Name: Lanni
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual with companionship leaning toward women.
Rider Rank: Gold Rider
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Harper
Physical Description:
Lanni's eyes are gray-blue, nearer to gray in low lighting, and bluer in brighter lighting. Her face is a bit thin, though her cheeks still have a little baby fat on them. She keeps her ginger-red hair long, bound into a thick single braid with golden bands.

She has a rather pale complexion that tends to tan only slightly, burn more often than not. Her face is scattered with an array of light freckles.

She wears an assortment of clothing, in whatever colors seem appeasing to Anserith, which means flaunty vibrant materials in varying lengths. Her dragon refuses to allow Lanni to be seen in anything but the finest.

At 5'10", she is already pretty tall, and her 120 lbs hides a somewhat above-average physical strength. She could be seen as rather willowy, with her body having little excess of fat, for when Lanni works, she puts a lot of strength into it, sweating a great deal.

She has one long, thin scar that runs from the middle finger of her left hand to halfway up her forearm from an injury in her youth, as well as burn marks marring her pale skin on her upper chest and arms in different locations from helping her mother with the forge. Otherwise, if she is seen wearing long attire, she could be seen as a rather regal creature, especially next to her dragon.

One of Lanni's main defining traits is her wanderlust. Though, she does adores being at a Weyr, built so differently than any hold or crafthall. Even so, she likes a change of scenery pretty regularly, which is why one of her favorite hobbies is hunting and exploring, a close second behind playing her music. She doesn't mind whether she is alone or not, because she entertains herself so well. She smiles almost constantly, staying in a good humor except for very rare lapses of peevishness, when she might even talk back to people of higher rank without really meaning to. Lucky for her, she is respectful enough the rest of the time that those same folks might make allowances for those rare few bad days. She doesn't suck up to authority figures, or to people of any rank, though she may be seen to do so - because when she gives a compliment, she means it.

Lanni is generally kind, but leans toward selfishness where material goods are concerned. That isn't to say she wouldn't give someone the shirt off her back if they really did need it, but she would resent it - a more likely course of action would be for her to help them make a new shirt for themselves, rather than have anything she gives be made a hand-out. She was raised to be very prompt with chores or any other task she's set to, but has always enjoyed free time more than work. If her guilty conscience would let her laze around all day, she would, and gladly.

She has a natural sort of bossiness that, and paired with her boundless energy, it has landed her in hot water often in the past, more for the way she orders people around, rather than the things she wants people to do.

She dreamed of becoming a master harper (maybe even THE Masterharper) before her life was turned upside down and sent skyward. She deals with adversity with a good deal of calm, laced with innocent sarcasm, though her antagonistic side is badly under-developed.

It takes a lot of irritation toward someone for her to work up to a real tongue lashing, and even then it'll be more of a "I'm disappointed in you" type of rant than anything.

One of the few things she really and truly hates is showing weakness; it's a luxury she doesn't feel she can afford.

A pet peeve is she doesn't like is being made fun of, unless she can tell it's pure joking. Lanni is more likely to get angry than cry over anything.

In spite of her tendency to order people around, she is pretty fun to be around, and takes genuine interest when people talk- they will never get the feeling she is distracted during a conversation. Her friends would call her loyal, but she would say she only has close acquaintances. To Lanni, the term "friend" should be reserved for people who truly know you... and she doesn't really feel anyone knows her.

When Anserith came into her life, Lanni had more challenges ahead than ever. With a dragon who actively gives her grief and trouble, Lanni has to stay on her toes and butt heads with the massive beast. But this does not stop her absolute adoration and love she feels for Anserith. It will not be an uncommon sight to see Lanni with a grimace of irritation on her face as she looks up at her dragon before she smothers the gold with love which is likewise returned fully.

Lanni was born to a Smithcrafter woman, Nikka. Her father died when she was still a toddler, so her only memories of him are extremely vague. It was probably better that way, since he had been a very temperamental person, with few words of kindness. She grew to almost ten turns of age without being apprenticed, because her mother didn't want to let her go. Nikka certainly didn't permit her to play around all the time, like many of the other kids. No; for Lanni, it was work... work... and more work... pumping bellows, hauling ore, shoveling fuel into the forge fires, polishing tools, rough-filing projects. Since Nikka never took an apprentice, she used her daughter for day labor. This is one reason for Lanni's lithe frame.

