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        The dimension Doggos and other residential lifeforms belong to is called Labyrinth, which is the all encompassing word used when the inhabitants describe the general world. Magic is essential to survive in Labyrinth, although not all creatures born within Labyrinth inherently have magic; some need to find ways to gain it before perishing. Labyrinth can be a dangerous place for those unprepared — there's infinite possibilities and not enough lifetimes to adequately prepare oneself. It's a world of chance and circumstance, and while it can be a beautiful place full of many experiences and stories, it can also whip around and hurt those who aren't paying attention.

        No one really knows how Labyrinth came to be, or, if someone does, they aren't talking. All that is currently known is that Labyrinth was originally much smaller. It continues to grow at a rate that can't exactly be measured. From what can be recalled, stories say Labyrinth was originally a singular plane, and then a gate appeared. The gate lead to another smaller pocket world, which would be referred to as a realm. As time went on, more and more gates appeared within the original plane and throughout the realms created, until things became untraceable. No one knows what the "original realm" was, and some gates have been forgotten and are waiting to be found.

        Hundreds and thousands of species exist within Labyrinth, and most are unique to their own realm. There are a selected few intelligent species who can travel amongst gates, and those species are often called Dwellers. Animals who can travel between gates often have the same intelligence (or higher) to that of a human and are capable of creating entire civilizations.

        The current known Dwellers in the shop are; Kyrin and Doggos.

        Dwellers may not be the strongest species, but they're the most adaptable and likely to survive through breeding within the numerous amount of realms around them. Another key difference is they're one of the only species who can travel gates. Normally, where a creature is born is where they are stuck. Dwellers however, as long as they take care to make sure young are cared for and they're suitable for the new enviroment, can travel freely amongst any gate. This doesn't necessarily mean they can survive any world, for instance an aquatic Doggo would dry up and die entering a fire world, but it does mean they have the ability to travel.

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