Myn:Balthier was too tired to go to the new master's den. Yawning loudly, he followed the path he had been directed to go on, not ready for the day to start. But then, he never really was. His previous master had been a male. It was rather... unfortunate. Manipulating, flirting, and simply having a beauty to look at from day to day was impossible with that guy. He hoped this new one was a female. When he approached the den he was told to go to, he sat outside patiently. I shouldn't think about disturbing him. Or her. Hopefully a her. his thoughts trailed off as he stared up at the starry sky. It was brightening up rather quickly. And as much dedication his status as a sador required... he was just not dedicated to patience. Growing bored rather quickly, he gave up the stiff posture and slumped to the ground. He didn't want to remain standing. A few seconds more ticked by, birds were beginning to chirp. His eyes narrowed. Well, hopefully the new master wasn't too mean. He was about to be disobedient. "Hello?" he called loudly, cheerfully, and inched towards the den entrance on his belly. He was quite ready to peek in. He wondered how scandelous it would be. The thought pasted a silly grin on his mouth.

Felyn: It wasn't in Makri's nature to settle down, not really, but she had to admit that she wouldn't always be as spry and quick as she felt now. Planning for the future was important - Do'al had driven that home time and time again as they wandered, sewing the seeds of chaos in their wake. Her decision to settle hadn't surprised him but he had declined her invitation to follow. He knew where she was and he would linger close just in case he had need of her particular set of skills, he had promised. This pride, at least, suited her tastes. Without the need to travel, she had grown fond of sleeping late. She felt better fed and her coat was better kempt than she could ever recall. It didn't do a thing to diminish the ghastly mask that marred her face and she was alright with that - it was better to let everyone know just who they were dealing with at a glance. She was exactly who her heritage portrayed her to be. "Hold your tongue," came the snappish reply from within the darkness. It was a few moments still before she emerged, lazily dragging her legs in a stretch that said she had only just woken - and, perhaps, that he had woken her. For a wonder, the snapping tone was the only thing she felt like scolding him with. For now. Dark brows furrowed as she narrowed her eyes upon him, making a half circle around his pale form to judge him up close. She hadn't known what to expect when they told her he would be attending her, she was neither surprised nor let down, really. "What's your name?"

Myn: The snap that came from within had him stopping his slow crawl to the den, eyebrows raising. Strict. But.... did his ears mistake him? His grin was slow to come back but it came back surely. Picking himself up from the ground, he waited by the entrance for a form to follow that voice. Balthier was fairly close to rocking on his feet with impatience. The suspense was killing him. Not literally, of course. He would never state anything was killing him out loud. With how this pride was, someone may just make it a literal rather than allowing it to remain figuratively. It was hard to stop his glee when the lioness emerged. A lioness. Female. And though she looked dark, harsh, with very cruel looking markings, it didn't matter. He was used to dark lions and lionesses. His old master was a dark lion himself. But that master was a male. This one was a female. Which made things all the more exciting. Smirking, he hooded his eyes and bowed lowly to the lioness. He chanced a quick glance up at her while his face was near the ground, grinning to himself. He nearly hummed in pleasure but restrained himself. "Balthier, mistress," he told her smoothly, before straightening. His eyes slowly roamed over her. He was probably being too blatant, being too disrespectful. But really, it was a lucky day for him. Only Sador women gave him a second glance. This dark beauty would have to give a second glance. Afterall, he was there to serve her. "And yours?" he practically purred. Not that he could use it, without permission. Or would need to know it. But he wondered how far he could get. She was new to the pride, right?

Felyn: "Balthier," she repeated, tasting the name on her tongue and committing it to memory. There were few pride members she knew by name though many she had come to know by sight. His, she knew, was an important one - even if he was not terribly important by pride law, he was hers. The notion was at once strange and thrilling. Do'al would have been terribly amused. "It's Makri, but you would do well to keep your jowls shut on it. I don't like others to know anything I don't tell them." The warning was pointed, punctuated by a whip of her tail behind her. Tolerant as she was in the moment, there was naught about her that suggested she was a timid lady or that she would tolerate transgressions. Of course, the fact that he was so at ease in his skin in such a pride, in such a station, went far with her. There were few in the world that stared their own shackles in the face with a grin like the one plastered across his mouth. Maybe he just hadn't been broken, yet. "How long have you been here, Balthier?" It was apparent that they wouldn't be leaving any time soon. She sat neatly down where she stood, all wound muscles and rigid lines. She meant to weasel every ounce of information out of him that she could.

Myn: Balthier blinked, nodding on habit. Well, she certainly wasn't a weak welp. The demand from her den was clear enough. Quickly, he replaced his look of surprise with a wry smile. "Yes, mistress," he purred, though he wondered what she would do if he disobeyed. He was far from a masochist; he really didn't like some of the consequences he got in the past. He deserved it, he knew. But he didn't like them. He glanced at her whipping tail briefly before turning his eyes back to hers. Following her posture, he also sat, tilting his head back as he considered her question. It wasn't hard to answer such a question. He could simply tell her the truth. It wasn't like he had to recall something difficult. He just felt like being a brat and taking his time answering her. Feel around and test the waters. If he was going to serve her, may as well know where the boundaries are. Of course, he was told that he should just be meek and obedient. But that life sounded boring. "I was born here, mistress. I don't think I would have purposely come to this place if it meant I would have to be a sador," Balthier told her dryly, finally looking down to look at her. He decided to test her leniency once again. "Where have you come from?" he tried.

