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The tree ceremony was once again approaching, which of course meant that she had been in the pride for a year. She and her pink sister had joined the ela’wadiyi so that they could have a home, and home they were. It was a wonderful place full of lions who helped one another. They had been made to feel welcome in the sky clan. It was their home. Still after being here for a whole year she was feeling reminiscent of the rogue lands and so without her sister she had hoofed it to the border of the prides lands and now here she sat, on her own, looking out. It was silly, very silly, she wasn’t sad about not being out there, perhaps not exploring was a slight irritation but the pride they had joined was so full of new things that she couldn’t possibly miss the lonely world they used to live in.

Settling herself on to her stomach the lavender coloured lioness closed her eyes. It was foolish to feel alone, it was silly to want to leave, she felt at home here and she had long decided there was no greater place than here. This was home and she was comfortable and safe and she knew her sister was too. Adventure awaited but that adventure was behind her in the comfortable den that she and her sister shared here in this pride.

Porphorios had been born in a pride of brightly coloured lions, his coat had been average there. When he grew to an adolescent he did as all male lions before him did, he left. This was partly by choice and partly because that was the tradition of his pride. There was only one lord there and he was not it. Several of his siblings had left without any question, he was one of them. He wanted to explore, he wanted to see the world. He didn’t want to be a ruler, he didn’t want to challenge his father for the throne so he had left gladly.

Of course travelling the rogue lands was lonely, sure you bumped in to others sometimes but most of the time it was a singular existence. he had been travelling long enough to have passed through several different prides, none of which had tempted him to stay. He’d passed through a couple of less than friendly prides too and gotten a few cuts and bruises. Scuffles were part and parcel of a wandering rogue.

He had been on the border of a pride for a few days now. He knew it was a pride by the scent on the breeze. There were many lions here, many, many lions from the smell of it. Of course saying it was purely because of smell was silliness he had asked a passing avian what the place was. The Ela’wadiyi was apparently a friendly pride, a pride that had been long established and welcomed strangers in to its borders.

He really didn’t expect much. He had been thinking of crossing in to the pride but having not met anyone on the border yet he was slightly worried maybe the bird had been wrong. He was just pondering this when he caught movement. Movement of fur and not just blown by the gentle breeze that passed over him. This was something living, something larger than a bird though definitely smaller than him and a lot less hairy. A lioness. He smiled brightly and turned his heel to make a beeline for the female, maybe she could take him in to the pride and show him around?

“Hi there!” He beamed though he did slow in his tracks as he approached her, he couldn’t help but admire the beautiful lady before him.

Lesia had been nodding off, so she didn’t even notice the male lion approaching. She jumped when he spoke to her and she questioned how she had missed him. He stuck out like a sore thumb, he was so brightly coloured. She had always thought that she and her sister were bright but this guy, well, just wow, she wondered how he hunted with fur of that colour. She realised in the middle of this pondering that he had spoken to her and that she should probably make some sort of reply.

“Oh, yes, hello.” Well that was certainly worth saying. She smiled to herself and pulled herself in to the moment, she could definitely be more eloquent if she tried. “Do you live here?” It was difficult to know all lions in the pride, as there were so many lions and each belonged to one of the many tribes. He could potentially be a member of the ela’wadiyi, she wouldn’t know unless she asked.

The deep purple and orange lion smiled gently, it seemed he had woken her up from a little nap and his words, and probably colour had surprised her, he couldn’t help but feel amused. “I am a rogue my dear, I have been wandering on this border for a few days though. I heard there was a big pride here but I’v hardly seen anyone.”

The lilac lioness smiled, he was a rogue, she wasn’t afraid of rogues, she had been one herself after all she knew how to defend herself even against an opponent that was bigger than her. Still he seemed friendly enough so maybe she could help him out. “Yes, these are the Ela’wadiyi lands. Hardly anyone hangs around the borders but if you come further in you will run across one of the tribes quickly enough.” Had she just given him an invitation? Well, he looked like he was looking for an adventure, perhaps she could show him around. “I can show you around, if you’d like.” She smiled gently her slate blue eyes smiling.

The big purple male tilted his head “I’d like that. My name is Porphorios, its a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled a charming smile and padded towards the paler female. Maybe this was the start of something wonderful.

The lavender lioness got to her paws and wrinkled her nose in a smile “Lesia, follow me Por, let me show you the world I live in.”

((W/C 1037))