After Akela left, Tawi puffed out. He hadn't expected to get into a scuffle with the pink male, but he thought he had proved his point. Hopefully that meant the lion would not interfere next time he tried speaking to Raia.

The adolescent sighed, walking slowly in the direction of the water hole. When he got closer, he found others huddled around it. Some were those Firekin members, others were just regular old members of the pride. He did want to interfere with them, so Tawi decided to visit later. He could clean the small wound himself.

Achy, the lion laid under an old tree. Akela had managed to get a hit on him, just a small scratch mark. It stung more than anything. Taking a moment, he sniffed the scratch. It'd heal pretty quickly, it was only superficial. "Stupid Akela," he muttered.

Rumors flew among the adolescents fairly quickly - there was a fight. Raiatea hadn't truthfully been paying attention until a name was dropped. "Akela, that fool." The dark sister was fuming at the thought that her brother had gotten himself into such a mess. Blinded by the rage that Akela had brought on she didn't realize who his 'opponent' was.

"Is it over?" She found herself asking someone that appeared to be wandering away from something. The look Raia received suggested that the lion had no idea what she was talking about and so she found herself moving on.

The watering hole.

It was the next best destination for finding things out - everyone gossiped around the waterig hole. Upon her arrival she noted the few Firekin, some regular members, but no chatter of a tumble between teens. Perhaps she got lucky in hearing about it? It didn't seem nearly as notorious as she had expected to hear. Turning her back on the crowd surrounding the watering hole she spied a familiar lion - Tawi. Their mild dispute while in company of a Firekin still hung over her head and she scowled at the thought of going to him, but she knew that she would.


Was her greeting while approaching, but that was before she realized why he had been laying beneath an old tree instead of out and training with a guard. "What happened?" Her eyes looked from his face to the rest of his disheveled self. "Did you fall into a bush?" Her ignorance about his involvment in the scuffle carried on.

Tawi's ears perked forward at the sound of his name.

Damnit he scowled. Of course she would be here right now.

"Raiatea." The adolescent repeated her greeting.

"Did your brother send you after me now, too?" he asked softly, although his eyes hardened at the sight of her. He didn't know if Akela would go run to Raiatea to say what her 'friend' had done to him. At her question, his gaze softened, just a tad. Oh, he hadn't told her. Well, that was a glimmer of hope. Maybe?

"A..bush? Why would I fall into a bush?" He asked her, rising to his feet. Note to self, no more scuffles he grimaced. He thought about telling her about the fight, but did she really need to know? She was probably still angry at him from the verbal assault during the Firekin meet and greet. She'd likely get even angrier if she knew her brother and him had a fight. "You know what, yeah...I fell into a bush." It was an obvious lie to cover up it.

"Why are you out here? I thought you'd still be playing host to our..." what were the Firekin to the Mwezi lions? "...friends?" No, that didn't sound right. Whatever, he just rolled with it.

Other circumstances might have had the adolescent smiling at hearing her name come from him, but with all that had happened she could only scowl in return. After him? She didn't get long to think on those words, which appeared to snap out quickly. Why was he acting so defensive towards her? Never in her times in talking with him had she ever felt so attacked - which would be saying a lot. When his gaze softened she was brought to her rump before him. It reminded her so much of the guilt she'd brought to his eyes before he walked away from her and it broke her heart all over again.

"You and Akela fought."

The realisation hit her smack in the face as Tawi lied to her. She ignored his question for a moment while getting back up to move towards him in a sudden desire to make sure he wasn't hurt. "You should know you're bad at lying, you have to know that." As cubs they hadn't be able to get away from telling the truth to each other, harsh as that seemed from time to time. Of course that meant that she knew about the sadness in his eyes that one day, but she managed to keep that to herself all this time.

Raia didn't get a chance to get close to Tawi as he stood and at that point she hesitated. "Look at you." Her eyes glimmered slightly. "Did you boys finally get it out of your system?" Her eyes narrowed again as she fought back her concern for him. "What if your Mom saw this?" Though she had tried to sound stern the tone came across worried and slightly weak. She considered her thoughts about brawling before and she immediately took it back, no way that was the right choice.

