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Reply [IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands
[PRP] Quiet Gatherings (Irem/Callisto)

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:54 pm
Irem could not even think about sneaking how. His parents were ever-so-watchful, regardless of how he and his siblings tried. The constant eyes on him did not mean he didn't try. Attempt after attempt when the night rolled around, Irem found himself sneaking out, only to be dragged back in. Sometimes it was by his mom or dad, other times it was by his young uncle.

Tonight though, his uncle Nen was out, and his parents both seemed to be sleeping. It was the early hours, just a bit before day break, when the male decided to chance it. His siblings were asleep too, so he needed to be extra quiet around them. All he would want to do, is watch the sunrise, and then be back before the ball of yellow was high enough to heat the ground. It was no big deal, right?

Light eyes glancing once more as the snoozing parents, he dashed out of the den, making his way underneath a bush as he turned around to see if anyone had followed. Nothing yet. That was good! He turned around, moving further away before finding a spot with a clear view of the horizon nearby. This would be an okay spot. Plus it was close enough to get home quickly.

Alpaca Chobi
PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:33 pm

Callisto waited and watched her sister and mother nod off to sleep while pretending she was doing the same. She'd made a nice little corner for her self away from the two so she wouldn't disturb the two when she got up and wandered out on her own. She knew better than to sleep side by side if she was planning to sneak out. Luckily, Zalediti had yet to notice this method which worked to her advantage.

It wasn't so much that she didn't want to sleep with her mother and sister as much as Callisto was curious and she wanted to see what she could get up to while no one was watching. Honestly, Callisto loved spending time with her sister and mother and did so as much as she could because she had been told that when she was older she'd be moved to a different part of the pride. Her mother, Zalediti, was a slave and Callisto and her sister were middle class. They would be moved and Callisto wasn't quite sure that was a good thing.

Those were too complicated and emotion driven thoughts for a cub her age to dwell on though so instead Callisto would focus her mind on other cub related things. For example, the cub shaped object laid out before her path. Had another gotten the same idea and snuck out?

"Hey!" Callisto cried out before scampering over to the other, "What are you doing!?" She wasn't using her sneaky voice as her excitement won over her tactical side. Callisto hadn't even realized that maybe she was being a tad on the loud side.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:39 pm
Alpaca Chobi

Irem's sense of hearing was heightened, knowing that his parents would start looking for him as soon as they realized he was gone.

His head quickly turned at the shuffling behind him. It wasn't heavy steps like an adult, but the cry out from the other caused his ears to pin back, and a hiss emit from his throat. "Shh!" Irem scolded, narrowing his eyes as they gazed past the newcomer. "You're gonna get me in trouble!" he whispered harshly, ears slowly rising from his head once he saw no sign of the adults approaching. "Phew." he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I wanna watch the sun come up." He said, his eyes rolling slightly. "Obviously. Why else would I be out here?" Irem questioned, staring at the female. He shushed the girl again, wanting to make sure her answer was as quiet as his. If she ruined this for him...oh he didn't want to think of it. All this hard work needed to pay off!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:10 pm

Callisto's ears flattened at the shushing now realizing her excitement had gotten the best of her and she was not using a sneaking out friendly voice. The corners of her mouth twitched to something of an uneasy frown but there was still a thoughtful look in her purple eyes.

"I don't usually see other cubs so I .." She was talking in a whisper but didn't feel like she was being quiet enough. Her tone dropped just a tad more, "I will be quieter... I'm doing the same for the same reason." The girls ears lifted and she looked thoughtful once more, "Maybe we can work together though?"  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

KasaiLoki rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:11 pm
[even=no parents/odd =uhoh!
4-Even: Irem's parents do not show up.]

Alpaca Chobi

The pale colored cub nodded. He could understand her excitement. He too was glad he managed to get this far, and if it weren't for the closeness of the den, he'd probably be babbling with thrill as she was.

