Shujaa was trying. He did not want to burden JB more than he had already by giving her the precious gift of life within her, but he also did not want her to stress about anything. The golden male was stuck between a rock and a hard place as he debated what to do. The lioness was getting bigger. MUCH bigger than a lot of recent lionesses he had seen pregnant. Either JB was going to be having huge cubs, or they were going to be welcoming a lot.

Shujaa would be overjoyed with having a lot of kids. Especially if there were boys. A boy meant he could have his lineage pass down through many generations. He would be a happy father then.

Today though. Today seemed different. He had started to sleep in JB's den, to make sure she was okay. It was rather awkward, but the two were expecting parents, it needed to be done. Shujaa had left early in the morning, to get breakfast for JB. However, the hunt had taken longer than expected, and midday he found himself dragged a small klipspringer back to the den. The scent though. Something was not right.

Tiny sounds on the inside of the den made his blood run cold. They were...here? He missed it?! Gulping, the male dropped the prey at the den, quickly moving into the den. "JB...?" he whispered. He thought he was ready for this. NOPE. He wasn't.

JB had known that the time was drawing near, and she faced that realization with a mixture of relief and fear. Her belly had grown to the point of discomfort, and with dread she realized she was going to have a lot of cubs. That she wasn't ready for. One or two would have been perfect for her as a first-time mother. Apparently she had her mother's luck, and was doomed to have large litters. She had to remind herself that she had a supportive family, and even Shujaa was doing the best he could for her. It still... was overwhelming.

Shujaa had left early that morning. She probably should have told him to stay, but she thought that those first few contractions didn't mean anything. Oh, she was wrong.

The labor had been relatively easy, and surprisingly fast. In the end, she had six cubs... or at least she thought she had. JB was exhausted from the effort, and hadn't even taken the time to check the genders of her new children. They were all here, and they were alive and well. That was all that mattered to her.

Still too many, but she tried not to focus on that too much.

One step at a time, if she didn't take things slowly she'd become overwhelmed.

"You took your sweet time," JB criticized Shujaa with a weary smile. If she didn't give him hell now, she'd probably go insane. At least he was back, but she was too tired to give him the 'welcome home' spiel.

The male frowned at her comment. "I...am so sorry. There was a problem with the herd and well...you know I do not have your hunting skills..." he drifted off a bit, noticing her small smile. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you though," he approached the new mother, his red eyes watching each of the cubs. Was there...six? Three lighter golden, and three dark charcoals. All beautiful.

"Look how little they are," Shujaa cooed, moving over to JB to give her a small headbutt. "You did so well," he purred, lowering himself next to the cubs to sniff at them.

He nudged one of the charcoal boys, a little anchor appeared on his head. A wide smile was brought to his maw. "Have you thought of any names?" The male asked, watching the newborns like a hawk. Once getting a good look at all the cubs, he found there were two daughters and four sons. Shujaa could not have been happier!

JB sighed, almost feeling bad for being hard on the new father. She rolled her eyes up to look at him, though she remained laying down with the cubs nestled in to her fur. "Don't apologize, I'm just giving you a hard time. I would have chased you away if you had been around, anyways." She did not want anyone witnessing her labor. It was something she had wanted to tough out on her own, and she had felt more calm giving birth to these cubs by herself.

She smiled as Shujaa walked over to touch their foreheads together. While getting pregnant had been an accident, Shujaa wasn't a terrible lion to have cubs with. He tried, at least. Sometimes his trying annoyed her, but at least he was here. JB was an independent lioness who liked taking care of herself and doing everything that needed to be done on her own. She didn't need a male to baby her. Shujaa at least recognized that.

"Hmm," she paused, "no, I haven't. I was waiting for you to come back before I started naming them. I'm in no hurry. We've got time yet to decide." On the plus side, there were enough cubs here that if they had multiple names they liked, it would be easy to use most of them. Not that she was exactly looking forward to raising six cubs. They were doubtlessly going to be a handful - she did remember, after all, how much trouble her family got into growing up.

Shujaa nodded. "We don't want to wait too long. Before you know it they will be adults out living their own life," the male chuckled, but frowned at the thought. Nope, too early to start thinking that! A content sigh escaped from his maw as he continued to watched the squirming babies. The golden boy had somehow managed to escape the tight quarters next to his siblings, and found himself rolling away with an unhappy squeal.

"I like Mwitu, for this one." It was the Shujaa look a like, with a back marking most likely from JB's side of the family. "He seems a bit on the wild side already," he laughed, grabbing the newborn softly and placing back with his siblings.

"I can't wait to see what they are like when they are older." He said quietly. "Does your family know yet about the cubs? Or your pregnancy in general?" Shoot, what would her dad think? Shujaa had not mentioned ANYTHING to Otea on their brief meeting a few weeks back, knowing it was the charcoal lioness that should break the news.

