User Image
_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Φ tab Ⱥ я Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ...]
tab Who Am I…| Chigiri Sonozaki [Uchiha]
tab How Old Am I…| 16
tab What Sex Am I...| Female
tab What Do I Look Like...| I have raven black hair that is long, to my mid-back, completely straight and devoid of curls or waves. I have jet black eyes, and no sags or markings as I get plenty of rest to prevent any premature age marks or black rings. My skin is fair and pale, as I tend to operate better in the shade or evening, avoiding the damaging rays of the sun as much as possible. I live in temperate climates typically so this helps keep my feminine beauty. My body shape is athletic, and graceful. I am certainly not a strong-arm, but I can hold my own in hand to hand against larger opponents by out-thinking them. My nails are usually painted black when I am not on duty, but otherwise remain trimmed and neat. My hygene is an obvious priority as I rarely ever allow myself to be dirty or unkept for very long unless a mission or assignment has me in a situation were I am forced to make due with minimal resources with which to keep my appearance neat.
tab What Are My People...| Japanese
tab Was I Part of a Lineage...| I am certain I had a family before this one... [Uchiha]
tab Where Am I From...| The Village Hidden in the Leaves, Tetsu no Kuni
tab How Tall Am I...| 5' 3"
tab And How Heavy...| 100 lbs
tab What Frame Am I...| Light
tab What Was I to My Home...} "I don't think I amounted to much outside of my family."
tab How Experienced Was I...| "I think I was still pretty new to the world..." [E-Rank]
tab What Am I Like...: "I am head-strong and full of hope for the future. Even if the future is uncertain, I feel my place is at the front of the fight, carving a path to a new dawn for those who will follow me into the bright beyond of tommorow. I try to be easy to make friends with, and always lend a hand to those who need my help... even if I had something else planned. Kind, Caring, and Altruistic would be three words to describe me in a nutshell."
tab What Did I Believe In...: "I believe that the future is bright, but only the strongest will part the clouds."
tab What Do I Fear...:
    tab • Bugs ["Kill them with fire..."]
    tab • Porceline Dolls ["Creepy toys. How could girls find them appealing?"]
    tab • Losing a close friend. ["That would be the saddest day of my life."]
tab What Are My Strengths...:
    tab • Ninjutsu
    tab • Quick Thinking
    tab • Strong Force of Willpower
tab What Are My Weaknesses...:
    tab • Over-Confidence
    tab • Suiton Element
    tab • Hand-to-Hand with Larger opponents.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab đ Φ ɳ Ә…]
tab What Era Am I From...: Era of Attention [BET -108]
tab When Was I Born...| September 12
tab What Have I Experienced...:

- During the Era of Attention, The Uchiha Clan survivors of the Hidden Leaf Village were fleeing Fire Country with what little they had left, one of those things was Chigiri aptly named because her parents had hope she would be the new destiny for the for the Uchiha family. Growing up in the new land of Tetsu no Kuni was in a state of constant fear that she would become one of the lost, and lose the one thing precious to her, her family. As she grew up she was taught the history and tenants of the clan along with the basics that tradition allowed, but the world was in a rush for finding a cure to the strange plague that was sweeping the realm, leaving little to no time for formal indoctrination into Village ninja life. This left her with nothing more than oratory history and some of the books in the library to fill in the missing pieces.

As Chigiri became a teenager, she let loose with her training and found a mentor in her father who began to teach her the ways of the shinobi, and schooled her in the basics of being a Kunoichi. Though this was not a traditional academy in a sense, it did give her a chance to become useful in the tactics she would need for the days to come. The pointing of fingers at who was to blame for the plague was also getting people riled up at ninja from other nations, and so they hid among the people of the Land of Iron and their samurai military, pretending to be common folk until a day of peace would arrive. That day of peace would never come for Chigiri as shortly after she had turned sixteen, the plague took root, and she crystalized. Her crystalized form was hidden by the rest of her Uchiha family members in their home in the Land of Iron until one day a cure would wake their sleeping future from her crystal prison.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab Ⱥ я Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab Ҫ ɐ ϸ ɐ ϐ ζ έ tab Ѻ Ӻ...] ►►► "What Am I Capable Of..." ◄◄◄
tab How Do I Experience Life...|
    tab • -
    tab • -
    tab • -
    tab • -
tab How Do I View It...|
tab What Makes Me Unique Among My Peers...|
    tab • Will of Fire : The power of Chigiri's Katon jutsu is increased by [1] Rank. The speed of the jutsu remains unaltered.
    tab • Uchiha Might : At D-Rank, Chigiri gains +1 Discipline Point
    tab • House-Waifu Material : Chigiri gains +4 Skill Points
tab What Are My Limitations...|
    tab Chakra Pool → 100
      tab Chakra Color ► Red
      tab Chakra Materialization ► A flame-like aura.
        tab • Katon
        tab • -
    tab Stamina Pool → 100
    tab Archetype → Jack-of-All Trades
    tab Statistics
      tab Power| 3
      tab Agility| 3
      tab Intelligence| 3
      tab Chakra| 3
tab What Skills Have I Learned...|
    tab • Farming ► 5
    tab • Brewing ► 5
    tab • Bakery ► 5
tab What Am I Proficient In...| [3]
    tab • Unarmed Combat ► -
    tab • Unarmed Combat : Offensive ► E
    tab • Unarmed Combat : Defensive ► E
tab What Can I Do...|
    tab Ninjutsu → 00 // 02
    tab Genjutsu → 00 // 00
    tab Stages of Learning [Bukijutsu] → 00 // 00
    tab Stages of Learning [Taijutsu] → 00 // 01
    tab Skill Points → 00 // 15
    tab Proficiency Points → 00 // 03

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab đ Φ tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә…]
tab How Much Ryo Do I Have...| 0 Ryo
tab How Much Experience Do I Have...| 100 Exp
tab What Do I Carry...|

    tab • Super Light Armor [D - Ranked, Scale 5] [15 Ryo]
    tab • Normal Clothing [25 Ryo]
    tab • Bedroll [6 Ryo]
    tab • Backpack [2 Ryo]
    tab • Journal // Sketchbook [5 Ryo]
    tab • 2 Satchel, Medium [4 Ryo]
    tab • Oiled Waterskin [1 Ryo]
    tab • Shovel [3 Ryo]
    tab • 3 Pens, 3 Pencils [3 Ryo]
    tab • Replicant Coupon [Allows for the activation of a Tier 3 ability on an item, weapon, or armor for two [2] posts per experience rank.]
    tab • 1 'Get Out of Jail Free' Coupon [Can be used to force an NPC encounter to end]
    tab • 3 Free Posts [Usable on missions, training, crafting, etc]
    tab • 1 Replicant Coupon: Allows for the activation of a Tier 3 ability on an item, weapon, or armor for two [2] posts per experience rank.
    tab • 1 Tasty Peach - A treat that restores [25%] of max Chakra and Stamina when eaten. Takes [1] activation to eat.

tab What Techniques Do I Possess...|
tab What Secrets Have I Discovered...|
tab What Have I Laid Claim To...|