Tadmor had been watching his mate from the sidelines as she had won her second match. Both lions had come together as rogues but in past lives where they had been apart of prides they had both taken the profession as a type of guard for their pride. Despite Tadmor also being skilled in combat he had to admit he was very impressed with his mate and felt that the better of the two had competed in the festival.

Hisse had a bounce in her step as she approached her mate. She had a grin ear to ear on her maw. It was clear to Tadmor that she was quite pleased with her self and Tadmor had to agree that he was also pleased with her.

"Did you see ? Did you see ~?" She was almost sing song in her playful tone. Tadmor couldn't help but laugh.

"I'd have to be blind not to see. You won another round," He met her forehead with his own and the two folded up together in to a cuddle pile. "I am quite impressed and proud but you should probably take it down a notch maybe. The joy I mean. This is only a friendly light spar."

"Well of course it is a friendly spar. I see no reason why I can't always be a tad bit joyous." She sighed, "But I know. I am not gloating in the least. I am merely just happy that things are going well. There are some tough lions in this contest and I am happy to be competing among them."

"Well you did good." Tadmor mumbled, "Sorry I didn't mean to diminish your victories."

"Oh I know." Hisse was still smiling, "You're fine. I know what it is that you meant and I have to agree. You're fine."

Tadmor was never sure how Hisse had a smile that seemed to not end. It usually came out when she was having fun and this festival seemed to pull the cub from deep inside her heart. Tadmor was happy to see it and it only made him feel closer to her. It was good to see that the two of them were welcomed with in this pride as Tadmor was sure this was where he wanted to start a family with his beautiful mate.

"Well I am sure you'll keep it up. Even if you lose I believe you'll give them a hell of a time." Tadmor smiled him self. It was infectious he had to admit but it wasnt something he minded much.

"Well I am glad you think so. I'll do my best to keep this up but boy these fighters sure are tough." The lioness let out a sigh, "You'll still love me even if I lose?"

"Well I never said that." Tadmor had a cartoonish judgmental look upon his face. Hisse had a playfully hurt look on her own face.

"What ... so you're saying you wouldn't love me if I lost? I thought I found a good guy. Guess you're all the same~" She couldn't help but be playful. It was part of why Tadmor loved her so much.

"Well ya." Tadmor stuck his tongue out.

"You're so cruel Tadmor.... So cruel. Guess I better find some one else .." She was mock about to leave when powerful forearms gripped her tightly.

"Nooooooo," Tadmor whined. "Nooooo don't go. I was kidding. Uncle. Uncle. I give I give!" He really was upset at the idea of her leaving.

"Well good. I'll stay I suppose," She was proud of her self for getting such a reaction out of Tadmor. He wasn't some one who would beg so easily for anyone else but for her he'd do almost anything. It was a nice thing to keep in the back of her mind but at the same time it was nothing that Hisse would ever exploit. She truly did love Tadmor even if he was a goober.

"Phew... You had me worried," Tadmor gave a sigh of relief. Of course he knew his mate would never leave him for real but the idea of her getting up when they were in a comfortable cuddle pile really made him sad. Partly because he was warm and he didn't want the warm spot to get cold. He wasn't about to tell this to Hisse out of fear she might try to get up again which he'd have to whine again about. It was best to leave his maw shut at a time like this for cuddles.

"Glad to hear your brain is working correctly to be worried. You had me worried that maybe it broke for a moment," Hisse's grin was now mocking. "Of course I will stay. It'd be cold if I got up.." She had been brave enough to say what Tadmor was thinking and the male couldn't be more pleased with her bravery and her bluntness.

"I love you so much you know that," He nuzzled her more giving any lion around the two a sickingly sweet sight that may have been too much for some.

"I love you too but you're being so embarrassing right now in front of everyone. We don't know them THAT well yet ," Hisse giggled. "Save some for private. Geeeez. What a jerk~"

"Oh yeah... Sorry it's hard not to love on you in public. I'll stop." He didn't have the guts to let go of Hisse though. He didn't want to let go. He wanted to lay there with the two of them joined in the warmest cuddle ever.

It was Hisse who broke free though giving her mate a wishful look, "I gotta get back to the side lines. I AM competing after all. " She gave him a sad look that was more sincere. "We can cuddle more in private later. Save me some of that for later."

"Oh... "Tadmor was mock sad, "Okay I see how it is. You rather have violence than love."

"Oh hey now," Hisse laughed. "Shut up you idiot."

"Noted," Tadmor smiled. "See you after okay. I'll be cheering you on."

With that the brown lioness turned her back and headed back towards the festival.

word count : 1034