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It had been confirmed. The tree ceremony would be happening again soon and Porphorios said he was staying. He was staying, he had said he was staying. He had. There was a niggling in her mind though, an itch that she just had to question him. She had to check, and double check, that he was staying for some other reason besides just her. She wanted him to stay of course. The fluttering in her chest every time she was with him let her know that she was in love with the purple and orange male, not only in love, but entirely deeply in love. It was a problem, she had never been truly in love before and if he left, she would be forever broken hearted.

She couldn’t leave this place, although she had only been here for a year, it was home, it felt so very much like home, she was happy here and she felt safe. Her opposite twin sibling lived here too and she would never leave her sister no matter what. Family had always been important to the lavender lioness and her sister was the only family she had left.

Still it was important for her to confirm that the purple male was staying because he wanted to and not just because this was where she lived. He was hardly difficult to spot against the savannah and when she spotted him she couldn’t help but smile. He was such a stark contrast against the naturally coloured world, though she supposed she could say the same about herself, she hardly blended with the world around them. “Porphorios.” She called approaching him and nudging her head against his as she did so, with no hesitation, she had taken to greeting him this way, it felt so natural and his returned nudge was always most welcomed.

The big male grinned roguishly as she brushed her head against his. He greeted her with a purr and a lick to her cheek. He really did like this beautiful lady who had showed him her world. She seemed to be full of a question today though and it made him tilt his head. She seemed concerned. He really didn’t like the idea that she would be upset about something, about anything. He had a deep gut feeling that the worry in her eyes was related to him. He really didn’t want to make light of the situation but he couldn’t help but crack a joke.

“If you frown like that too much you will get a rift between your eyes.” He grins playfully and lifts a paw to touch the lionesses cheek “You’re much more beautiful when you smile my sweet.” He rumbles.

The lavender lioness blushed a deep shade of red when he called her beautiful. He was such a charming rogue she had trouble sometimes believing his words. Still she found words to reply to him after a moment of careful silence. “I think you know how charming you are you big purple butt.” She giggles leaning in to nudge him with her head once again. “Do you want to come for a walk with me?” She tilted her head curiously a glimmer in her pale blue eyes.

The big purple and orange male stretched his four legs out lazily, yawning widely he could see by the look in her eyes that she had some questions for him, questions he was pretty sure he knew the answer to. Still he took a moment to unbundle his muscles before getting to his paws. “I’m always willing to go for a wander with you Lesia.” He smiles returning her nudge at last, his grin unwavering.

“Come on then.” She purrs hopping off ahead of him. It hadn’t escaped her notice that eh took a little while to coax himself to his paws. Sometimes she thought he was a touch lazy, but she supposed he couldn’t be that lazy he had managed to survive on his own out in the rogue lands, hunting alone was never easy she had a sibling and it hadn’t been easy for them with their bright coats. Looking back she smiled at him and takes a deep breath, she really wanted to broach the subject she had come to find him for immediately then they could just enjoy their walk. What happened if he had changed his mind though, their walk would be ruined.

She was thinking too much in to this. Taking a deep breath the pale purple lioness gave a sigh and just put the words she needed to ask over her lips. “Porphorios, do you really want to stay here? Do you really want to stay with me?” She tilted her head sideways at the big male lion. She really needed to know solidly, once and for all if he was staying. She needed to know he wasn’t just going to up and leave, that he really wanted to make this place home.

The male lion let out a gentle sigh and rolled his eyes. The lioness was naive in a way and in other ways she was very untrusting. He hooked her foreleg and pulled her to a stop. Sitting her down the big purple male looked deep in to her eyes and raised both brows. “I am staying because I love the Ela’wadiyi, I am staying because I cannot think of another place I want to be and I am staying because a life without you in it would be meaningless. Lesia, I want to join the Ela’wadiyi when the sky festival happens and while we are there I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. There can be no other way.” He paused for a moment and licked her nose “If that is okay with you.” He smiles gently, a hopeful look in his own eyes. It had occurred to him for a moment that she may say no, but he thought maybe they both felt the same way.

The lioness let out a sigh of pure relief and nuzzled in to his thick mane “That is all I ever wanted to hear.” She whispers “And of course my answer is yes.” She purrs licking his nose in return and getting to her paws. “You’re the only one I want to spend my life with Porphorios.” A happy tear rolled down her cheek and she brushed it away. “We should go and tell my sister.” She beamed hopping off in front of him her tail waving happily in the air.

The big male chuckled and followed happily after the female that would become his mate at the next sky festival.

((W/c 1117))