Shula sighed in content. Well, as much content that she could have at the moment. Currently she had wandered outside the inner part of the pride looking for some food. It had only been recently that the travelers had come back to the pride and as interesting as it was to see all of the other types of places that lions lived in, she was happy to be back home in the desert. It was comforting in a weird sort of way. Most lions wouldn’t be happy to have to live in such a harsh climate as this one, but she had lived here most of her life and was used to it. Built for it. She could stand it, and it wasn’t too hard to adapt to if one had been there most of their life.

She was very, very happy to be home, however, she had learned, though she should have expected, that nothing would really change for those who hadn’t gone on the trip, and the medics that had finally come back were immediately bombarded with demands that they help fix wounds and all sorts of other things because the other lions just couldn’t help themselves and had to still fight all of the time, while the medics that did stay had become overwhelmed.

For a few days, it seemed as though the amount of work she had done was non-stop, only being able to pause to eat, drink, and sleep. The demands had been overwhelming, and Shula had to yell at a few lions to get them back in line and to stop their whining. She wished that they had all gone on the trip, but knew that they had to leave some of their pride members here to protect their lands against their enemies and other intruders.

Shula did like some of the places that they had visited though. It was interesting to see the ocean of water instead of the ocean of sand that she was used to, and playing in it had been fun. And they had met some of their… almost allies to. To what extent the other pride could actually help them and what they would be doing for each other Shula didn’t know. She was only a medic, not an ambassador and wasn’t up to speed on all of the prides that they had semi-alliances with.

Anga for her part, had declared when they had finally gotten home, that she would be sleeping and that the journey was just so exhausting. Shula wanted to roll her eyes, considering the vulture had ridden on her shoulder most of the time they had been traveling. But Anga had been nice enough to bring whatever scraps she could get to Shula for snacks when the lioness had a hard time finding the time to eat a full meal and deal with all of the wounds that she had to take care of. Anga may have been a sarcastic butt most of the time, but Shula had made the vulture her familiar for a reason, and somehow, it worked.