Name: Saain
Age: 38
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weyr: Western now( was spending time in Zamona camp)
Rider Rank: Wing rider (Returned with thread fall)
Previous Rank/Craft: Healer/Journeyman (Trauma/Surgeon specialization )
Physical Description:Saain is a soft gentle women, with a soft oval face and auburn shade curling hair. Her eyes are a mid shade of blue,large, and open with eyebrows fine and feathery. She is tallish at 5'8'' and curvy. She

Personality: Saain has met and lost and loved beyond her age and still striding forward. She has learned to forgive but not forget and shows a sort of wariness for the same trick twice, shame her once but not twice. She has seen death more then once and sometimes it seems no matter how hard you can't save everyone. She tries to be compassionate but sometimes it is difficult when everyone is in pain and it all about their needs and she just wants to scream and hit something.

She just keeps trying to move forward and wistful over her past relationship with Naanash and hopeful to find one again without the teacher/student relationship getting in the way of romance. Or just the fact that he constantly moved and she wished for security.

Positive Trait List Compassionate, warm, caring, forgiving
Negative Trait List Tired, wary, wishful,

History: Saain grew up in a southern colt hold as the daughter of the local healer with two other siblings. She had a talent for the craft and it was with glad tidings that she was taught and then sent off to the healer hall. She studied hard, focusing on trauma and surgery and when she walked the tables she returned to the south.

She hired on to a wandering mercenary band knowing they would let her practice and she would learn how to work in situations not at the hall and it was with the group she met her first apprentice and later Naanash and found herself enamored with dragons. 18 year old Naanash and his twin sibling who had recently impressed a green dragon just a few turns ago led to a wealth of information.

Naanash was bright and interested in her craft, helping aid her and she started to teach him more and more. She took him unofficial as an apprentice and traveled to western with them, wanting them to at least have one person able to fix them up when she left. She then fell in love and they became closer then teacher and student, leading to the birth of their daughter Sasha. She returned to southern, ending up in Ierne and impressed a dragonet of her own. She had never consider being a rider though she had spent many turns working with a pair of greens. She had been hoping to get a job in the weyr, not have a dragonet on top of a two year old. It was a busy time with Sasha spending more time in the creche as she learned and grew with Serinuth. About a year later during Serinuth first flight they remet with Naanash and had another romp that led to their daughter Sana.

Saain left with him, returning to Western and Zamona camp to raise her girls and stay near by. THey slowly drifted about still friends and loving each other but Saain wanted security and Naanash was a traveler. She moved to Western Weyr, providing service as a healer and later fire when thread came to be.

Two daughters with Naanash - Sasha and Sana - 11, 8


Name: Serinuth
Age: 9
Color: Green
Size: 26'
Physical Description: Serinuth was positioned somewhat awkwardly in her egg (possibly accounting for the claustrophobia) and will hatch with an odd hopping gait and crumpled wings. These will naturally mend in time, provided she is given adequate exercise and room to stretch. Still, while she is actually a bit on the larger end for a green, her wings are fairly short and small for her size. These don't impede her in flight - on the contrary, she is excellent at tight maneuvers and has the agility of a much smaller green, but she will need to flap her wings much more frequently, making gliding difficult and stamina a problem. She is much more suited to quick, fluttering, darting flights than to the long haul.

Serinuth will start off a dark olive green with markings of yellowy lime green on her stomach, but as she grows that patch of lime will spread until it is her dominant color. In time, she will switch nearly entirely: going from olive green marked with lime to lime marked with olive.
Personality: I got shadows snapping at my tail who say I'm no damn good
But that's just halfway through, all that I'm good for is you

To say that Serinuth has self-esteem issues would be approximately on par with saying that Warden M'onk has issues with power tripping. It would appear that neurosis is more or less the canary's default state of being. She'll be practically apologizing for herself straight out of the shell - oh dear, she knows that her sire was a blue and her egg was curiously golden but not particularly metallic, and she hopes you weren't expecting something bigger or shinier than her, oh no...

It is probable that these issues will plague her right through weyrling training. Even when she's technically old enough and big enough to fly, she'll be nervous that she'll mess up. The first time she chews firestone, she'll need to triple- and quadruple-check that no one is in her way, because what if she accidentally flamed them? Everything about her is anxious and fluttery and full of nervous energy, even the way she hops uneasily from forefoot to forefoot when she's trying to make a decision. And... oh Faranth, don't try to get her into any enclosed spaces. She likes the wallows at Warden's because they're under an open sky, but Serinuth is severely claustrophobic and liable to panic in any area that's too small for her to stretch her wings in.

What balances this fear, however, is her kindness and sincerity. Serinuth is nothing if not eager to please - especially towards her rider, but towards others as well. There isn't a cruel or petty bone in Serinuth's body. She's a bit wary of humans other than her rider - she's very much a one-woman dragon, and Serinuth doesn't much like being handled, especially by people other than Saain - but she will warm up readily to anyone who treats her with gentleness and respect. It is highly unlikely that she'll be an effective guard, but if Saain can get her to settle a little as she matures, she could make an excellent healer's dragon.

The one time when Serinuth is really quite forward is during Flights. She will be very specific and quite firm with her demands: she will only be caught by a male who serenades her. Serinuth has a sweet, warbling, beautiful voice which she will show off whenever she is asked. And when it comes time for her to Fly, she expects to hear some bugles and croons in response, gentlemen!
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:User ImageMore lovely from Wish

[NPC-DEFUNCT] Ierne Weyrhold
Laelath x Methoth
18 Eggs
1 gold / 2 bronzes / 1 brown / 5 blues / 9 greens
Lestenna & Gold Uridith :: High Reaches Weyr :: Played by ShinosBee