It was restlessness that saw the black and blue lioness leave her pride lands. Jupe was far too used to travelling, and even after a time spent in her new pride she couldn't escape the urge to leave. The stormborn were a strong pride, one she was proud to be a part of. But they were also rowdy, and by the gods they were loud. One annoyance after another seemed to be tossed her way that day. If she hadn't planned an excursion for herself, Jupe probably would have throttled a thrall.

The right to leave was truly valuable, and having earned it through her first raid she saw no reason why not to use it. The raid had gone well enough, but she did have to wonder how she would handle something more challenging. Capturing other lions, enslaving them? It was one thing to see the thralls back home, but to take part in capturing them was something else. Maybe it was because she wasn't born into the pride that the concept settled with her differently. She wasn't raised in the culture, and instead had to adapt to it, mold herself to it so that these things were okay with her.

Honestly, Jupe did enjoy how easy life was with the thralls around. All she had to do was refuse to look them in the eyes and think about how low their position was in life. They should have been stronger - they should have been warriors to earn their right amongst the bold and the strong.

It was getting early in the day, the sun cresting over the horizon. She had been walking for quite some time now. Her muscles ached in a way that was satisfying to her. The black lioness jumped up on top of the nearest boulder to get a better look of her surroundings. She saw him then, and if it had been night time she would have missed him entirely.

Jupe was content to ignore the lion, mostly because she didn't want to bother herself with conversation after spending an entire night trying to escape it. But, then she made eye contact with the dark lion - or at least she was pretty sure she had.

Crap, that had better not be taken as an invitation to come near. "You should move along, big guy like you, it'll take you a while to get anywhere," she grumbled. Now, Jupe was making a few assumptions here, but she wasn't going to take any risks. Barely open hostility was Jupe's specialty.

Daijur likely wouldn't have cared if the black and blue lioness had kept her jowls shut - he rarely did find himself moved from the absolute apathy he felt toward most mortals in existence. His life was a solitary one and always had been but after another, peculiar visit from the creature his mother had become, he was finding that small thread of agitation his father had gifted him creeping along his spine and settling somewhere between his great shoulders.

It was an unfortunate day to start slinging unwarranted insults his way.

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut lest you want someone to shut it for you."

The retort was quick and not at all grumbled, spoken clean and clear as he stopped short and brought himself to a full height. Daijur was under no false illusion as to who he was - the son of Darkness, a year's luck off of being born a God. His mother now ruled the domain of all that was Light and followed him wherever his paws fell. His strength was not only in his own flesh and blood but in her peculiar, obsessive love. There was little in the world that he feared, least of all a loud mouth with flashy colors.

"You've no idea who you're speaking to."

"Ah, and you're oh so strong enough that you can make me?" she cooed at him, her voice taunting. Jupe should know better than to pick fights with other lions, but she had been in no mood to have her own peace disturbed. The lioness jumped down from the boulder she had perched herself up on, walking over towards Daijur with a confident swagger. Her confidence was a little unwarranted - her pride was nowhere near her, and Daijur was massive in comparison to her. If they did end up having a spat, the odds were not in Jupe's favor.

"No, you're wrong there," she chastized. "You're no one special, just another rogue lion who doesn't know how to take a hint and screw off." These types of lions always managed to get under her skin. She supposed he would go off on some speil about how he was a son of a king, and that his inheritance was a rich kingdom with strong warriors and beautiful females. But that wasn't who he was. Right now he was a lion alone in the rogue lands, just that, nothing more.

"So, if you think you're hot stuff, go ahead and make me shut up. But if I've read you correctly, and mind you my judgement is fairly good, you won't - because you can't."

The dark rogue had seen her like a thousand times before, all talk, all fuss, with a sharp tongue and dull senses. As she dropped down from her boulder he didn't budge or flinch, not even as she sauntered toward him with all the confidence she could muster plastered cleanly across her smug little face.

