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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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The Dobrev Family ~ Accepted

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:38 pm
xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxD O B R E Vxxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sasha "Harbinger" Dobrev, orphan
Played by Cara MiaKitty

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 01/21/2018

Moved from Vampire Clans subforum
Backstory update to include guild events

xxxAccepted byxxx
~ Dia [1/22/2018]
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Harbinger [1/22/2018]
PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:02 pm
xxxxxxS A S H A xxx" H A R B I N G E R "xxx D O B R E Vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Harbinger, Harbie
              AGE »» 152
              BIRTHDAY »» 02 June 1900
              GENDER »» Genderfluid
              FACE-CLAIM »» Jana Knauerova
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggle
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Russian, Japanese, Korean, French, German
              ACCENT »» Russian

              xxx»» Quiet
              xxx»» Astronomy
              xxx»» Muggle technology
              xxx»» Violin music
              xxx»» Animals
              xxx»» Discordant sounds
              xxx»» Bright lights
              xxx»» Chaos
              xxx»» Messes
              xxx»» Food smells
              xxx»» Engaging with technology
              xxx»» Stargazing
              xxx»» Learning languages

          xxxxxxV A M P I R I S Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CLAN »» Head of the Augurey Clan, formerly of the Shadowsong Council
              TURNED BY »» Kronos
              DATE OF TURNING »» 26 May 1917
              AGE AT TURNING »» 16
              POWER »» Fear manipulation/manifestation

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Harbinger is dedicated; whatever path xe finds xerself set on, xe will walk it with determination, never wavering. Sometimes this borders on stubbornness, but Harbinger can be swayed by logic if the route xe has taken is proven to be wrong. However, this can only be accomplished by those who Harbinger trusts and admires, such as xer sire.

              xxx»» Harbinger is an excellent judge of character; though xer values are somewhat warped, xe can be trusted to make quick and accurate calls on the true nature of person's personality. Xe is rarely proven wrong once xe has made a judgement. Xe can easily see through a lie, is quick to assess, and meticulous in xer study of those around xer.

              xxx»» Having lived for over a hundred years and planning to live for many centuries more, Harbinger does not believe in rushing into things. Xe would rather lie in wait, watching from the shadows, and acquire as much information as xe can before making a move. Xe withholds judgement until xe is certain, both because xe dislikes being wrong, and because xe believes the time saved running into something headfirst will be lost later in correcting a mistake.

              xxx»» Xe is a born liar, which is part of why xe finds it so easy to read when another is lying. Xe often uses this to xer advantage, feigning innocence to draw others to xer, either to manipulate or to feed. Harbinger finds it easier to lie than to tell the truth, and rarely finds xerself caught in the act. Even xer appearance is meant to deceive, to confuse those around xer so that xe can catch them off-guard.

              xxx»» Harbinger only speaks when xer words will carry weight; xe is not one for pointless chatter, finding it distracting and annoying. Xe believes that words carry power, and they should be treated with respect, not tossed about without meaning. Xe will rarely open up as a result, preferring to keep things to xerself. The only time xe is open with others is when the good of the clan is at risk. Smalltalk is not xer forte, and xe has a limited number of people xe will even attempt to engage in it with.

              xxx»» Harbinger's moods can change as quickly as the wind. One moment, xe will be perfectly relaxed, and the next, furious. Xer moods change on a dime, though never when unprovoked. Typically quiet and calm, xe is a force to be reckoned with when angered, going from level-headed and benevolent to mindlessly cruel if provoked just right.

              xxx»» Excellent judge of character
              xxx»» Highly intelligent
              xxx»» Exceptionally vain
              xxx»» Unpredictable moods
              xxx»» Pain
              xxx»» Being buried alive

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              HUMAN LIFE
              xxx»» Harbinger has little recollection of xer life before being adopted by Kronos and Nyx. Xe's earliest memory isn't much of a memory at all, just a sense of dread, the smell of smoke, and a wall of orange. Xe doesn't like to try and achieve clarity on this matter; as a human child, it her xer head, and nowadays, xe could care less about what happened to Sasha Dobrev. All that matters is Harbinger. Xe does have a very strong, solid memory of the night xe was taken from the orphanage. Like Sasha, all the others had all arrived at the orphanage through some unfortunate turn of events that took the lives of their parents. Unlike Sasha, when the vampire couple broke into their home in the dead of night, they were all afraid. But Sasha knew no such fear; xe had seen much scarier things in xer life than these two, xe thought (something xe finds quite amusing in retrospect, considering the things xe has seen the pair do since). Insatiably curious, xe demanded that they explain themselves. Xe never quite knew what it was that made them take a liking to xer, but apparently they did, for they offered to take xer away from the orphanage and to something better. Almost 18 and about to be abandoned by the only home xe knew, it sounded like a good enough deal, so xe agreed. They revealed their true nature to Sasha, and turned xer that very night.