"Can I help?"

Scolding could wait.

("You and Akela fought.")

His ears pinned back at her statement. He shifted uncomfortably on his paws as he looked away. His body language and refusal to meet her gaze said it all.'

"I'm sorry," he apologized quietly. He was sorry for fighting her brother (though, that little brat deserved it), he was sorry for getting into an argument with the others in the presence of guests, and overall just sorry for how he had treated Raia when they were cubs. "I...know." Tawi said in reference to how bad of a liar he was. He always said things as they were, even if those words were harmful to others. "I shouldn't have fought him. He is..your brother after all." It was a struggle to get the words out. He didn't know why he was starting to get flustered.

("Look at you.") His light gaze finally met hers. He looked down his lanky body, before the returning it to the female. He gave the all-knowing Tawi shrugged. He was done fighting, but he did not know if Akela would hold a grudge or not. He didn't want to go for Round Two, but it was not like he could deny the demand if brought up to him. Boys would be boys, after all.

"My mom? She'd probably route for it. My dad on the other hand..." Ochieng was a former rogue, and a little crazy to begin with. His dad was a former guard, and that had a set of rules to it.

"Uhm..." his eyes drifted down to the ground. "It's...it's not that bad..." He didn't openly refuse the offer. Baby steps, Tawi. Baby steps.

The reaction was befitting of the act that had been commited. Raia watched knowingly as Tawis ears pinned against his head in a look that didn't suit him quite as ncely as his usual confident self, but it had been expected considering the situation and what had happened.

"Truth be told.. he had it coming." The lioness eye'd the wounds with mild concern that didn't extend into much further action. They would heal with time. "Well I guess if I'm being entirely honest.. you both had it coming." A small smile tugged at the corner of her lip as she realized that there was something missing - his ego was in tact. "You won the fight." She could have laughed out loud! Her brother would be hearing about this until Raia found herself blue in the face. "You look upset, perhaps a little annoyed? But you don't look defeated." She mused out loud at her sudden discovery.

Though she was delighted by this discovery she knew he had to still be in some discomfort and her instincts nudged her to pay attention. "Why don't we head to a less crowded section of the watering hole? We need to get you cleaned up." The smile that had tugged at her lips finally won a very simple battle.

Where Raia smiled, Tawi could not help but frown. They did have it come. Akela deserved it more. Tawi thought. It would not be the adolescent if he didn't think that.

When she said you won the fight, this brought a small smirk to his face. He didn't say how he had just barely won the fight, but he nodded briefly to answer the statement, although she had not asked it as a question. He let her continue to speculate the situation, ears slowly unpinning themselves as they perked forward with curious amusement.

When she suggested they go to the waterhole (albeit less crowded part) Tawi wanted to shake his head. He was not a good candidate to be around large crowds (as shown in his reaction to the Firekin pride). But, maybe is Raia was with him, just Raia, he'd be better.

Slowly, he nodded in agreement. "Okay, Raia," it was the first time he had actually called her by the shortened name.

Still achy, the lion walked up to the female, he'd let her choose the location.

Her smile never faded as they mulled over the smaller details of the fight and who may have been the victor. Raiatea was letting him string her along with fantasies of the fight which left her wishing to have seen it. She'd seen guards training and cubs tussle, but never a duel. This provoked thoughts of the firekin they had learned so much about. Dueling was part of their regular day.

Shock settled behind her eyes - he had.. agreed?

Raia had known their relationship, if it could even be called that, was developing at a shaky pace of taunting and demeaning at times. This was the first encounter that seemed to be going well - a sign that they were growing and aging properly she was sure. "Good." She said with a smile and no other undertone. She didn't dare risk the tone between them changing, not now. She was eager to continue inspecting his, but opted to turn and lead the way towards a quiet part of the waters edge where there had been one or two lions milling about, but they seemed to pay no mind to the approach of a couple of adolescents.

"Alright, sit down, you look so worn out." She admitted. "Let's see, where does it hurt?" Her question was spoke in soft and tender tones. Bottom line, all of their feuding aside, she cared for him more than she wanted to admit to anyone.

