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To say that Uchao was nervous was a dire understatement to say the least, if he could sweat he was sure he could resoak the serengeti and revitalize all the grass and trees back to a flourish. His nerves were in complete shambles, he was shaking and fretting and worrying, it was almost sunset and the colours of orange, purple and pinks were all starting to kiss the sky as the night began to approach the horizon. It was just a walk Uchao, nothing to worry about, a walk, a talk, nothing terrible and nothing out of the ordinary - lions took walks with each other all the time.
It was fine.

However when he spotted Kiwara making her way from the caves of the pridal dens he felt that growing pit in his stomach weigh heavier than an elephant's skull, oh Great Kings this was going to be hard. Harder than anything he'd ever done in his life. He wasn't good with lionesses, especially not lionesses he liked - suddenly he wished he'd just spent his entire day curled up in the den and hoping that the he'd not done anything. Not done any attempts to impress, not done any feather gathering, or flower gathering or silly stupid shenanigans in a vain attempt to impress her.

Why was he so stupid-

"Uchao?" Her words almost startled him onto the ground with how quickly he reeled back and he spluttered and coughed to clear his throat, an awkward smile lacing his pure white muzzle and his ears flat against his soft caramel mane. Heavens but she looked just as beautiful in any light, be it the beating sun of the serengetti plains to the beautiful mango coloured kiss that came before the twilight...she was just a treat for the eyes. Though maybe he should talk instead of just staring at her like some lovestruck adolescent with too much hormones instead of any actual thought.

"H-Hi, sorry again if this is...uhm.." He briefly strained for the word. "I-Inconvenient, I just-"

"It isn't, come on." Came her reply before making her way out into the grasslands as Uchao watched in silent curiousity before eventually following, a slight bounce in his step before he caught up with her and enjoyed the simple stroll as deep hot pink turned to a gentle purple and then a soothing midnight blue as the night rolled in over them. The soft pinpricks of light blotting in slowly over time as it became darker and cast the Pridelands in a beautiful in a starlit blue carpet that made everything almost seem ethereal and dreamlike.

But no real words passed between them, a good several minutes of walking and gazing at certain bits of the wildlife; the herds resting, the birds nesting, everything was just still and quiet to enjoy the night time before eventually the golden male opened his mouth to talk;

And was cut off by Kiwara.

"So why did you ask me to walk with you?" Her light purple eyes turned to look to him in a genuine curiousity that cut through her usual hard working huntress look. "We caught something earlier, I don't imagine you're in the mood for thinning the herds with the dry spell we're having."

"Oh-!! Oh no no, no nothing like that." Uchao chuckled nervously. "I just....well..."

"What?" He felt a little put on the spot by her question was a genuine one and he'd have been surprised if she hadn't asked.

"I just...wanted to spend time with you." He smiled but then seemed genuinely surprised by the look of confusion that crossed over her face as she looked over him, her ears rounding his way as they walked and spoke to one another but then she had stopped and just watched him. That complete confusion.

"...Why?" Came her reasonable inquiry and he was....well.

He was so glad that he had fur, if he hadn't he'd have probably been as red as that sunset had been not a few long minutes ago and his ears now sank back into the complete bush of mane that he had around his head. Whiskers flaring as he sat on the ground and looked like a cub caught snatching a prime piece of meat from a kill as his brain scrambled hurriedly for the words that would help him in this predicament.

"Well..." There was a pause as he gulped dryly to try and lodge his heart from his throat. "C-Cause...I like you.."

Kiwara remained silent and watched him, now she sat as her deep eyes pierced his own deep blue orbs and made him feel completely on the spot as her ears sat atop her head now like tiny radars. Eager to soak up all the information he was giving her. "Go on."

Oh boy.

"I...I think you're''re beautiful and...and you're so level headed and experienced and you're also so thoughtful and constantly think of the pride's wellfare and...and're..." He paused as he stumbled out the words he'd kept in for a long time whilst watching her as she sat there, completely blankfaced and watched him. "...Well...I think you're wonderful...and...I'd really like to be your mate."

Ooookay maybe that was a bit too fast, but it certainly got a partly amused look out of her which granted, didn't do great for his ego as her soft chuckle escaped from her muzzle and he sat there feeling like a bit of a tool. That feeling however quickly vanished as he felt the same muzzle press to his cheek in a soft but reassuring manner as she now stood next to him and watched as he looked just about to blast off into the sky with the rest of the ancestors from that touch alone. Eyes bugging out of his skull and skin warm to the touch as he stared at her silently in awe whilst she actually, genuinely smiled towards him and made her way partly down the trail.

"Let's see how the rest of our walk goes first, hm?"

He'd never seen this side to her...he liked it. It made his heart practically smash against his ribs to the point of aching as he flusteredly scurried back to his paws to join her on the rest of the trail and rested his shoulders against hers.

What a walk.

((Final Word count: 1,056))