Name: I'ian (formerly Icthlian) (Ih-eean)
Age: 39
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Whatever is convenient to him at the time.
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Blacksmith
Physical Description: A dark haired man with tired circles under his bright eyes. He is always sharply dressed and despite looking tired, always seems to be alert and almost perky. He is often mistaken for bigger than he actually is when sitting due to being very broad but not exactly....tall. He has a well kept beard and longer-than-should-be-acceptable mess of hair.
Personality: I'ian is the type of person who one would want to firmly punch in the nose if he wasn't a flamethrower brought to a fist fight. I'ian doesn't just do things to completion, he over does everything. Overkill is normalcy for this bronzerider. While this could be used towards the powers of good, more often than not, it's aimed towards those who have stepped into I'ian's ideal world he has forged from iron and are trying to make a mess.

A traditionalist thru and thru, those who break the status quo may find themselves very *quickly* forced back into place - and repeatedly checked on to make sure his lesson has stuck. No amount of bargaining will make I'ian yield or bend. Both physically and mentally sharp, there seems to be no faults in what I'ian brings to the table.

However, I'ian is so focused on the big picture that the easiest way to sneak under his radar is to play at being so normal he simply writes you off as unimportant. In doing so, I'ian can be tricked to ignore the small details until perhaps it is too late.

However, once you have his attention, don't expect to escape from his judging eye anytime soon....
Positive Trait List Mentally/Physically Sharp, Astute, Hardworking
Negative Trait List Intense, Unyielding, Misses the trees for the forest
History: The fourth son of a former Lord Holder, Icthlian saw no future for himself in the hold of his birth. Delegated to Blacksmithing, it was a mixture of bribery and blackmail that the man used to get his place on the sands of a upcoming clutch of a somewhat less than savory (and now dead) Weyr. Some will say that the man forced the single bronze of the clutch to bow to his will from sheer presence, but there was no doubt that the dragon that selected the man - a fresh 20 turns old - would have been a fool to have any else.

While perhaps not intending to use his dragon for it's intended purpose, rejection from the hold of his birth for 'abandoning' it forced him to make a decision - and I'ian chose the one that gained him status at a Weyr on the Southern Continent. He kept a small trail of lovers (and left even more behind him at the hold of his birth), though only has one child as far as he cares or knows.

His strong personality, however, recently prompted a transfer of the Bronzerider to High Reaches. No misconduct noted, simply that they felt it was a better fit for I'ian. And that they wanted him far, far away.
Other: +I'ian could be swayed to support Nabol if there was a good plot purpose for it, but currently has no strong opinions either way about the Hold.
+I'ian, despite his strong personality and ambition, is not a threat to the chain of command....unless of course a Weyrleadership flight occurs.....

Name: Orbeth
Age: 19
Color: Bronze
Size: 41'
Physical Description: Orbeth isn't an impressive specimen compared to his fellow bronzes. He falls into a category of 'extremely average' when it comes to build and wingspan. His hide is especially brilliant, however, and it gives him a larger presence than he actually has.
Personality: Chaos leads to change and it is up to those who go into the chaos of upheaval to guide where change leads to. Orbeth's exceedingly calm and unshakeable mind makes it particularly easy for this bronze to face both potential danger and the unexpected with grace, tact, and absolute authority. In times of trial, this dragon is an unmovable object, offering support, reassurance, suggestions thought up without a hint of duress, and unshaken advice.

Being so unshakeable, however, it is hard for Orbeth to accept large changes that he sees as unneeded. Changes made for the sake of practicality - a change in Weyrleadership or Thread Falling - are more easily digested than a change made because some young upstart 'thinks it's the way to be'. Orbeth may not quell such thoughts, but he does keep an eye on them - readying himself to shove back should they push. While he isn't particularly stuck in tradition, it will take more than a convincing argument to make Orbeth change from what it is he knows.

His hard to move ways are only amplified by the stubborn attitude of his rider and while it may not be easy to make an appeal to the dragon - it is far easier than trying to change I'ian.

Why do you want this character? Because I want to play someone that is mean to the kidlets. TOO MANY PEOPLE OK WITH THE ORDER BEING PLAYED WITH. >:(
What do you love most about this character, if anything? That he's basically an enormous a*****e.
Anything else? He a jerk.