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The big purple male had happily followed her to her tribe she had spent the last few days showing him her way of life. She had hardly been in the Ela’wadiyi for that long, probably close to a year, but in that time she and her sister had made a home, a hearth for themselves.

She had introduced Porphorios to her sibling of course and that had gone well. Of course now he had been here for a few days, she had the feeling of not wanting him to leave. She had wanted to ask him about that, about him staying here but she thought maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t want to join a pride. It made her sad and nervous.

The ela’wadiyi, it was a good place. The lions he had met over the past few days all displayed their stories through tattoos. Those tattoos were almost impossible to decipher but they meant something to each and every lion here and that to him was fascinating. His new friend, Liesa didn’t have any tattoos yet. She had explained that this was because she was once a rogue and had only been here for a short time but she now thought of this as home.

He was starting to think that maybe this could be home for him too. He wasn’t absolutely certain yet, but he was definitely starting to have some feelings about this place, or maybe it was the company.

Having spent his whole time in this place exploring with the lovely lilac lioness he was defiantly starting to have stirrings deep in his heart. Something that made him stop and consider his options, something that made him think twice about leaving these lands and becoming a rogue again. Something that was in front of him. As usual the day had started pretty early and he had followed after the lilac lioness without a moments hesitation. Her pink back markings were such a familiar sight to him. They made him think of the tattoos that the other ela lions carried and that made him smile. He wondered if she herself realised that she bore a tattoo without ever having to have them drawn upon her fur.

“Hey, you know your markings look like tattoos?” He commented allowing his thoughts to become words.

She had been so lost in her own thoughts that she had almost forgotten that the dark purple lion was behind her so when he spoke she almost jumped out of her fur. “Huh?” She blinked owlishly at the big male and tilted her head a slightly confused look in her silver eyes. “My markings?” She looked backwards to her own spine, the geometric markings that she and her sister had been born with adorned her coat. His comment about the design that naturally graced her spine made her giggle, she supposed her markings did look like tattoos. She had never thought about it before, she had been looking at them for her whole life after all.

A small laugh escaped her lips and she stopped to head butt the big male “I Suppose you are right, they are sort of like tattoos.” It amused her more than she was letting on. It also pleased her that he thought her markings were tattoos. What story would her markings tell? She had no idea, it did make her smile though. “Perhaps when I do get some tattoos I will get them in the same colour as my markings.” It was a thought that had never really crossed her mind before, she knew eventually she would don some tattoos and she would have a story behind every line, but at the moment she didn’t have any.

“What would your tattoos say Porphorios?” She queried, her head tilting curiously, their walk seemed to have stalled at this new line of questioning but she wanted to know about him, or at least know a little about where he had come from, it was a good place to take a moment too, they had conveniently come to a stop beneath the shade of some acacia trees and as she sat she could feel a gentle breeze rustling her fur. It was a good place to stop.

The deep purple male frowned a little, it was a perculear question, he had never stated he would be getting any tattoos after all but something told him that the lavender lioness didn’t mean anything by her questioning she simply wished to know about him. He liked that, he had no issues telling her. He too noticed that they had stopped in the shade and he settled down on to his belly, taking a brief moment to look deeply thoughtful.

“I suppose they would say that I was a rogue, born in a pride of brightly coloured lions where when we reached adolescence we were expected to go, and go I did though several of my siblings were left behind.” He paused again and grinned up at the soft purple lioness “Then I met a girl on the border of a strange pride and very seriously considered staying to learn their ways and get some tattoos of my own. Perhaps I’d even be able to join the same tribe as the pretty lioness, that would be a very important tattoo to have in there of course.” He chuckled and looked up at the lioness from his resting position, wondering what she would feel about his imaginary tattoos.

Leisa blushed deeply as he finished his speech and smiled down at him. “Do you really mean that?” She raised a questioning brow, she wanted to believe him of course, but she knew that there were rogues out there that could and would lie to get what they wanted.

“Of course I mean it.” Standing he nudged the lioness on the cheek and smiled a roguish grin. “I may be a rogue and a sweet talker but I couldn’t, nay wouldn’t lie to the girl I like.”

She laughed softly “Rogue you are, but you are the sweetest one I know, come, we should go and speak to the Nawati, I believe we have some questions to ask.”

The purple lion tilted his head in a confused manner but gave a nod, he guessed, he had just agreed to stay here on a whim, well, that wasn’t a bad thing, if he could stay with the pale purple lioness.

((W/C 1071))