"It's okay." His voice was still low, though now it was above a whisper. "I'm Irem. My den is just past the trail there. I don't want my parents to hear me or else...well..." he frowned, turning his eyes back to the horizon. The sun would be up soon. "You are?" His ears perked forward. "I think this is the best spot to watch it. I've been here during the day and it's always clear out here." He smiled, tail lightly flicking the ground as he spoke. "Where do you stay? I don't think I have ever seen you around before?" She had mentioned she hadn't seen many cubs, so was she in an area of the pride that didn't have them? Irem had seen a few others here and there, although he mainly stood with his own family. (They were just overprotective like that.)
Alpaca Chobi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:41 pm
((even=no parents/odd =uhoh!))
Oh no xD
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"Oh my name is Callisto. It's very nice to meet you Irem." She gave him a wide smile. "I've never noticed that spot before," It was true she'd never noticed that spot before as one of the better spots to watch the sun rise but the more she studied it the more she understood the potential, "Huh," who would have thought such a good spot was so close to the dens. " Oh I live in the slave dens with my mom. She's a slave but me and my sister aren't. We want to stay close to her as long as we can though before we move to our new den when we're older." She shrugged, "I guess thats okay but ... "

Callisto had been walking in motion but not getting anywhere for a few seconds before she noticed a big paw on her tail fluff. Her eyes traveled upward to notice said paw belonged to her mother Zalediti who was looking a bit annoyed but also amused.

"But," Zalediti grinned, "But you're grounded now and will have to stay with me for ever." She was only half joking as she had every intention to ground Callisto for sneaking out but not for that long.

"And you. Why are you out of your den?" Zalediti gave a look to Irem.

"Oh .. uh... it was my fault." Callisto looked over to Irem. "I was trying to sneak out and Irem was...... telling me I shouldn't."

Zalediti gave the little lioness a little bit of a look like she wasn't sure if she should believe her.

"Is that true?" Zalediti looked to Irem.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:37 am
Alpaca Chobi
Irem is a terrible liar. XD

Slave dens? He blinked at the term. his parents had never mentioned anything like that before. Did the pride...have slaves? They must've, as Callisto had mentioned her mom was one. But she wasn't? The whole world was strange to Irem. His parents were both lower-middle class. He and his siblings were the same. (He hadn't really learned much of the pride, though his parents was always trying to. He just couldn't seem to focus when they talked about it.)

His ears flicked when she stopped, "but...?" He hadn't realized another had approached. He was distracted with talking to Callisto, that the footsteps or scent of another hadn't crossed his mind.

It was when the other spoke, his head whipped around, eyes wide. His mouth opened in a silent gasp, eyes fixating on Zalediti. "Uhh...I...uhmm" an ear flicked when Callisto had come up with an excuse. His head tilted, why was she lying for him?

When Zalediti asked if that was true, Irem did not know how to respond. He could lie, agree with the other cub, but then she would get into a lot of trouble. Or he could tell the truth, then both would get into trouble.

"Er--" he slowly opened his mouth, closing it quickly as he debated in his mind what to say. "Well--..." Just from his reaction alone Zalediti could likely tell her words weren't true. "Kinda?" It was a wishy-washy answer. Irem looked apologetically towards Callisto. "I mean...We just...wanted to see the sun rise?" There was the truth.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:24 pm

Zalediti looked like she was deep in thought at the boys answer. It was hard for Callisto to tell exactly what her mother was thinking which made her a little uneasy as she didn't like feeling in trouble and not knowing what was going to be said. The feeling was uneasy.

"I don't suppose that's the worst reason to sneak out of the dens. And it's not like you two wandered off far," Zalediti looked from Irem to Callisto and frowned, "Well I suppose you told the truth at least... but on the other side ... Callisto you lied to me so you're definitely grounded. If I can't trust your words then what is it that I can trust from you?"

"BUT" Callisto looked hurt. Didn't her mother understand she was trying to be a good friend?

"We can still go watch the sunrise though. I believe it's already starting." Zalediti smiled, "We'd better hurry though."