"That's so far away," JB complained, and with a heavy sigh she laid her head back down on the cold ground of the den. It was hard to imagine the lioness as a motherly type. She itched to be working, out there doing something. The idea of sitting around and raising babies was not the first thing that came to her mind when she thought of what she wanted to do. But, these were her cubs, and they were finally here. The charcoal lioness was already thinking of a few clever ways that she could bring her cubs out and about with her.

Sure, it'd be time-consuming, but she'd be sure her children grew up into capable lions and lionesses.

"I do too. He reminds me of my dad with that marking on his back," she smiled fondly at the boy, and this time kept her paw close to him to prevent any future attempts at escape. "It actually goes back through the generations a little bit, that marking. I'm not surprised to see it. I had a grandfather who was a nefarious womanizer, you know. It's probably the reason my dad is dedicated to his mate."

Oh, his next question brought a brief look of shame to her face. "Ha... ha, about that." Who could blame her for keeping things on the down low? Her father would smother her, and she didn't want to imagine the look on her mother's face. "I kind of walked by their den earlier on in the pregnancy and shouted it at them?" Then, she had quickly fled. She had to wonder if they were even there. She kind of just yelled it in the general vicinity.

"You say that now. Just watch. They will be adults before you know it." He chuckled. While he had never had kids before this, he had seen children around the pride grow up from small cubs to adults. Time flew for them, it was only reasonable the same could be same for his own children.

Shujaa's ears perked at the mention of her grandfather being a womanizer. Well, he was learning something new about her family it seemed every day. Back in his younger days, Shujaa would probably try to rival that particular male. Now that he was older and more settled, he just shook his head. Young males were always on the wild side.

"You...you what?" He blinked, before barking out laughing. "I'm going to guess they were not home. I feel like he would be here every day in that case." He shook his head. "When they are old enough to walk we will bring them over there. Or, invite your family over here. Whatever is easiest." He shrugged a bit.

"We can wait to name them." Shujaa said quietly. "You must be tired. I can watch them, if you want to get a little bit of sleep?"

"That will be for the better, then. Having so many cubs around is just going to be stressful. Better they grow up quick into admirable adults." It was getting their cubs to that point that would be difficult. JB had never really considered being a mother. It had all just sort of... happened. Now she just had to be one, and a good one, no matter what trials were placed in front of her. While she wasn't ready to be a parent, she was determined not to let her children down.

JB rolled her eyes, "If they weren't it's their own fault for missing the news." She also suspected that they had not been around at the time. Her father would not have let her get a moment of peace if he knew she had cubs on the way. But, perhaps her mother would have reeled Shaji in. Kiasi had always been more aware, and if she knew JB was pregnant, she would have likely given her daughter the space she needed. It was hard to say whether they heard her or not, with that thought.

"I suppose we better. I can't make my parents wait too long or my dad will find a way to just move in with us," JB agreed with a large sigh. At least she had some time to mentally prepare herself for that meeting. The cubs wouldn't exactly be mobile yet.

"How kind of you to offer," JB purred, and she was up on her feet before Shujaa got the chance to take back his offer. The cubs cried from being startled by the sudden movement, but they were now Shujaa's duty. "Lay with them, they'll get used to your scent and smell that way," she offered with a little smile. She was going to go rest out of earshot, so she wouldn't become paranoid over their cub's wellbeing.

"Ah." Shujaa's paw lifted to scratch behind his head. He was pretty sure that's not the way things worked, but it was okay. JB had her own way of expressing things, he had learned that quickly in the past weeks of staying with her.

"Er--yeah. That's...that would not be a good thing. My old den is always open if we need to go there instead." He offered again, ears pinning back slightly at the cries of the cubs.

"Right...er--okay." He took up the spot where JB had been laying, his body curving around the children in the shape of a c. His tail flicked the ground, before it to closed the gap, light brushing over one of the two females. "The meal I caught it just outside. I don't think any of the neighbors would have gotten in. Feel free to eat that before you rest. I will...see you later?" He held the questioning tone out of habit, always unsure when the next time he'd see the dark colored female. Now that there were cubs, he knew she would come back, even if his voice seem to betray him.

"Get some rest," he murmured softly, his own gaze falling to the litter of six before he dropped his head.

"I hardly have the energy to eat, but I'll remember where it is when I wake up," she told him with a small smile. It meant a lot to her that Shujaa tried, though she hadn't come right out to say as much. He could have left her to raise the cubs on her own, but he didn't. He wanted to be a father, and JB was more than willing to give him the chance. Right now, she wasn't sure she was ready to be a mother, but she was going to have to be for her cubs.

"Thanks, Shujaa," she told him before she disappeared out of the den. JB would find a nice secluded place to take a very long, and well-deserved rest. Having so many cubs was a tiring adventure, and it had only just begun.