              xxx»» Harbinger was quite happy with xer life once xe was taken in by the vampires, finding great joy in the adventure of travelling and seeing the world. Xe greatly looked forward to the day when xe's power would manifest, but when the day finally came, it was bittersweet; the power, to manifest a person's greatest fear, was difficult to control, and xe often found it acting up at the most inopportune of times. Xe learned that the clan was thinking of abandoning xer, and desperately sought to learn to control it. Xe was given the name of Harbinger, and has refused to go by the name Sasha ever since. The clan continued to grow, until the day that Nyx expressed fear that they would attract attention and be killed.

              xxx»» The clan remained the same until the Second Wizarding War, when they were approached by a group of Death Eaters, seeking the support of the clan for their master. Everything was fine, until Harbinger, being quite perceptive, began to grow suspicious of the humans. Xe discovered that the clan was being used, that they did not intend to honor the promises made to the clan, and informed Kronos. In retribution, he turned two of the Death Eaters, making them that which they despised. Harbinger has always found this both cruel and amusing.

              xxx»» As the clan entered the modern era, Harbinger found xerself somewhat amused with the world of humans, particularly of muggles. Being non-magical in xer human life, xe had always felt a stronger connection to the mundane than the magical, and so was quite fascinated by the advancement of technology. Xe grew obsessed with pop culture, music and films and cartoons. Through this obsession, xe met a human. Typically, while human culture amused Harbinger, humans themselves were considered dull, but this one fascinated xer. The vampire approached the human, first seeking friendship, and then more. Kronos turned Harbinger's chosen mate at xer request, expanding the clan further, and making Harbinger completely content with xer life.

              xxx»» For the most part, the clan had kept to themselves and avoided the official council ruling over their kind. But, eventually it was noted that the council's head seemed to've vanished, and no one had heard from him or his companions. Kronos took it upon himself to take advantage of their absence, and declared himself as the head of a new council, comprised of himself and his own clan. Select members were permitted to start their own clans, Harbinger included. Xe was quick to claim Amnesia as a part of xer clan, which xe dubbed the Augurey clan, after a bird said to be an omen of death.

              xxx»» It took a while before Harbinger found someone xe wished to bring into xer clan. Xe is not, as a rule, particularly impressed by humans. However, eventually xe came across a young wizard named Virgil Ross, who xe found more interesting than most. Xe studied him for a time and, eventually, found the perfect opportunity to convince him to be turned. It required a little manipulation, but xe wasn't overly concerned so long as xe got the desired results. Virgil became xer first fledgling.

              xxx»» Things became a little complicated after that, with the Shadowsong Council seeming less like a council and more like a large group of unorganized people who mostly didn't get along. Harbinger mostly kept xerselves separate from it all, focusing on xer personal life. So, it came as something of a surprise when suddenly, members of the council and clans started going missing, including Amnesia. Harbinger was questioned by a member of the council proper, a vampire named Lore, who did not trust xer at all. The disappearances continued, with little headway being made until Virgil's lover Dominique and son Eitan were taken. Harbinger was willing to put up with a lot, but not the loss of xer family. Xe teamed up with Lore to hunt down those responsible, and managed to find the guilty party just in the nick of time. A group of humans, lead by a self-hating and ancient vampire, had been trying to rid the world of all their kind. The combined efforts of Lore, Harbinger, and Dante, along with a newly-turned Dominique and the half-vampire, resulted in the deaths of the humans and their leader.

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Pansexual
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Mated
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Dylan Hayes

              xxx»» Virgil Ross xxx Eitan (half-vampire)
              xxx»» Dominique Hallwyd
              xxx»» Dylan Hayes xxx Reece (muggle)
              xxx»» Dominique Hallwyd
              xxx»» Elizabeth Pierce
              xxx»» Pamela Gautreaux
              xxx»» Dylan Hayes
              xxx»» Pestilence
              xxx»» Staff of Dispe Ding ChHoists


MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
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  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
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