It was when a traveling Harper came to give a message to the Harper assigned to the Smithcraft Hall, and chanced to hear the girl singing one of the teaching songs as she gathered materials for her mother that her life changed. Her clear soprano and near-perfect note delivery made him approach Nikka about taking her as an apprentice to the Harper Crafthall, and after a long discussion on the girl's other choices, Lanni received permission to go.

The little girl hadn't exactly been sad to leave her mother behind, but knew she would miss her.

Life at the Harper Hall was a fun challenge, though it started badly - the first time she tried to string a guitar, a string snapped and laid her arm open. It healed rapidly, but the left a long scar upon her arm.

Lanni was never a weepy child, but the times she was seen crying by other apprentices taught her quickly to keep her feelings to herself. By the time adolescence came and went, she was adept at bottling emotions in. It was in this time that she learned that her mother had fallen gravely ill and had lost the strength to ply her trade, but had recovered enough strength that she and was going to stay on at the Smith Crafthall as an instructor instead - it didn't take a lot of strength to explain the difference between high and low quality material and what tools to use.

At the age of 23, the young woman was well on her way toward becoming a master harper when she heard word that High Reaches Weyr was having a Hatching. Having never gone to see one in-person before, she made it a point to stop in to visit the illustrious Weyr and experience it to it's fullest. It helped being nearby.

She had been in the stands, watching with curiosity as the throng of white robed figures encircled the sands and the clutch of eggs in the center. And then, the eggs began hatching. Out came varying colors at once, and Lanni found herself wondering if there would be a fight. But no, they Impressed their chosen and left without incident. It was when the largest egg hatched a gold that she found her breath caught. The gold seemed to preen as all eyes were rested on her, knowing it had the undivided attention of human and dragon. But the mood seemed to sour and green eyes become dark red gems. The gold threw herself upon the closest girl, tossing her across the sands, where they came to lay very very still. And then another girl was flayed by angry claws as she barreled her way through the girls toward the outer wall that surrounded the stands area. For a moment, Lanni felt fear rising like bile in her, wondering if perhaps the gold would attack the women and girls in the stands. How dare you hide! Why would you hide from me? A keening, angry voice assaulted her.


Lanni had looked over the walls to look down and was met with a green eyed gaze that was replaced with a shining rainbow of colors. Your Anserith is waiting and I hate waiting!

Honored even more, nay, overjoyed, when gold Anserith chose to bond with her. The transfer to High Reaches Weyr soon after was a bit of a relief, for it gave her the freedom of a new environment.

Weyrling training went relatively smoothly, only resulting in a broken bone or two from injuries to no one's fault but miscalculations of height or stepping at the wrong time in the wrong place.

Lanni still has much to learn about everything there is to be a Goldrider and potential Weyrwoman, and takes it seriously.

Perhaps too seriously.


Name: Anserith
Age: 4 Turns
Color: Gold
Size: A healthy 50'
Physical Description: This radiant Gold is a beauty: perfectly proportioned, she gives an impression of downy softness, of grace and charm. As she gets to her feet she holds herself as a queen should: delicately but with confidence. Mistress over all that she sees. She has fiery highlights, which meld and merge smoothly with the bright gold of her main body. Her wings, however, are a soft golden-white of many shades, transitioning almost with the appearance of graceful feathers. They throw light back in many refracted colors, and almost hurt to look at. She is well aware of her beauty, and spends much of her time enjoying the ministrations of her rider to keep her looking the goddess she feels she is. While on the larger side of the spectrum, she seems perfectly capable of making it seem as if she were as dainty as Green in her movements and mannerisms.


Youth: Anserith will have a magnetism to her. She moves with fluid grace, every twitch of her tail, every flick of her wings, the slightest tilt of her head all work smoothly together to make her walk or her flight a dance. Her mood can be read as easily by her body language as by her eyes. When happy her gait is prancing, lively, punctuated with skips and small jumps. When angry, she becomes a prowling, demonic figure, muscles rippling, overflowing with dangerous grace.

There is no denying she is a figure of beauty, desirable, fiery. Her attention is flighty. She may start out highly curious, eager to learn and observe, but as time goes on her focus will wander. If she doesn't get an answer to a question right away she will move on to a different subject. Her time is important, and she will only give you a small amount of it.

She is friendly in her own way, but will always try to take the dominant role in any relationship that she forms. She may have a short attention span, but she is far from stupid or foolish. Anserithth is clever and analytical beneath her beautiful skin, and she knows quite clearly what she wants. Her stubbornness can sometimes give her a spoiled-child attitude: she wants it her way. She is a queen after all.

