User Image
_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Φ tab Ⱥ я Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ...]
tab Who Am I…| I am Hitomi Mugen
tab How Old Am I…| I am...23? No...15 now.
tab What Sex Am I...| Female. Definitely female
tab What Do I Look Like...| {Describe in detail, especially if Image is not what you are wearing}
tab What Are My People...| Japanese
tab Was I Part of a Lineage...| I was proudly part of the Mugen Clan
tab Where Am I From...| I was from Kumogakure
tab How Tall Am I...| 5'6”
tab And How Heavy...| 120 lbs
tab What Frame Am I...| I have a light frame
tab What Was I to My Home...} I was a Shinobi
tab How Experienced Was I...| E-rank.
tab What Am I Like...: Brash and energetic. Every day is a new adventure and every adventure is a new way to improve.
tab What Did I Believe In...: “Strength, Ambition, Sight beyond sight.”
tab What Do I Fear...:
    tab • I am deathly afraid of spiders. They make me shiver and squirm.
    tab • I'm also afraid of ghosts and the after life
    tab • And lastly, I'm afraid of losing my sight, especially now that I have only one eye to lose.
tab What Are My Strengths...: {Your Strengths. At least three [3]}
    tab • Firstly, My Chakra reserves are deep and my control is excellent
    tab • I have perfect vision in my remaining eye.
    tab • I am an excellent musician.
tab What Are My Weaknesses...:
    tab • I am a terrible cook.
    tab • My eyes are precious, and I'll protect them at any cost
    tab • I have a gambling problem

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab đ Φ ɳ Ә…]
tab What Era Am I From...: Era of Division
tab When Was I Born...| March 5th
tab What Have I Experienced...:
Born into the village of Kumogakure, I was a shinobi from birth. Ninjutsu came naturally to me, while Kunai were in my hand from a young age. My youth was spent training,and my adolescence was spent during the blizzard that happened in Kumogakure. This tough life hardened me against the cold and instilled a small distrust of Konohagakure as well when their mining operation was discovered. This is also when I lost my eye from an attack by the ice monsters disturbed by Konoha

Despite this distrust, I felt sadness when they were wiped out by the volcano. A shinobi's life is always on the line, but to see the death of so many is still something tragic. It wasn't long before I was cocooned by the plague and left behind by the world until just recently. Now, in a new body, I'm seeking answers for the past and regain what was lost from back then.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab Ⱥ я Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab Ҫ ɐ ϸ ɐ ϐ ζ έ tab Ѻ Ӻ...] ►►► Change to "What Am I Capable Of..." ◄◄◄
tab How Do I Experience Life...| 
    tab • {First Class}
    tab • {Second Class}
    tab • {Third Class // First Prestige}
    tab • {Third Class // Second Prestige}
tab How Do I View It...| 
    tab • {List Disciplines Here}
tab What Makes Me Unique Among My Peers...|
    tab • My Chakra is special. I can force it to manifest into a coat of literal arms. When my chakra is: > 50% - 2 Arms, 50-25% - 1 Arm, < 25% - 0 Arms.
    tab • My manifested Chakra is also special, able to perform hand seals for me. Allows the activation of Jutsu while hands are occupied, though both arms are still required to perform jutsu, meaning that this is primarily effective while at above 50% chakra.
    tab • I can recover Chakra twice as fast when relaxing.
tab What Are My Limitations...| 
    tab Chakra Pool → 115
      tab Chakra Color ► Green
      tab Chakra Materialization ►
        tab • Wind
        tab • Fire
    tab Stamina Pool → 100
    tab Archetype → Sage
    tab Statistics
      tab Power| **
      tab Agility|***
      tab Intelligence|**
      tab Chakra|*****
tab What Skills Have I Learned...|
    tab • {Name of Skills} ►
    tab • Poisonmaking 7
    tab • Potionmaking 5
tab What Am I Proficient In...|
    tab • {Proficiency Tree or Weapon} ►
    tab • Handhelded Range Weapons
    tab • Kunai
tab What Can I Do...|
    tab Ninjutsu → 00 // 04
    tab Genjutsu → 00 // 03
    tab Stages of Learning [Bukijutsu] → 00 // 00
    tab Stages of Learning [Taijutsu] → 00 // 00
    tab Skill Points → 00 // 12
    tab Proficiency Points → 00 // 02

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab đ Φ tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә…]
tab How Much Ryo Do I Have...| 00, 000 Ryo
tab How Much Experience Do I Have...| 00, 000 Exp
tab What Do I Carry...|
    tab • 5 x Flared Kunai
    tab • Leather Armor, looks like an armor hoodie with additional cloth pockets
    tab • Backpack containing: 2 x Whetstones, 2 x Flint and Steel, 2 x Fishing Hook, 2 x Rope 20 feet
    tab • Hidden pockets clothing
tab What Techniques Do I Possess...| {Every Character begins play with one [1] E - C Ranked technique learned. This can be from anything except for Bijuu and Clan // Bloodline techniques. If a Custom Technique is desired it must be between E - D ranks, and must be submitted to the appropriate Approval thread}
      [{First Technique Type}]
        • Fuuton : Gale Palm

      [{Second Technique Type}]

tab What Secrets Have I Discovered...|
    tab • {No one starts out with these. These are an in-game mechanic that will be utilized throughout the world, and will encompass items or secret locations discovered.}
    tab • 
tab What Have I Laid Claim To...|
    tab • {Leave blank for now}