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Event Artist Guidebook (rules)
Spirit Pass :: Information

Event Deadline: (UTC-5) 11:59 pm EST

💣 Your Bomb a** Deadline:
(UTC-6) SAME day 10:59 PM

📌 Please post your kick a** daily image in this thread
AND in the bitchin’ main thread!

If you drew a request,
be sure to quote them in the main thread and not here!
Link back to the main thread~

User Image

User Image

No image spoilers!
Unless it falls under the category that are found in this post!
If it's big, resize using this code: [img="500"][/img]
We want to see your art in all its juicy glory~

Each day must have its OWN post!
If you have more than one image, edit your post~
You can post as many times as you like in a day,
but it must not exceed the day # that we are currently on.
Please reserve a post for those days you've missed!!
Even if you do not plan on going back to them!

Don't post ahead.
Post only today's image please!
And any missed images, but do not post tomorrow's themes yet!
Unless you have permission to do so, please state clearly!

Use this format when posting~
Comment is optional

[b]Day # [/b]



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