"You've got a lot to say, don't you?"

The closer she got, the more clear the differences in their size were. There wasn't a soul apart from a god or their child that ever came close to him in sheer mass and there were few besides that ever matched him in strength. He knew who he was, he didn't have to tell her that Roho's blood ran thick in his veins. He didn't have to tell her that he was a scion of the gods that ruled this earth. He didn't have to tell her one little thing.

He might show her, though.

The lines of his muscles went taught at the challenge in her voice and his jaw set tight, making the peculiarly sharp, large lower canines protrude above his scowl. Those blood red eyes were locked onto her, the only thing about him that wasn't as dark as his father's shadows, and they spared her not one second thought.

He wasn't really a talker, himself.

In an instant he flashed forward, bounding with all the strength his parentage afforded him to close the gap between them, carrying himself forward with the momentum he built with his mass. There was a low growl between his clenched teeth as the distance narrowed, growing louder as his teeth parted to snap at her neckline. He rather hoped she was fast enough to turn tail and run without getting caught - he did loathe cleaning blood out of his cloak.

It was quick reflexes that saved her from his jaws. Jupe twisted herself away just in time - she could feel the breath pushed forward from the snap of his jaws. Daijur had moved quickly and with intent, so much that she was convinced if she hadn't tried to dodge, he'd have run her over or worse. Any lion with common sense would of fled, but she refused. Jupe was no coward - she was a reaver, she had proven her prowess and her worth time and time again.

She would not run.

But... maybe she would think twice about riling Daijur.

The lioness growled as she took a step back. It was just enough distance to give her time to react if he came at her again. She may not have even have half of Daijur's strength, but she wasn't completely stupid. If he acted, Jupe would have enough time to do something about it and save her own skin.

White teeth flashed a warning that next time she wouldn't dodge, next time there would be blood on both ends. "Not bad, for a lion with such a short fuse." Sucking in a quick, short breath, she tried to calm herself. But, she couldn't shake off the anxiety that his charge had caused. It wasn't a bad anxiety, this paranoia and worry over another assault. Rather, it was a little exciting.

"I've been in a few scraps before, so if you try it again, don't think you'll be unscathed."

It was... sort of an odd peace offering, if Daijur could even tell it was that.

A dark smirk pulled itself across his mug but there was little kindness to be found in the blood red eyes above it. It was funny to him that she dared call him a short fuse and he might have remaked on it, had he cared enough to point a paw at her bullshit. He certainly hadn't been the one that interrupted her.

What an absolutely territorial fool.

He brought his momentum to a hault and turned to fac her again, having caused the zebra's pelt to shift on his shoulders so that the skulls dug into the thick of his over large mane.

"I've little concern for you, girl. Stop picking fights you won't win."

As always, Daijur didn't bother to mince words. He was straight and to the point, fierce and blunt and honest. There was a simplicity in life when one lived it without superflouous threats and showy bouts of over confidence. She had doubted him and he had proved his willingness to spread her guts across the earth - a simple answer to a simple threat. If he'd been less appalled by her ego he might have found it a welcome distraction from his rogue's life.

"I don't scrap. I fight until someone dies and I'm clearly still here. I don't know if I'm just too close to whatever fool hardy pride you're from or what but I'm passing through. Leave me alone and I won't show you your insides.

Got it?"

The insult had her grinding her teeth. Girl. She was not some petulant cub he had to tolerate. But, she knew the likelihood of her surviving a fight with this lion was slim. Yeah, she could do some damage, but his intent had been clear. He really would kill her if he was inclined towards it.

Feeling restless, she began to pace around him, not so much to trap him in one place, but to be ever so ready for a potential assault. "That you are," she agreed, her words far more careful now that she was aware of what he could do. "But I am here as well, and I may not have your strength, or that large thick mane to protect my neck. Yet, I thrive, and I survive. So don't discount me as some weakling you can scare off or maim without retaliation."

