Name: Elysia
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Weyrwoman Second
Previous Rank/Craft: Wingrider
Physical Description: Elysia is not a particularly tall or imposing woman. She stands about 5'4", with blonde hair that periodically changes color thanks to a love of dies. When down, it's long, but that's a rare sight; too often it's kept clipped back or styled with braids. The less it's in her way, the better. Average in appearance, she often wears makeup and enjoys jewelry; such fine things weren't something she ever had access to growing up, and are a sign of her position and rank.

She's fine boned, and could be described as delicate. Still, wiry muscles run through the woman, and while she would never be able to hold her own against larger opponents, for her small size, she's capable. Quick, and swift when she must be, Elysia grew up on the rough side of Rivercrest Hold, and knows well how to defend herself if cornered. She's certainly not helpless, even if she looks like--and likely could--simply be picked up and toted off!


Positive Trait List
Negative Trait List
History: Elysia was born and raised in Rivercrest Hold. She never knew her father--and her mother was tight-lipped about the whole affair-but she was her mother's precious little doll. She was an only child, and was coddled, and kissed, and loved by the woman who birthed her. Unfortunately, her mother had nothing to her name; no rank, no title, and though she was a proud woman who tried hard to live beyond her means, she made very little scrubbing pans. Hers was a life of drudgery, and her daughter would, unfortunately, follow in her footsteps.

Being a drudge wasn't terrible. Both woman and child were given a place to sleep, food to eat. From time to time they were

Impressed at 15
Was tapped as Weyrwoman Second at 23 because they wanted someone to mold--also, her relationship with Treth made it easier. Having a green dragon in power meant that not every dragon was willing to listen.


Name: Sheyoth
Age: 14
Color: Gold
Size: 45'
Physical Description:
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: