It would seem the siblings both had similar news to share with their parents. Both of them had found potential loved one's to spend the rest of their lives with and had first told one another about the news. Esme wasn't the least bit shocked to hear about her brother falling for the dark female who had been born the same time as them. The group of them had grown up having known each other since birth so connections were likely to happen.

Helios was even more shocked that she had fallen for Tawi's brother. Though just because there was one bad egg didn't mean the rest were like him, he hoped to get to meet the male soon enough. Not that he was going to have anything negative to say about it, he was just happy his sister was happy and visa versa. "Should we tell them now? Or wait until we can bring them with us?" He asked her curling his tail around his feet. She thought about it for a moment, "I think we should tell them now. We can always bring them with another day for them to actually met them. This way we can find out how they actually feel about it." It was a feasible suggestion, though she doubted their parents would be against it.

If they had found the one's they were meant to spend the rest of their lives with she was certain that they would be more than willing to bless them. "Okay, then we can go ahead and tell them now." The pale male smiled at his colorful sibling and stood up, giving a solid shake of his body as he prepared himself mentally to tell their parents. Esme was a little less nervous about it though nervous all the same, this was big news and she was glad that they seemed to have both found decent mates to be.

Rio and Kahini were currently spending the day relaxing and enjoying their good fortune. They were in a pride that was safe and full of potential for them to raise their family in peace. "I want more children Rio." Glancing over towards her mate she wondered if he'd agree or get nervous about the idea of more children. They had raised their first brood quite well and without hiccup so she figured why not try for more. She'd always wanted a large family and she just hoped he was going to oblige her, not that she'd pressure him into doing it. Glancing her way he smiled and gave her head a nuzzle with his own, "If you want more children then we shall have more children my dear." He did what he could to make her happy or at least add to her happiness so he was quite alright with obliging to her every need. Even if it meant more children for them to raise.

Their first were already almost adults and likely to start having children of their own soon so why not try and have some more?

Smiling she was pleased with his response and then turned her attention elsewhere as movement caught her eyes. Two of their children were coming towards them and had an air of nervousness about them, "What do you suppose this is about?" He gave a small shrug, "As long as it doesn't entail them having gotten into something they weren't supposed to be in I suppose it won't be all that bad." Was his response to his mates inquiring about their nervous children. Though he was mighty curious as to what they might look so rigid about, it's not like they were taxing on their children. They tried to promote well being and self sufficiency, so they doubted it was anything truly serious. They were pretty apt to take care of themselves so maybe it was something personal in nature.

"There they are." She said motioning towards their parents as they walked closer and closer. He gulped a little and gave his sister a nervous smile, "And here we go." Giving a nervous laugh the two approached their parents and both gave them a loving nuzzle as they finally got up to them. Each of them took a moment to go through the usual, how are you, are you well, are you taking care of yourself routine and after that was all said and done with the duo gave a sideways glance towards one another. "So, we both have some news we'd like to share with you." Their youngest daughter said with a smile.

It was just best to get it all out there and hold nothing back, rip off the bandage. Not that it was bad news or anything, it was still news though. "Helios and I both have someone we would like you to meet. It's not the same someone, we both have our own someone's but we would like to have you both meet them." Giving him a look she was basically saying, 'you can join in at any time now ya know.' "Well, you both already know Nyota, so really you're just meeting Esme's young male." He laughed and she gave him a glare so he shut up. "But I would like to formally introduce Nyota to you both as my mate to be," His sister jumped in "and I would like to introduce you both to Faraji. I don't believe you have been acquainted with him and his family yet. At least not officially."

Well the two adults had a lot to take in just then but their reactions were that of pure joy. "That is so wonderful." Kahini said to her children with bright eyes and a warm smile, and Rio was just as proud as his mate. "We would very much like to meet them both formally, even if we are already familiar with one of them." He laughed glad to hear such wonderful news. "Okay then! We shall let them know and we shall be doing this again soon, with company." And the two went off to find them.
