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The sun was setting over the horizon, casting an orange glow across the land, which Chapa was currently trying to use to his advantage. His coat was normally so bright, it was difficult to sneak away, but with the light as it currently was.... Yes, this would work.

The lion gave a low purr as he scanned the area for the perfect spot. He'd managed to flit away from his siblings, a feat that was made difficult with the amount of them that he had, and he could finally, finally....

Find a place to nap.

He sort of pitied his parents in this regard. It must have been difficult to find any peace and quiet with so many cubs running under foot, but honestly, he mourned his own lack of sleep-time more. So he would take what chances he could to slip away, hopefully finding somewhere that he could doze for a little while. Sure, he'd probably have to return before it got too late into the night, else his father would probably come looking for him, but he was old enough (he believed) to be able to venture off on his own.

As the lion padded down a slope, he paused when he noticed a small ledge ahead of him. He hopped over to it and accessed it for a moment, before nodding. Perfect! Turning a few times, Chapa yawned and then plopped himself down across it, his tail swinging off the edge contentedly.