Callisto looked at Irem, "Lets go!"  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:28 pm
Alpaca Chobi

"Please don't be super mad at Callisto Ms. Callisto's mom. She just didn't want to get me in trouble! and I don't want her to get in trouble either...." The white cub said quietly, shifting on his paws as he stared at the ground. It wasn't fair that she'd be grounded. Not that he wanted to be either... If Irem's parents did not find out about tonight, he'd likely get away with it. Which led him to the next question to the other.

"You...you aren't going to tell my parents...are you?" He asked quietly, giving the adult the best puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Wait...we can?" He half expected Zalediti to drag him back to his den, and Callisto hers. He was excited, he didn't want to question her again. "ALRIGHT" he said loudly, instantly covering his mouth. Right, parents den nearby. Gotta be quiet!

"Let's!" he said his tone just above the whisper again.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:21 pm

Zalediti looked a little amused by the white male cub. "I'd have to know your parents first. Pray to the great lion that I don't meet them." She had a dry sense of humor. Zalediti wasn't about to go through the trouble of hunting down this cubs parents for wanting to watch a sunrise.

Zalediti very calmly started off towards where the sun rise was going to be but Callisto stopped her square in her path.

"No. Irem said over there is the best spot." Callisto had a very serious look on her face for a cub. Zalediti was surprised.

"Ah. My apologies. Irem?" She looked at the male. That must have been his name she figured. "Lead the way if you know where to go." There was a very amused look on Zalediti's features now.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:26 am
Alpaca Chobi

Irem nodded quickly. "Yes m'am!" he voiced. He would need to make sure that his parents stayed away from the slave dens.

His ears flicked when Callisto abruptly stopped her mother. He had a feeling if he tried that tone with his own parents, he'd be grounded. When Zalediti called his name, his ears perked forward. "Hmm?" His head tilted. "Oh! Well, over here! It's always clear during the day, so I figured it would be a good spot too!" He trotted off, nudging Callisto as he passed her. "Riiiiiighhhhtt here!" he sat, pale eyes looking over his shoulder to the cub and her mother.

He waited, watching the dark sky slowly fade to lighter hues. "so pretty," he cooed.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 3:25 pm
I couldn't tell if this one was finished yet or not. x ' D I am so sorry if it wasn't. Feel free to drop kick me .

Zalediti plopped down beside the cub and watched the sunrise with knowing eyes. This wasn't new to her but she was well aware it was very new to the cubs. They'd only seen a paw full.

Callisto was between her mother and Irem and fully ready for the sunrise. A blur of orange over the horizon mixed with the dark purples and blues of the once night sky until a brilliant and blinding circle of light started to appear. The purples and blues lightened and started to fade as this began to happen turning in to that of a day sky.

"WOWWWWW" Callisto couldn't believe her young eyes. "I can't believe the sun does this every day. What a life."

"Well you have to wake up every day. I believe its similar. " Zalediti chimed in.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:36 pm
Alpaca Chobi
One more post with Zalediti and you can use this rp for her <3

Irem's ear flicked towards Callisto's mom at her statement. That was true. The moon needed to sleep too sometimes, so it only made sense.

"Wonder where the moon goes to sleep then. Does it have a den too?" The white male asked out loud, not really expecting an answer. He'd probably bring it up to his parents in the future if it wasn't answered here.

Speaking of. The sun was getting higher, and the lands getting brighter! His parents would be up soon and if he did not make it back to the den, he would surely get an earful! "Er---I should get going. Otherwise I uh...won't be seeing the sunrise for a very long time..." he admitted, not gazing towards the adult. "Callisto, Callisto's mom. Nice to meet you! See you around, okay?" and with that, the male scampered off, trying to beat the sun before his parents awoke.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:09 pm

Callisto nodded, "I bet the moon does have a den." It was the only logical answer after all.

Zalediti smiled and shook her head, "We're not completely sure where the moon goes but I do not think it has a den." She couldn't fully be sure though. Maybe the great sky's had dens.

Callisto was tempted to scamper off with Irem but she was stopped by her mother.

"We'll see Irem another time." She bent down and picked a very frustrated Callisto up. The two of the had their own den to get to after all.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

[IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands

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