User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image She wasn't new to the clan anymore, it had been a year so far since her twin and herself joined the Pride and had been assigned to their new home, the Sky Clan. She hadn't really branched out and talked to too many others but she was hoping to change that now that her twin had moved out and she was rather alone.

She had done everything with her and now that she had a mate and had moved out it was a different game for her and while she had a love interest of her own she still figured she should at least get to know some of the other clan members, or even the pride members. They were who she was going to be seeing for the rest of her life after all, might as well get to know them.

The Sky festival was a wonderful time for the members of the pride because all the other clan members could mingle with one another for a few days time. It was a nice way to meet a potential mate or even make new friends.

Amaris and her twin Adonias were chatting up a small storm and didn't see the pale female at first until they grew closer and then gave her a small smile. She was glad she was able to see him, if even for a short time. "So you're the sky champion! It's a pleasure." Liesa said warmly, and then looked at the Identical male to the female. "Sibling I presume?"

"You are correct, I was just passing by and heard of the festivities, I won't be stay though. I just had to see my sister while I could." He said proudly.

"You're very kind, I was quite shocked I had won and even more shocked when he showed up." She said completely thrilled about the day. However they were all interrupted, but no one could be upset about who it was.

Eschrich and Gola hadn't been far off and Gola had been wanting to meet the sky champion and had darted away from the silver male, much to his dismay. "YOU LOOK SO LOVELY!" She blurted out admiring her attire as she looked the female over with her adornments. "I want to be just like you one day." Eschrich laughed and pulled her back a little bit. "She's a bit exuberant isn't she." He laughed and they all laughed with him.

"Oh that's quite alright. Maybe one day you will be." Amaris beamed down at the small cub.

"She yours?" Adonias asked the silver male.

"Oh no, not mine. Just cub sitting I guess?"

"We just met a little while ago, he's been super nice." Gola said quite pleased with having found a friend, even if he was an adult.

"Well aren't you lucky to have such a kind friend." Liesa said to her hoping to have cubs of her own one day. That would in fact require her to have a mate though.

"I missed the tournament, I do hope to watch and perhaps partake in it next year." Eschrich commented quite proud of the females accomplishments.

"Oh you're new then! Weclome!" They seemed to all say in one form or another in unison.

"Thank you. I hadn't expected such a warm welcoming like I've been given." It was true, the male was completely floored by how open and warm this pride was towards it's newcomers.

"Are you new as well?" He looked at the twin male and Adonias shook his head.

"Oh no, not me. I'm just passing through." His heart was swelling with pride for his sister and her mate. He had gotten to meet him earlier in the day and he couldn't be more proud. He wondered how their brother was doing but wasn't sure he'd be able to see him again. Perhaps one day.

It was strange to think they'd likely never see one another until they crossed over into the great beyond.

"I'm so happy that he stopped by. I was feeling a little homesick but him coming by like this helped." Amaris said giving her brother an affectionate bump on the head with her own. It was true, she might have gone into a small depression had it not been for him.

"I would have thought I'd of gotten homesick, but I didn't grow up with my parents so I guess I always sort of felt independent." He had been raised by a very loving lioness but he had felt a calling to go elsewhere and here he was.

And courting a very lovely lioness at that!

New and courting already, who'd of thought.

Liesa was pleased to see so many of them doing so well. "My sister and I joined last year, I'll probably give my paw at the festival one of these years. Probably sooner than later given my sister just moved out with her mate." So she was alone now, which wasn't terrible but it was a little disheartening.

She had to make more friends, one's that were in her clan too. Though it would seem that none of them here were, they all happened to be in different clans which was quite fascinating indeed.

"Well, while we still have the festival going on we should all get together and do something while we can. I know we'll be splitting back up into our own clans shortly and it would be nice to get to know a few of you before paw. Plus we can always re-convene next year and have faces to look for."

Liesa offered.

"OH THAT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!" Gola said running around the adults like a bat out of hell. She was full of energy still and had yet to get rid of it all. "Maybe you can tell me about your fights." She said looking up at Amaris.

"I would like that Gola, let me say goodbye to my brother first though since that will take some time."

"Okay. I can wait." She said pleased to know she'd be learning about the female and her tournament.

"We can regroup in about an hour perhaps? I do have to be heading off soon and would like to say goodbye to my sister." Adonias said.

"Oh of course! No worries." Eschrich said with a smile and escorted Gola off with Liesa in toe.

The twins took this time to say their goodbye's before she watched him leave and then left to find the others.

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