Aukai Oceansoul
Sorry for taking so long to start! Takes place shortly after announcement that Western is opening its clutch to HR candidates.

Rinis couldn't wait to finish her chores. She rushed through them as much as she dared. Word was all over the weyr, and she wanted to go talk to her friend about the news. The candidate couldn't believe that Western had decided to open up this clutch to High Reaches Weyr candidates.

She was excited for this clutch. However, it was hard to image standing beside candidates not from Western for the dragons. If anyone knew the scoop, she was positive L'saen would. With her chores finally finished, Rinis scuttled out. When a quick check at the lower caverns didn't reveal her friend, she sent Chaek looking. Hoping the brown would find him quickly if he wasn't busy. Rinis grabbed a quick bowl of soup as she waited.