Tawi followed quietly. Every part of him wanted to run away, he was so good at doing that, yet he found himself just a step behind the darker female. An ear flicked towards her, but his gray gaze did not meet hers just yet. A small frown was on his maw, clearly showing the internal battle raging in his brain. He had said such mean things to this girl when they were younger, yet she seemed to just brush them off and continue as if they never happened. Surely she couldn't have accepted his apology so soon? Or maybe Raia was the more adult of the adolescent and could learn to forgive in forget.

Tawi's mind was a whirlwind. He almost missed her saying sit down.

Shaking his head at any previous thoughts, the adolescent did as he was told. "I'm not use to fighting." he murmured quietly. Cub sprawls did not count in his opinion, and while Akela and Tawi were not at a fight for the death, it still took a lot out of him. He needed to train more, build his stamina for an actual threat.

"It's..." he hesitated. "It's just a sting, right on the shoulder." It was where the claw mark of Akela was. In the last ditch effort, the pink male had managed to place a paw on him. Perhaps it was because Tawi was becoming sluggish towards the end of their fight. Who knew.

"...Why are you helping me...?" The blue lion finally managed to say his thoughts out loud. Curiosity had gotten the better of him.

The shock of how well things were going had settled for Raia and she breathed in quietly to steady any nerves that were still trying to chime in. The look on his face before he fully committed to moving with her was not shocking - an emotional mess is how she would best describe it - and she understood.

"Of course you aren't." Her tone was gentle, and understanding. She had never fought, of course, and though she had dared drum up the thoughts of pinning those two to a duel "Firekin style" she had never imagined this. "It sounds like you two could have done more damage than necessary - no one here is trained for that kind of thing." Fear struck her as she considered the situation. The big and tough neighbor lions had been training all of their lives. "I wonder if they'd accept trainees." The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them and likely didn't even make sense as the conversation hadn't even been with their neighborhood duelers.

Raia didn't find time to explain herself as Tawi showed where he had been hurt. A small wound, but enough to cause a wince when touched - or so she figured. "That doesn't seem so bad." The dark lioness began to smile slowly, replacing furrowed brows a small frown while she thought of the other pride. Her thoughts disappeared back to that pride as she tended to his wound ensuring that it was clean. Only when hee spoke again did make a small sound of - 'hm'.

"I don't know why I wouldn't." She admitted to him, unable to hide the confused look she wore. "Is there a reason I shouldn't?" Her emerald eyes narrowed at him slightly. She knew their history was shaky at best, but she hadn't even though twice about helping him.

Tawi's ears twitched as Raia's suggestion. That...was actually a great question. He wondered if he should speak with one of the red brutes before they left to see if they could give him any dueling tips. Who knew when it would be needed for the pride. Guarding was one thing, but know how to battle was something else. Maybe tomorrow, if the red lions were still here, he would scout one ask. He was sure the superficial wound on his shoulder would be fine by then, and if not, he'd just grimace through the sting until it was.

"What was the female's name that we spoke with?" He questioned out loud. Maybe he would find her. He had talked with her briefly, so it was almost as if they knew each other. Right?

The adolescent frowned. "We...I..." For a lion who was never at a loss for words, Tawi sure was at this moment. It was hard for him to break the wall he had spent so long building, and he wasn't sure he could say much to the female. Shaking his head, he remained silent, letting Raia work. It was only when she was done did he gaze at the wound, then back at the female.

"...Thank you..." he said quietly, his voice a whisper. "...I...I should get going.."

The dark female turned her gaze to an empty space as she considered the name of the lioness they had spoken with. "Titaia." Her emerald gaze found Tawi again in mild surprise that the adolescent hadn't recalled this, he was usually so aware.

All of his stuttering, stammering and hesitations left Raia feeling bothered. "Yes, that sounds fine." She spoke in an octave just above a whisper, trying to meet him halfway. "I'll talk to you later." She responded and before she turned away to leave she took one last look over the male to ensure her work was completed as it could be.

"Stay safe." She said in a neutral tone and walked away.