Pele sat outside in the small town's market area, her caravan cart made up as a shop front. The circus troupe often took them through these kinds of backwoods towns. Good for crime, not so much for business. Her stall of trinkets and tradeables was set up mostly for show, while she used the front as an excuse to scour the crowds for potential marks.

Business aside, people-watching was a favorite pastime of hers. She liked to try and guess what people did and where they came from based on their clothes, their possessions, or mannerisms. One woman stood out in particular. She knew every clothing maker in this crappy little town, and hers were not from here. Which meant she had come here from somewhere else. Which meant she was a traveler. Which meant she was probably worldly enough not to be fooled by quick cons and fakerys. Hmm. Pity.

But nevermind, she wasn't opposed to making an honest mark now and then. Rapscallion had recently laid a clutch, so she had real goods to sell. And she looked like the only one around here who could afford them.

"Yoo-hoo~!" she called cheerfully, with a wave. "Pretty egg for a pretty girl?" she asked, gesturing to the neat bunch of colorful eggs, hoping to tempt her over.

Z o m b i k ii