Name: Cai
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Aromantic/Pan
Weyr: Other/Zanoma Camp
Rider Rank: Rider
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Healer - Herbalist & Massage Therapy

Physical Description: Cai stands at a modest but acceptable 5'10" with a generally narrow frame from top to bottom. Determined effort and hard living has broadened and defined the muscles of their upper torso and arms, giving them a slightly more triangular silhouette while ensuring their ability to keep up with the sometimes grueling demands of weyrless life.

His skin is fair and bears the dragons share of perns freckle allotment it seems, covering almost every inch of exposed flesh. More often than not it appears flushed either with sun, or high emotion as Cai's natural reaction to anything is to turn bright red. The short, spiky thatch of hair atop Cai's head is a vibrant orange color in no way resembling a pretty sunkissed blond, nor warm russet. It is just orange. Given time to grow, it may take on a more yellowish tint, but there will be no escaping that eyecatching shade until it is dimmed by age.

Cai's grey eyes are set beneath thick straight brows. His pointed chin and jawline could be potentially described as strong... or stubborn depending upon your tastes and his nose is neither particularly long nor short, though the tip does turn up just a bit.

Personality: Sit Down. Shut Up. Do as I say or get out of my way. Cai is In Charge and you'll just have to deal with it. He needs to have his fingers in every little pie and everything needs to go as he expects it to. Cai is very much the micromanager. He'll constantly be on others backs, making sure they're doing their work properly. Cai doesn't so much agree with lazing about. There are things to be done and people need to do them NOW not later or when they feel like it.

Someone OBVIOUSLY needs to take control of these unruly kids (and by kids he means everyone except himself) and get them into shape! Cai believes he's doing what's best for Pern and it's inhabitants though many will just find him bossy. Cai will question anyone and everyone's methods if he doesn't think they're the best. "Why not do it this way? It would go a lot faster if you did this..." ect. Cai hates to argue about it and if possible he'd prefer to do a job personally rather than trust to someone else's shoddy methods.

Cai internalizes a lot of emotion and stress. His need for control of his external situation often comes from a pessimistic and anxious mind automatically jumping to the worst possible scenarios at any given moment. Cai's highly defensive and protective of his own privacy and an insistence that yes, everything is ok and no one should worry about him at all because he would have things under control if people would just leave him alone and let them work! Cai's driven to keep his mind busy so as not to dwell on things and any idle time must be filled with productive tasks to stave off anxiety.

Casual, reserved friendships are safe enough and fairly easy to maintain as long as it's a person who doesn't fret over being snapped at on occasion. Anything deeper is difficult for Cai and requires a lot of effort on both parts to preserve the type of wary trust he must give in order to have that connection.

Positive Trait List Reliable, Bold, Trustworthy
Negative Trait List Sarcastic, Argumentative, Controlling
Born/raised in High Reaches
apprentices at 15 to Healer Hall in Fort
transfered to ista
accidentally impressed
traveled and weyrbounced
found likeminded folks in western
joined Zanoma camp for two turns
watched western weyr from afar
develop beliefs that traditional weyrs need to be dismantled
even western is faulty the system needs to be completely rehauled
thread falls
Cai & Laufeth remain with the camp
become fighters for the camps right to firestone
firestone belongs to all the dragons of pern, not just those wiling to bend to the weyrs command.
may or may not be one of the riders that goes on firestone raids on behalf of Zanoma

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Laufeth
Age: 4
Color: Blue
Size: 30'
Physical Description: Laufeth may be thick in body but he has all the sleek grace his color is known for. Shorter wings and a long slender tail make him highly maneuverable in the air. Paired with his cunning mind, Laufeth is known for flashy flying, pulling stunts that might strain another dragons wings or set their rider heaving into his mask. On the ground he moves smoothly and with careful purpose. Every step and turn calculated to look elegant from any angle.

Personality: Laufeth was shelled to rule, he does not believe that he knows it. After all why should he not? He has the intelligence to do so, the cunning needed to navigate politics, and the lack of scruples needed to do whatever is needful to get the job done. As well as thinking himself quite perfectly suited to ruling in whatever fashion he pleases he quite simply wants it. Nothing is more seductive than power to Laufeth, gold and jewels are as nothing to the allure of command and control over others.

Laufeth is not generally one to chase his goals by force, he would much rather use words than claws and by shells this is another thing he is good at. Laufeth is suave, charming, slick, and a master of twisting and weaving with words. He is also an extremely insightful dragon, skilled at rooting out an enemy's weakness and then using them against them but only at the most opportune moment. Oh yes, Laufeth is patient, patient as the grave; if you have wronged him or His or if you have got in his way don't think he has forgotten simply because months have passed since the offence, sooner or later you will get what is coming to you.

Everything is part of the plan you see, every word and step and breath of flame. Laufeth is relentless and no setback will put him off, he will simply look for a way around whatever obstacle has been placed in his path and continue on the road to greatness. He may not be a master of strategy but Laufeth is the master of schemes and he is aided in this by a longer than average memory, where most dragons forget things within a couple of sevendays Laufeth's memory spans a good couple of months and he is assiduous in backing up his memories and thus the next steps in his scheme in his rider's mind.

Love and loyalty are tricky things with Laufeth, he is more than capable of both but it takes a great deal to win his regard. He is good at seeming to care however, very good, and will not hesitate to cosy up to people who will do things for him. He is quick to drop such people should they become an inconvenience or a liability however and as it can be hard for even those who know him well to tell how he really feels, Laufeth's genuine friends may have a hard time trusting him after such incidents.

(Writen by TawnyAngel from DragonBraved, minor edits made for mention of previous clutch-sibling in original writing)
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Laufeth - Starter Pack Blue