Adult: She will be slightly more patient. She still has a tendency to snap, however, and when waiting is necessary she becomes cold, irritated and snappish. She is happiest when napping, when hunting, when flying thread or when mating. Anything that requires either no reaction at all, or quick thinking on-your-feet is her forte. There is no middle ground. Similarly, there is no middle ground when it comes to her opinion of you. She either loves you or hates you. Her opinions aren't set, however. One day she may be perfectly friendly, the next a slight snub, a lecture, an accident even - can put you on her red list. Conversely, she will forgive and forget as quickly as she takes offense.

She is also an equal opportunity companion: green, blue, brown, bronze or fellow queen, she will treat them all the same. To her, the "lower colors" don't exist: they are simply dragons with different sizes and abilities. She is flirty, even with blues, and uses her attractive appearance and natural magnetism to her advantage whenever she can. This is one gold who will never be a good leader, however. She just doesn't have leadership qualities, even though she almost always tries to claim the top spot. This is bound to cause conflict in any weyr she is a part of, as Anserith is convinced that she is absolutely perfect for the job - and some are bound to be drawn to her and want to follow her.

Anserith's lack of concern for color and size will help to make up for her rapidly changing moods. She is likely to be popular with males, especially the ones who won't hold her flightiness and inconsistencies against her. Her bossiness and displays of dominance may alienate many others, however. The greens may come to her, as a queen who will not look down on them, or they may hold the price of her company too high.

Thread: Thread fighting is one of Anserith's greatest pleasures. She is an excellent flier, carrying over her grace on the land into the air. Here it does not matter if she is impatient, it does not matter that she makes decisions quickly: in fact, it helps. Her assertive, confident nature serves her well. She does not second guess herself. Anserith is likely to suffer a few injuries, but she will brush aside all but the most serious and continue to fight. Stiffness and pain will come to her later. As long as there is Thread to fight, she will rise to the occasion and carry Hers to the best places - catching missed patches, skirting in and out of danger, generally making it look easy.

Flights: Her flights are studies in beauty, an elegant dance performed at high speeds thousands of feet in the air. All of her beauty and seductiveness is put into play drawing males in like moths to a flame. Anserith is not picky, either. This is one queen who will actively encourage brown dragons to join in the chase. She will choose her favorites and speak to them individually, drawing them in, making them promises. Reveling in the rivalries that form, drinking it in, waiting until the males are in full rutting mode and ready to tear each other into pieces before beginning the chase. She will be more maneuverable in the air than other queens, making graceful twists and turns, diving and speeding up with no warning and with no predictable pattern. Ultimately, she will choose the male that pleases her the most. It could be a poetic one, an enduring one, a handsome one. Make her happy and she will reward you.

Motherhood: Anserith will be a bit overprotective. She has a serious problem when it comes to others being around and watching her eggs. She may try and subject others to be impromptu bodyguards to her small darling eggs when she must eat and be taken care of herself, however overall she will be overbearing and overly cautious to all those who dare come close to her clutch.

Her Bond: Anserith's bonded is truly hers. She treats Lanni almost like a toy at times: teasing her, now and then, with subtle hints that someone else might just claim her love, her attention. Anserith will enjoy using her flight-mates to try and make Lanni jealous. She does this for the attention from her rider, not out of malice. After all, Anserith loves her girl. Lanni is her dearest friend, the one who understands her. She will shelter and protect Hers with all of her considerable abilities. Even if Anserith can be unpleasant at times, she knows exactly when to stop and will never cross the line. It may be acceptable, from Anserith's point of view, to play with other's feelings but she has her limits where Lanni is concerned. It is possible that her rider is the only thing Anserith feels any true loyalty to, and in turn Lanni is the only one who has any real control over her. It is those who attract Lanni's romantic attention that must be cautious. Anserith will swing between being polite and courteous and making their lives absolutely miserable. Very few can satisfy the standards Anserith has for the mate of her rider. If someone does show up, they'll get along perfectly. Good luck finding them.

Why do you want this character? One; for being a gold. In all the DRoP shops, I have never owned one and have always wanted to. Two: For having more outgoing and slightly obnoxious character. I have two shy characters, but I want a positively rambunctious character to balance it.
What do you love most about this character, if anything? For being an bossy high-spirited character! It will be so much fun!
Anything else?