Ela'wadiyi Announcement: Divorce

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It's finally time for the Ela'wadiyi to open up to the idea that marriage may not always be forever. While this is a boon to the players, it will be regarded as a necessary evil within the pride for some time yet. You as a player may have no other option to salvage a character but for your character, this would be a big decision that is contrary to something fundamental to their culture.

IC Development

The first lions to ever officially gain the rights to a divorce in the Ela'wadiyi are Madoa Waya (Ecavi) and Sado (Safaia). To the Wolf Clan, Madoa is well known as an eccentric lioness (Seen here, gathering flowers for unstated but specific purpose and mostly ignoring a stranger) whose affection and interest in her family comes in waves (Seen here, refusing her mate flowers for their daughters), waves that have been becoming increasingly rare. The relationship between these two lions was an accident, caused by a carefree, thoughtless Ela'wadiyi getting pregnant by a stranger unaware of their customs in a bout of cheerful lucidity that made her rather likable.

Their union produced some strong members of the Wolf Clan, and they are the grandparents of the current nvwati and alu'nadi but really, everybody has always known that their marriage was a perfect example of what happens when you make such decisions carelessly. That their relationship finally opens the eyes of the wanidatsi to the necessity of divorce will surprise nobody who lives or ever lived in the Wolf Clan.

ICly, Sado was caught cheating on his wife with an NPC. When confronted with this knowledge, Madoa shrugged it off, admitting that she has never been faithful herself. Because of the public nature of this whole incident, it prompted a discussion between nvwati and wanidatsi where the decision was made to allow couples to separate.

Needless defense of my terrible character, by Ecavi: Madoa was originally inspired by Wile E. Coyote, as a way to make her interesting, silly and fun. Instead of growing out of it, she got worse and I accidentally made her rather.. schizophrenic. Since realizing that, she's been nearly impossible to play because of how gross and disrespectful it feels. So she's just an unplayed background character in the Wolf Clan now.

OOC Consequences

While Madoa & Sado are the perfect catalyst for making the strict pride realize there are situations when separation is necessary, a relationship does not need to be that bad to divorce! OOCly, you may now separate any Ela'wadiyi couple for any reason you may have: if a player has left Gaia or SoA, if you no longer get along, if you've plotted yourself into a hole.. whatever!

However, there are IC/OOC consequences to this decision.

Consequence: 12 month marriage & breeding ban. Divorced lions may not remarry or breed in the year following separation from their mate. This is an OOC consequence to reflect the IC seriousness of the decision and the resulting shame/scorn a character may be subject to. ** this applies to characters and not their players! **

Consequence: Changing clans. If a male moved clans to be with his mate, he will return to his birth clan unless the marriage resulted in children. A lion may choose to return to his birth clan or stay with his children (but will still be required to change clans if he remarries into another). If partners were already part of the same clan, including characters who joined the pride to be with their mate, they will both stay where they are.

Restriction: Partners cannot divorce until all offspring are adolescent or older. This is now the only situation in which partners may not separate. Both parents are expected to take responsibility for their offspring! Any lions who produce cubs are still considered married and will be subject to the same marriage/breeding ban as any other couple if they separate. Flings are still absolutely not tolerated!

Restriction: Abuse of the divorce system may see your lion evicted. Any lions, male or female, who take advantage of the system could face eviction. Marriage is still a sacred rite in the Ela'wadiyi and separation is a serious matter. Being unlucky in love is not a crime, but treating your marriage(s) or divorce(s) disrespectfully is frowned upon. A flippant attitude will not be tolerated. ** this applies to how a character is played, tread carefully if you don't want your character getting into trouble **