Hadharani ended up in the Bird Clan! /makes Snow White bird singing noises/

IDK where he is about romance at all yet, but he'd enjoy seeing his sister and is always happy to say hello biggrin

and Varda will do his best to bring his sister *some* cheer at least <3

birb lions~
I believe the most recent Festival just wrapped up, so we could set one taking place then for them to catch up! (Reasonable to assume that they've probably said hi to each other at most previous Festivals? XD) I also have other lions in Bird aside from Itsehi, if you want in-clan stuff for him, an ex-swampie dude and also a former swampie Queen.

Is Varda hanging around anywhere in particular, or just nebulously in rogue lands?

Hadharani would definitely be checking in on her at every festival to catch up, so it's probably something they just do at this point XD

And I'm up for alll the Ela RP /dundundun/

Varda is... /vague hand gesture because I have no idea/