Felyn: There was another twitch of her tail, a tell-tale sign of impatience as he took his time answering her question. If he'd opted for silence much longer she might have driven her point home at the tip of a claw but he spoke up without more prodding and his answer, at least, satisfied. At least he was loyal to his pride. There was something to be said for that. Too, it meant she could ply him for more information - customs, rules, obligations. Even a sador knew more than a rogue and if she meant to make a place for herself here, to truly thrive, she would need the knowledge he held. "You're very open for a sador, my pet." She called his folly with a stony face, then let it spread to a smirk only made more wicked by the harsh lines of her markings. "Don't misjudge me. Just because I was not born to this pride does not mean I am kinder than those who have come before me. I am from a place far, far from here and I am exiled from my lands, along with my entire family. That's all you need to know." Where they had seen weakness, they had exploited it, and damned their entire heritage in the action.

Myn: Her pet? Well... it wasn't exactly insulting. And coming from her, it was even a bit thrilling. But... it was different. His eyes did narrow a bit, trying to guess her ploy. His smile had faltered, rather unsure. And, as she continued speaking, it was hard to gain back. He stared at her, thoughts running. So. She was exiled along with her family. Was it her fault? Her family's fault? What sort of family? What place? He didn't know much of the lands outside of Aegnor'hini. He had never stepped foot outside the pride in his life. But... he did sneak glances at bits of information recorded and a loose tongue in the company of a sador wasn't unheard of. Sadors were just servants, afterall. Not mistreated but far from being viewed as equal. What did one care about what was said in front of a sador? It was still not enough to get a decent idea of who his new mistress was. Not that he cared, much. Sure, he knew plenty of idle gossip but he wasn't one to indulge in that sort of chatter. Bringing back his grin, he once again ducked low into a deep bow. Yes, mistress. As you wish, mistress," he replied breezily, before straightening up. "I hope to become of use to you," he added, hoping to gain her favors. "What would you like to do today?"

Felyn: The hope he gave voice to made her laugh, soft and low, though it pulled her jowls into - well, not quite a smile, but a smirk at least. "I hope you do too, Balthier." She stretched her front legs long and flexed the dark, sharpened claws as she did. Then she simply pulled herself back up to stand, beginning a walk and whole heartedly expecting him to follow. "I won't put up with uselessness." The words sounded a mix somewhere between threat and jest, though it would have been unwise to make a bet on which. Her paws found the path from her cave and began to head in no particular direction, just away, slow and easy as she waited for him to fall in line behind her. "I think we'll start with a tour, hm? Born and raised here, you know this place better than I do - so start being useful."

Myn: She was a very strong woman. At least, personality-wise. Balthier didn't doubt she had the strength and experience to back up. There was a sort of... dark past lingering behind those eyes. Whether or not he will be privvy about that past depended on how much he can get her to trust him. Not that he needed to know her past, really; there was no one to tell the information to and he'd rather not be maimed. But, it would help understanding his new mistress. Smiling to himself, he followed after the dark lioness. It was thrilling, this new bond. Necessity and culture was what had him becoming Makri's sador. But there was a confidence and readiness that led him to believe that there was to be a lot of excitement as long as he stuck with her. Whether for better or for worse. Whichever the outcome, he found himself on his toes in anticipation, wanting to be a firsthand witness to the events that were bound to unfold around his mistress. "I won't disappoint you, mistress," he purred, walking beside her though a step behind. As a sador, it was his job to be a servant. As Balthier, he knew being subservant in even body language and mannerism would get him far with favors and biasism. "I know the place quite well," he assured, giving her a smirk. "Lead the way, mistress, and I will be happy to show you your new home," Balthier purred.

Felyn: Although he had been born and raised as a servant in these lands, even Makri could tell that he had not been broken into their ways as much as she might have guessed. The smirk on his lips told her he wasn't afraid, not even of a lioness who admitted to treason and treachery, and that purr in his tone was borderline pleasure. She supposed he could take joy out of his class, it was possible, but she thought not. He just wasn't afraid. The dark markings that pulled her face into a scowl seemed at home, all at once, though he wouldn't have seen it with her back to him. If she gave him an inch, she had no doubt he would take a mile. Luckily, she had ample experience with putting males in their place - this was only the first time that it was actually socially acceptable to do so. Maybe it wouldn't be today but, of a surety, the first time he stepped a toe over the line instead of just insinuating - her scowl settled into an amused smirk, just for herself, at the thought. "You can't promise not to disappoint me, Balthier," she tossed a wicked glance over her shoulder at him as she settled into a pace, "you have no idea what my expectations are. I'm sure you'll learn quickly." At that, she laughed, soft and cold beneath her breath with a flick of her tail to accent the sound, then led the way out from her cave and towards the thick of the pride.

(w.c.: 2,381)