Haikimono Yuki & Natalya Phailizard

Yuki's Breedings
Yuki's Journal
Yuki's Plot Thread
(click on Yuki's plot thread to go to the main thread)

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Yuki & Phail

What we're looking for;

  • Short/medium RPs with an ultimate goal. If longer stories are needed they may be broken up into smaller chunks. (I'm trying to cut down on the risk of my attention span defeating me.)
  • Story oriented, not stat gain oriented RP.
  • -Triggers right here- Seathi and seathi/nixie crosses who are willing to be hunted, captured, escapees, near misses, allies, dinner, infatuated, injured, killed, fighters, ect... While we intend for this killer duo to be ultimately successful in their long term goals no story will ever go further or result in anything more than the parties involved are ok with.
  • Your plots! Have something you need a villain for? So long as it fits, I'm open!
  • Breedings! Yuki is not opposed to seducing seathi/nixie if it will help lure them back to her mate and is open to breedings with those she's targeting. If your fishie (or other) isn't open for RP that's ok! Plot based or random breedings are acceptable so long as you are ok with the children being involved in Yuki & Phail's plot.