Otea was happy to catch up with her father previously. It had been a long while, and she had gone through so much she didn't know if she would have ever seen him again. It was funny how the world worked sometime, and low and behold, here she was, ready to help him help his sister in any way. She moved quietly through the lands until they had met at their designated spot.

"Mornin' Dad." She grinned. "Hope you are well this morning?" she asked, a normal greeting she would do to anyone she had met, family or not.

"So, tell me, who have you sent JB's way, so I know if I need to suggest them." She grinned slyly. It was time to get down to business!

He greeted his daughter with a fond nuzzle. No matter how old she got, or how far she had drifted away from him, his reaction would always be the same. She was his precious daughter, and his affection and love for her was unconditional. Shaji had always been a family oriented lion, and the time away from his children just made him pine for more. "I am very well, and you are as beautiful as ever."

How could she not be? Her mother was a gorgeous lioness - Otea had inherited her stunning looks from her. "Right down to business, then?" Shaji asked, amused by his daughter's eagerness to disrupt JB's life. "Well, I have thrown about every one in Jamii's vicinity her way. She has a handsome neighbor, but she seems to want to have nothing to do with him."

He sighed, then, and for a moment look disheartened from thinking of all his failed attempts to get his daughter hooked up. "I would be more encouraged if she actually tried talking to them, but again, I have yet to see her open up to any potential suitors. We are going to need... some determined males here, I think."

"What can I say, this is fun. Seeing JB's reaction is going to be the best." So Otea may have had other reasons for suggestion males than her father did.

"Hmm..." Otea thought. "Whereabouts is JB at nowadays?" She inquired. If he had suggested those neighbors, then Otea wouldn't.

"I know a kid. I call him that because he is just that. He has just reached the ages where he is starting to look at females. He is a sweet boy. Might be a little too young for JB though. I don't know how her reaction would be meeting him." She continued to ponder. "There is one male that comes to my mind. He lives on the outskirts of the pride, reminds me of the old royalty." She suggested. "His name is Shujaa, and if he is anything is a flirt." She remembered the male trying to hit on her, but she was already pregnant with cubs at the time. Advances were dismissed, but that didn't mean he didn't stop trying.

"He might be perfect...actually."

"She's closer to the northern border of the Pridelands. Remember that place I used to take you guys swimming at all the time? It was too small for crocodiles, but just the right size for you guys when you were younglings. Well, JB moved not far from there, I think unintentionally." He would have liked to think it was for nostalgia, but he knew his daughter had moved towards the edge of the pride to keep away from most of the family. JB had always liked her independence, and even now seemed to tolerate her dad's constant check-ins.

"Yeah, I am not sure a young male would be enough to hook her. They need to have certain... confidence, I think, to handle her." JB certainly wouldn't take an extremely younger male for a mate. Shaji imagined she wouldn't have the patience for them. So, the young one was out of the running, but that didn't mean they were out of options.

"...That might work." They would need some confident and strong willed. An older lion with some experience with romance. If JB was going to cave to a male, he had to be good. Flirts could sometimes be troublesome, but if at least JB was tempted to put her paws in the market for a mate, Shaji would call it a success. "Would this male be willing to go out of his way to meet Jamii? Is he more of a playboy or the serious type?"

Otea nodded. "Oh, yeah! I remember that. Raha would always jump in the water and tried to splash us. I use to get so mad." The lion reminisced. "I didn't think she remembered that place. I'll definitely need to swing by her place sometime, if not to just go for a little dip in that pond." She smiled. Oh the memories.

"I didn't think so." So that boy was out of the question.

"I think it will work. You should meet this guy." Otea's eyes almost began to flutter at the thought. He definitely was a persuasive lion. But would it be enough for JB? That would be up to their meeting. "Well..." Otea thought for a moment. "It has been quite a while since I last spoke with him. I think when he was younger he was more of a playboy type. But, we all age so he may be out of that state?" She shrugged a little. "I can take you to his den if you like to meet him yourself? I know he hasn't moved. Soren usually keeps track of those that live near the border, so he has told me he's still there."

