Esme was finally growing into herself, though she still felt super awkward. She was going through that strange gangly stage and felt really weird. Her siblings were starting to branch out and make their own little groups and she was still trying to remain close to her twin and elder brother. Letting out a sigh she swiped a rock so that it skirted across the ground a little ways away and she turned her red gaze towards the surroudning area. Maybe she could find something to occupy her mind, or someone. She needed to make new friends, not that she needed them. It would be good for her socially though. She needed to branch out.

Nen had been in the pride for just a little bit of time now. He awoke during the phase of the moon that had classified him as 'middle', which was something he wasn't sure he was use to. He never had a pride before, so learning traditions would be something that he'd come to do the more he spoke with more seasoned members.

He did, however, opt for the Guard rank. Nen was always a protective soul, it was the reason he chose to stay with his mother when he was a cub, and ultimately convinced his twin to do the same. Then, he went off on his own. He half expected his mother to follow, but when she didn't, he'd loop back around to her, finding nothing, not even a scent, to locate her.

Not knowing what to do, Nen continued onwards, stumbling across a familiar looking lion. Low and behold, this was his uncle! Deciding to stay with them and their new family, Nen was bound to pick up the Mwezi lifestyle. He had a lot more growing to do however.

The way of life in the mwezi was good but interesting at times, given they were given their class based on the phase of the moon. While they were well informed of what lay ahead for them the newcommers of the pride were in for a bit of a surprise. While they could have been someone important elsewhere they could end up a slave here and visa versa. She liked to hear about the new members of the pride and where they were destined, mainly because she wanted to know how to approach them, in case they were a little sore about the whole ordeal.

Her red gaze fell upon the purple and white male and she recognized him as one of the newer members of the pride. "Hello." She called out in a soft and friendly tone. "Are you doing well?" She wasn't sure how else to start out.

At the attention of the other, pale eyes turned towards the voice. He tilted his head curiously at the introduction. Maybe this was a typical Mwezi greeting? Shrugging inwardly to himself, the starry lion flashed a small smile. "Hey," his voice was soft, still raspy as it appeared to be going through the normal growing changes.

"I'm....okay. I think?" He was quite new to the pride, with only his uncle and cousins that he didn't even know. Things could probably have been better for him. "Are you...doing well?" The male adolescent asked. Well, this conversation wasn't starting out awkward or anything.

"Are...you from here?" He asked, guessing she was. She did not look like she was a rogue, and seemed roughly his age. Maybe she was abandoned by her parent too?

She thought his voice was cute, how it fluxuated a little bit. Her brother's was doing something quite similar, she liked to poke fun at him a little bit. But she wouldn't do it to this male. She didn't exactly know him just yet and didn't want to run him off.

"Well, that's good then I guess?" She said with a light laugh as she gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "I suppose I'm doing alright as well. I can't complain." Giving a glance around she gave a nod of her head at his next question. "I am! Born and raised, my parents aren't tho"

Nen nodded briefly. Well. that was good.

"Oh?" His ears flickered. "Does that mean your parents aren't in the pride too?" His tone held a hint of hopefulness to it. Maybe there was others like him in the pride? But likely not. She said she was raised here, so probably was brought up by them. Shaking his head, he murmured a quiet "nevermind." looking away from the other.

"Do you like it here then?" The other did not know anything different from the pride. For Nen, it was different than the jungle he had seen as a youngster, and the rogue lands he grew up in with his twin.

She noticed his initial reaction to her family being part of the pride, was it that his wasn't here then. She wasn't going to press it though since she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "It's very nice, everyone tends to take care of one another." Though that was just from her own expereince, she wasn't sure if other's would have different views.

"Are you enjoying it here so far? I can show you some of my favorite places if you like?" She offered to him with a kind smile, maybe it would help him to ease up just a little bit.

Nen shrugged a little. "It's...definitely different than what I grew up with." Partly he wished his twin was here. He was thankful that his uncle and his mate were willing to take him in, but having a direct blood relation with him would have made the transition easier.

At her offer of showing him some of her favorite places, Nen perked up a bit more. "Oh?" a small smile lifted onto his maw. "I...I would definitely like that." He told her, light eyes gazing into hers. "My name is Nen, by the way." short and sweet. He found from his mother he was named after his grandfather. "I...er...probably should have told you that earlier..." he said with a sheepish smile.

Giving a nod of her head she could only imagine. She had been born and raised here, without knowing another life aside from this one. "Nen, I'm Esme, it's nice to make your acquaintance." A soft smile upon her lips as she spoke she gave a small shake of her body to dislodge some of the clinging dust. "I really think you'll like this first spot a great deal." She gave him a small wink and motioned for him to follow as she lead him to one of her favorite spots to go and think

Nen nodded, noting the name. He was sure after they parted he would see the female again.

"I hope you're right," he said quietly. All the starry pelted lion wanted was a place that maybe he could just get away from others when he needed. As Esme was born in the pride, she would know the ins and outs of every nook and cranny. Once she was done showing him around, Nen would probably explore the same sights on his own, looking for one that would best fit him.

He followed after the female, a small smile appearing on his maw. Maybe things would start to look up for him after all.