Arkadia had made friends with many of the pride members by this point of her life in the lands, to include a few of the slaves. Nkon was one of them. The white male had been gracious of her friendship to him and was currently talking to her about his day since he really didn't have much else to do but help out the other classes with certain tasks.

Kahini and her mate Rio were also a pair she had gotten quite fond of. They also happened to be in the same class. The pair approached and smiled warmly at the duo and the white male stopped his rambling to give them a warm greeting. "I don't believe we've actually been introduced before. I'm Nkonkoni, but most prefer to call me Nkon." They had heard of him before but hadn't met him so this was quite a surprise given how much Arkadia talked about her friend.

"It's wonderful to meet you, I'm Kahini and this is Porphyrios." She introduced herself and her mate with a kind smile to the young male. It was unfortunate the class in which he had ended up but it was as the Great Lion wanted so thus it was. At least he had the opportunity to move upwards from his class if he so chose. Just because you were low class didn't mean you were low. It was just how things worked in the pride.

Arkaidia was pleased that everyone seemed to be getting long quite well and she was so happy to see that her friends family was thriving so well. Perhaps one day she'd have cubs of her own, but that wasn't in her cards just yet. "Have you both been well? I've seen your little one's running around. So precious they are." She commented with nothing but joy in her voice as she was happy for her friends.

"Oh yes, they are thriving quite well." The purple male said wondering how they were able to keep track of them all. At least they had good help. Akela liked to watch them for them at times which was much appreciated by both parents. "What of you? Any little one's in either of your futures?" Clearly talk of cubs was the discussion today.

Nkan hadn't really met anyone else in the pride yet so he wasn't sure cubs were in his future, at least any time soon, though he knew Dia had met someone whom she'd grown quite fond of. "I don't think that is quite in my future just yet, but maybe one day." He glanced over towards the silver and blue female who blushed slightly. "I mean, maybe. I met someone who is really nice and hopefully I can introduce you all to him once I get back from the Tianxia." Nkon was going with her so they'd have plenty to talk about on the trip but with her friends just having had cubs recently she knew they wouldn't be making the journey.

"Oh yes, We forgot that you were going with the Queen to that pride. We hope you have a safe trip there and back. We will very much be anxious to meet this mystery male of yours when you come back." Kahini said with a proud smile towards her friend. "Is it someone we know?" Rio asked curious to know a little more. Nkon was quite familiar with Gaki, he was in the same class as him so he didn't share in the excitement that her other two friends were. He was quite happy that Dia and him were going to make things official in the near future, his friend deserved to be happy.

"I'm sure you've seen him around. He's been in the pride for a very long time." It was crazy to think that the four of them had all joined recently and were seeming to get everything they had been wanting in life. At least that was what she believed and witnessed of them. "Well, if you're happy then we are definitely happy." Rio said happily as he tried to recall who she might be talking about. They knew she didn't socialize too much but had they seen her with anyone as of late?

"Oh, is it that gorgeous male with the starry mane?" Kahini said recalling having seen her with him once before but hadn't thought much of it at the time, at least not till this moment. Rio raised a brow, "oh he must be something if you're calling him gorgeous." He was only teasing his mate and she knew it.

"Yes that is the one! His name is Gaki and he's so sweet." She truly did admire the male and everything he was doing to make up for his past. She didn't hold any of it against him, you do what you think is right or at least what keeps you alive sometimes. There was no blaming him for that. "I would still like to get a formal introduction when we get back." The white male said with a warm smile.

"Don't worry, when you and I get back I will be introducing you all to him." She beamed proudly, glad to see that everyone was happy. "Though to be fair I have met someone as well, though I'm not sure it's going anywhere." The white male gave a small shrug of his shoulders. She was so lovely and he doubted she'd truly be interested in him but you never know. "Since we're leaving soon I haven't really given much thought about it since we just met." Dia gave him a raise of her brow, "Oh and I'm just now hearing of this!" She said shocked he'd been keeping this from her.

"Well at least we'll have something to talk about on our journey." It was true, he could catch her up then. "Well the two of us have to get going here soon. We shall have to meet up as soon as we get back." They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

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