renews the excitement of love! (*bricked*)

Please try to post together if possible. There will be no 'closed' time, at least until the festival is over completely. ))

Pending re-write