She was running, her feet barely touching the ground as she paced herself into a full sprint at her prey. It was a small herd of antelope that she had spent the past hour or so tracking. There was so much that went into a hunt that JB was engaging now in the easiest part of it. She had a tag along this time, but it had made little difference to her. Once she was focused on a task, she saw it through to the end. The advantage was with her for once. She was downwind, and her prey was off-guard. Lions usually hunted during the night, and with it full daylight out now the antelope had let their guard down.

If JB messed this up in front of her friend, she'd never live it down. The situation was just too ripe for success. The charcoal lioness singled out one of the larger antelope. After all, she had a guest, and taking the old and sick right now was easy. She wanted a bit of a trophy. Why JB was determined to impress Shujaa, she did not know. There was a great deal of pride placed in her skills as a huntress. It would be a shame for her to trip up now.

Her paw reached out, trying to trip the antelope in mid-hop. The animal fell face first into the ground unexpectedly, and it sent JB toppling over it. Whatever grace and beauty she had displayed before went out the window, but the hunt was still a success. She latched onto her prey, carefully avoiding the sharp ends of the antelope's horns. One grazed against her chest, but she paid it no mind and simply adjusted herself to keep from getting hurt further.

When it was all said and done she had an impressive kill for doing it all on her own. The charcoal lioness sat up, her chest heaving from large breaths, and looked around for Shujaa. He had to be somewhere nearby.

Earlier in the day, Shujaa had made his was over to JB's place, finding that she was well enough with the injury to show her skills in the art of the hunt. She had led him to the grounds, instructed him to wait, and wait he did. The golden lion was not a hunter. He was a guy, and found the talent was mostly geared for the ladies (not that he didn't have skilled friends who were males and hunters.).

His dark eyes watched the other, her form (little grace at the end) was simply...breathtaking. He had moved quietly as the herd did, watching in silent awe at the take down. When he was sure she was done, he rose from his downed position, trotting over to the female. "Bravo, bravo!" he said with a large smile on her maw. "You make it look easy, and as if you never would injured in the first place!" He awed.

"Come on, tell me. What's your secret?" He laughed. "Training missions in the dead of night to perfect your skills? Does that water hole near your den hold secret hunting power ups?" He guessed, humor lit in his eyes.

She let the recently deceased animal lay at her feet. The thrill of a hunt was utterly exhilirating for the female. There was no better way to get her blood pumping than through a chase. It didn't matter if she made a kill or not, because in that moment it was about focusing on her prey and giving the hunt everything she had within her. By the time Shujaa approached her, she was riding on that high from triumph. Her blue eyes were bright, the expression on her face confident and on the edge of being smug.

"The paw's fine now, even if I had hunted with it still hurting I'd be able to block out most of the pain." It just hadn't been the healthy choice for her to try and hunt with her paw throbbing. This was likely the best mood that Shujaa would see JB in. There was a bit of a thrill seeker nestled in her soul that only got to breach the surface during a hunt.

"I enjoy it, that's all. There is nothing that's quite more enjoyable than planning a successful hunt. I do a lot of it, enough that I'm able to donate some carcasses to other families. There's only one of me, if I happen to get greedy and try and snag more of a... substantial kill,someone's always around who could need it." It would explain how the lioness was in such good shape. She was an average sized female, but every ounce of her was muscled toned and sleek underneath her fur.

"I would not recommend you hunting when your paw is still hurting, even if you can block it out." He frowned at that comment, noting it for the future. " Though this mood, these expressions JB was currently giving him, he never would have expected them from the female. She seemed so...stoic. She really seemed to enjoy the hunt, and in turn, Shujaa enjoyed what life it brought to the dark girl.

"Make sense," He said. "And that's pretty sweet of you to donate what you don't eat, or just a kill in general. I know there are a lot of families in the Pride that find it difficult to hunt such large game sometime." He said quietly, actually taking a moment to gaze over JB's form. He never noticed how fit the female actual was, but then again, he never really had time to just observe her. Their meetings had been pretty brief at most, today was one of the only time's Shujaa could actual take in everything JB was.

Not wanting to make the stare awkward, he shifted towards the kill. That definitely was enough food for both of them, and then some. "Think you can teach this lion some of your tricks?" He asked. Learn skills first, then eat. Otherwise he would be lazy with a full belly.

"If I had to, I would," JB answered with a shrug of her shoulders. Luckily, she had a supportive family who had jumped at the opportunity to aid her. JB had not wanted for anything in the time it took her to recover from the injury on her paw. Because of that support, she had healed quickly and there was no lasting side effects from the small wound. Her hunting days were still numerous and hopefully filled with success.

"Eh, it just makes sense. I love to hunt, and I surely can't eat all that I kill at times. It bothers me little to give up whatever excess I have." She noticed his eyes on her, and for some reason in that moment she wasn't bothered by it. Normally she'd chase away any male who's gaze lingered on her, but she was beginning to feel more comfortable around Shujaa. In that moment, she was a prideful, strong lioness. Maybe she was showing off a little bit, but she didn't think that was so bad.

JB shook her head, thankful for the distraction of Shujaa's request. "A lot of the hunt is actually in the set up. I spent time learning the herds' patterns and movements in our lands. This area here is a spot where antelope come to try and rest. If the wind is right, it makes it easy to sneak up on them. They won't come back to the same spot for a little while, but inevitably they always come back. Now, across the way there are zebra right about now over the crest of that hill." JB knew a lot about the prey in the Pridelands, knowledge she had gathered from many failed hunts and from the word of other pridelanders.

"I can see why you never took interest in any of the guys your father tried to set you up with." Shujaa started. "You are so busy learning the art of the hunt, you don't have time for such trivial things such as a love interest it seems." His tone was strictly neutral. But all of these were just observations of what JB was like when she was younger. Now that she was older, mastered the art, maybe, just maybe she would be more willing to kindle a relationship with someone?