Blue eyes focused on Daijur, watching his every move, reading his body language. "You're not far from the Myrsky Syntnyt," Jupe informed him. It wasn't like he had exactly asked for what pride was nearby, but she was trying to talk him down a little from his murderous intent. "I'm surprised you haven't seen any roaming groups from them, since we are so close by. They're a warrior pride, so best be on your guard. Even with your strength, you would fall to them. Everything falls to them."

The way she was circling him was annoying but rather than twist himself and let her put him into a position of constant shifting, he remained still, listening for the sound of her paws as they crunched over the grass beneath them. It was her words that meant more to him anyway. The Myrsky Syntnyt. He would have been foolish not to have lived so long as he had without hearing whispers of the prides that aggressed against others.

"The Stormborn," he answered, then lifted his head so that his nose could catch the wind, as if he half expected to smell the scent of their warriors where he hadn't before. It was habit and a wise one. The cautious lion kept his intestines where they belonged.

His ominous eyes flickered towards the horizon and then back to her as she came into view again. She alone had not made him second guess his intentions but the words she spoke absolutely did. Rogue or not, he didn't particularly feel like incurring the wrath of a pride that was so well known for its fighting prowess. It would have been as foolish as dancing with a Firekin.

"Numbers have the advantage, I'm no fool."

Of course, he was curious, beneath all that apathy. He didn't know their name from ignoring the whispers of those he encountered.

"What is their purpose?"

There was still a feeling of uneasiness lingering - Jupe just couldn't bring herself to settle down. Her pride wasn't there to back her up if things took a bad turn. She was all she had to rely on, and Jupe never let herself down. "Does it matter?" the lioness asked, the question oddly genuine.

She shook her head, the electric blue tuft of hair shifting out of her eyes. Finally, she seemed to force herself to come to a stop. The dark lioness sat back a couple of yards away from him. If she was going to keep him calm, she supposed she would have to settle down herself. She talked now because he wanted answers, and she was inclined to give them. "They're a pride who has become habituated to the ease of taking what they want. Females, food, land - if their opponent is weak enough to be stolen from then they practically deserve it. I'm not even sure there is a true purpose to it, they're just good at what they do."

Jupe spoke as if she wasn't one. There just wasn't any point in announcing it. The fact wouldn't change anything about his actions or intentions. If anything did end up happening to her, the pride was too far away to do anything about it. She supposed that was what she got for leaving on her own. "As long as you stay out of the way, you'll be fine... Even one on one, I'm not sure you could beat one of their reavers. They do accept challengers, I hear. If you can best one of their own they accept you into the pride. It's why their numbers are truly a frightening amount." Not like he could succeed in that, or would even want to. He may be a big lion, but she had seen more ferocious reavers than he could imagine.

The burly male rolled his shoulders in a shrug that was barely noticeable beneath the over-thick mane that shrouded his face and neck. It did matter to him to know what he made those that might wish him harm tick - it was easier to device tactics or elude them when there was somewhat that he knew they wanted. Unfortunately, it seemed that they wanted everything and Daijur was hard pressed to blame them.

"Strength rules the world, if they've that power then they deserve it."

There was little change in his expression as he considered her and what she told him for another long moment. He liked a challenge and he liked getting what he wanted - would he not have been suited for such a place? There was a pointed flick of his tail, like a whip through the air behind him, as he stood in silence. Again, his eyes drifted away from her where she sat at a distance and out to the horizon, doing his best to judge where these lions might be. He'd made no decision yet but he was intent on hanging around close until he did.

Just, maybe, not letting this foolish lioness know that would be a good idea, though.

"I'll keep my distance. Stay out of my way."

And without so much as a pleasant goodbye or a thank you for the warning, he turned and began to head in whatever direction was opposite of her. He would find somewhere to hunker down for the night or the next couple of days and then if he still felt intrigued, maybe he would seek them out.