"I probably shouldn't have let him torment you so guys so much on those excursions, but at some point you just have to let boys be boys." Shaji had a natural instinct for parenting. He always seemed to know exactly what to do when it needed to be done. It was a skill he had picked up from raising Kiasi's first litter. His own blood cubs had lucked out for it, with Shaji being a skilled and eager parent by the time they had arrived. He just hoped he could do so well with his next litter!

"Uh... I am not sure how comfortable I feel meeting the lion I am trying to hook my daughter up with." It somehow seemed more sinful to accidentally conspire with another male, especially the one he was hoping his daughter would take a liking to. He would rather wait to see how JB reacted to him, and then if all went well from that point meet the lion himself. It seemed like the more proper way to go about things... even if every word they spoke of went against the 'right' way.

"I think we should just slip this Shujaa the directions to Jamii's den and see how it goes from there?" He honestly didn't think anything nefarious would happen. Jamii had shown no inclination towards those things, at least from what he could tell. So, Shaji was at least assured that there wouldn't be any... shenanigans.

Otea's eyes rolled at the 'let boys be boys' comment.

Shaking her head, she gave her father a grin. "No worries. I will visit him after this and see what he thinks. You want her to have someone more to settle down with then?" She asked. She had flinged with a random rogue (not realizing he was a God) in her younger days, and then found a mate when she was older. That boy had gone off, so now Otea found herself free. She just wasn't actively looking. Having had two litters already, she could spare the single boys for others looking for love. She'd find someone else in the future.

"Anything you want me to mention to Shujaa then? I won't say it came from you or anyone. Or, is there something that he may need to do to persuade JB that you have found?" Shujaa could take the words of advice, but in the end, it would just be Shujaa being himself to win the affection of her sister.

"I would love for her to be able to find a mate to settle down with, but I understand that it's not always the course in life that we may choose to take. I just want her to realize there is more out there for her - I imagine she has to be lonely living by herself out there." His desire to find a partner for his daughter stemmed from the fact that he was concerned about her well being. She had no mate, seemed to have only a few friends. Shaji knew he was being too overbearing, but he just wanted what was best for his most difficult daughter (and considering he had a daughter who always tried to steal his stuff, that was saying something).

"You should probably advise him not to... get beat up." Not that Jamii was a brute by any means, but his daughter could definitely handle herself. She was one of the tomboys of the litter, and had grown into a fine and capable lioness. Anyone inferior to her would stand no chance at wooing her.

"He'll have to be persistent with her... she's not the type to cave in because someone's attractive or has a way with words. I have seen many a lion fail in regards to that." It had been kind of amusing for a while, before it turned downright depressing when no male could break through Jamii's resolve.

Otea snorted. "Oh, I can guarantee you Shujaa won't get beat up." If that was one thing Otea remembered about Shujaa was he was not one to be pushed around. He was more of a mysterious type. Maybe that would woo her sister.

Nodding again, "I'll see if that fancies him." She ultimately shrugged. "I don't know what he will do or if he will be interested. We will keep our paws crossed things work in JB's favor." or, Shujaa's favor too. "Soren still wants to do dinner one night. He still feels bad about the old comment he made." She smiled fondly, knowing that would be a memory she'd always have.

"Let me know a good time we can set that up. I best be going, it's still early for Shujaa to still be home. wish me luck. For JB's sake." She grinned, waving goodbye to her father before heading towards the location of the Pridelander male's den.

"Well, I couldn't bear to disappoint him. I'll see you again for dinner sometime soon, then, perhaps after we get some success with Jamii." He was a little too excited about potentially having dinner with his daughter and grandson. It was pretty difficult for him to keep level headed in the face of so much joy. Kiasi was certainly in for another earful by the time Shaji made it back to their den.

He waved his daughter off with a bright smile. "Good bye, Otea, I love you!" he certainly was the obnoxious sort of parent that made sure to constantly remind his children just how much he loved them all.