"Huh, I never thought about them not coming back to the same location. I guess it would make sense. I mean, if I were in their place (thank the fallen kings I am not), I would steer clear away from a spot that a friend had died." His ears flicked towards the mention of the zebra herd nearby. Shujaa would need to take these tips to his own small hunting group. They might be more successful at their outings then.

"So you just...lay and wait, watching them until you get their pattern." The golden male seemed to repeat what she had said. "Sounds quite...boring, but I guess it all pays off in the end." His gaze flickered back to her. "You looked great out there, it obviously shows you love what you do."

Shujaa walked over to the JB's prey, nudging it with his nose. "First bite always goes for the one that made the kill. Have at it."

"Yeah, at the time I wasn't ready. Guys just held no interest for me." The lioness was slowly beginning to open up to Shujaa. It had taken her a while to get to this point, but it seemed that all it took was a little bit of patience with JB. She had a hard outer shell, and was used to shrugging off the advances of males. "They couldn't give me the same satisfaction that I received from feeling successful at something. I just wanted to find my niche and become really good at it, and males were a useless distraction."

She had perfected her art, but still had not taken a mate. No one had yet to rise to her standards. "Especially if we eat right here. The smell of the dead will ward away the other prey," JB instructed. However, she was not in the mood to drag the antelope somewhere else to eat it. The hunt had been exhilirating and exhausting all at the same time.

An unusual blush rose to her cheeks at the compliment, and JB switly looked away from Shujaa and back to her kill. "Well, thanks. Honestly, the chase makes up for it entirely. It gets your blood rushing, heart thumping. My focus becomes hyper sensitized to my prey. It makes everything so... worth it." There was no greater thrill for her than the chase - she had yet to meet anyone who could give her that same high.

"Thanks - let's eat," she offered him a smile, and then dug into the kill.

Oh. Should they...move the kill? A small frown appeared on his lips. He would have offered to move the kill. JB had done all the work so far anyways, it was the least he could do! But, she was already heading over, ready to dig in to the meal. He hoped them consuming their dinner here would ruin the hunting grounds in the future.

"I don't think I have ever met someone that is so keen on the hunt as you are. Makes you unique." He said to her as she ate, his own head lowering to enjoy the kill as well.

Shujaa ate in silence, picking a bit at the bit of meat on the antelope's leg. His tongue grazed the bloody fur, as his head moved closer to where JB was eating. He only realized how close he was to her with his head bumped hers. Quickly lifting it, he watched her reaction. "I'm sorry!" he said apologetically. "Big head, you know? It's all the hair." he jested, making sure the other way okay.

JB had noticed how close Shujaa's face was to her's before the lion accidentally bumped into her. For some reason, she didn't say anything to him in those few seconds. She could smell how close he was, and even feel his breath as he dug into the meal. It wasn't... unpleasant, and that surprised her. She was so focused on how close he was that the only thing that snapped her out of that brief trance was when his head managed to hit her own.

The charcoal lioness quickly snapped back to reality, sitting upright with the darkest blush upon her cheeks. Her heart was racing, and it definitely wasn't from the kill. How embarrassing! How long had she been focusing on him? There was no way to hide her embarrassment, and she could only hope he thought it was because they had bumped into each other.

"No, it's fine," she answered after making a point to clear her voice. What was she even doing? "Your hair's fine, that didn't hurt." She reassured him, wincing a little at how rushed her response was and how... stupid she sounded. Ugh.

Shujaa still frowned, not quite believing her. Was that...was that a wince? Great, he had caused her an injury now. He did not want to coddle her, knowing that was what she was brought up with all her life. "If you're sure." He said quietly. Shujaa had his fill. He was never one to stuff his face on a single sitting. The Pridelands were thriving, there was no need for him to do that.

He sat back, waiting for her to be done to. He licked his lips, cleaning the drying blood from his maw. "Thank you for the meal," he said after she was done. He definitely would owe her after this. Sure he had helped her with her paw, but that was nothing compared to her putting herself in danger to take down a kill by herself.

There still looked to be plenty of food leftover. "Should we donate this to one of the families nearby?" He questioned. "Or I can drag it back to your den to have a late night snack?"

"You are welcome," she told him with a shrug of her dark shoulders. The lioness did not think it was that much of a deal to share her meal with a friend. It wasn't like Shujaa was incapable of hunting on his own. This was no pity party, but rather an extension of friendship. Besides, she'd never be able to eat the whole thing herself before the smell of age turned her away from it.

Normally, she would agree to the idea to donate it to another family. It was usually what she did with the rest of her large meals. Her mouth, however, spoke before her mind could come to the correct answer. "Let's go back to my den." Her heart seized in momentary panic, "Er, take it back to my den."

Oh, if gods existed they were having a good laugh at her. If her dad had heard THOSE words he would have a heart attack. What was she thinking? She had all but invited Shujaa back to her den (even if it was just to take back her meal). JB invited no one back to her place. Sharing a meal with him was quickly becoming the worst decision of her day if it made her tongue do silly things like this.

Shujaa had caught was JB said. A hint of a smirk echoed on his lips, though he tried to hide it from the other. She had quickly clarified what she meant, which she did not need to. Shujaa knew exactly what JB was saying.

He nodded. "I'll take it back for you, give you a bit of a rest after all the work you did today." He would not take no for an answer, and if she tried to help, he would just butt her to the side. It was time he showed a little bit of strength, and that he wasn't completely useless!

The pridelander hoped this meeting was the start of something. Already JB seemed to show her true self beyond the harsh exterior. Maybe with a little bit more time she would be more willing to open up to the male. Well, Shujaa had all the time in the world, so the waiting game commenced!