The season’s changing had its effect on everyone. Murky skies that cracked open and poured, leaving the ground covered in mud in varying states of wet and semi solid. It seemed that only just when the ground was dry -- the sky would change its mind, and return the ground once more into a sloppy soaked state.

It had made for more miserable travelling conditions, especially for two who rather avoided getting filthy when necessary. The ability to go Between hadn’t made much difference when rain and filth seemed to exist in the very air around them. Mud and dirt tinged Shenrus’ travelling clothes, stuck to the outside of his lighter bags. Even though they were weather protected, it sullied the look of the richly dyed leather. Even his hair felt heavy, in a way that washing in the ocean didn’t clear away. Tianath, for her part, looked downright miserable. Her normally pristine cotton hide a tinged tan from dirt, speckled in darker bits from the grit. No amount of cleaning had removed it all--or lifted her spirits over it.

It had taken little to convince Tianath to fly, and fair weather had finally graced them as they arrived at a little spa house nestled in the crook of High Reaches. The Shiny Flitt was a small place but well staffed and sitting on a natural hot spring. WIth the air open and clear, the steam and the prospect of getting clean and warm was well worth the fee to get in. The white dragon practically vibrated with excitement as Shenrus set to removing his bag and her harness, facets whirling wildly as she eyed the empty, large pool.

May I? Or do you need help hanging the harness? The offer was cordial and gentle, but Shenrus could hear the barely restraint desire to go.

“Go ahead, love--” Yet that was all she needed, as with a burst of energy that was too much to be held with her ladylike restraint, Tianath had all but jumped into the deep pool. Water waved up over the top of the carved lip, washing around his boots and making him laugh. “Eager, eager..” But it was all in jest, smiling as he set to hanging the harness and emptying his bags. His clothes had been kept dry and clean, save for the ones he wore on the road, and his cosmetics were thankfully in the same clean, dry condition. Which only left for care for his bag and harness.

Must you deal with those first?

Shenrus grinned, looking over his shoulder. The pool was deep, leaving Tianath to float with her wings stretched wide. Only her nose and eyes were above the water, whirling a deep content blue that rivaled the depths below her. “I’d rather do this now than freeze later, Tia. Soak, my love. Just make sure you leave some room in case someone else patrons with us.”

Rhea Izar