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Reply [IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands
[PRP] Big & Smol (Zlatan & Muna)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:03 am
User ImageHe was definitely an adult. His mane had grown in all white and fluffy like a cloud, but with that cloudiness came the revelation that he wouldn’t get any bigger. He wasn’t small for a male per’se but he certainly wasn’t big, though if he was honest with himself he was a bit smaller than your average Mwezi lion. He’d been around when the firekin had come to visit and they had out stripped him as an adolescent, now as an adult he knew he was small. Perhaps it was something to do with the way he held himself, or his slightly nervous disposition but he was definitely a little lion.

This only upset him a little though. His life was pretty good despite being slightly smaller than your average male. He had been born upper middle class so he could hunt and run around and do as he pleased to a point, at least he hadn’t been born lower and therefore a slave. He thanked the moon every day for that little blessing. If he’d been born a slave all sorts of lions would have had their way with him, telling him to do this and that and he certainly wouldn’t have been able to avoid girls as much as he did.

The funny thing was, he actually admired ladies, they were beautiful and his young had had been turned more than once, but he was way too terrified to approach one. His sisters had scarred him with their taunting and now he was just a nervous little wreck. Still he could admire them from afar.

He wasn’t really up to much as the sun crept up further in to the sky, he lay in a small patch of shade with his hare companion just enjoying the cool breeze and bright sun.

Pinyin yawned widely and stretched out his limbs as hares were wont to do before flopping over against his lion friends side. He was a strong hare, large as hares went and also confident. He had a seers eye but he had yet to see a way to get Zlatan out of his own head and in to the arms of a nice lady. Sometimes his visions were strong and sometimes they made sense but most of the time they were just blurry shapes and colours. A light lavender colour had been playing in his dreams a lot lately, maybe it was just because of the season, flowers had started to pop up all over the place and lavender was the colour of the season. He was fairly certain he would find out what it meant soon enough but right now he could simply relax and enjoy the breeze, nothing bad could happen to them here, he was fairly certain he would know if something bad was going to happen.  
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:40 pm
User ImageMuna had mostly kept to herself once she had joined the pride. She was still too used to her old firekin ways, and the fact that she was a bit bigger than most other lions here didn't seem to help. And so she had spent most of her time either off hunting and providing for the pack, or checking up on her sister, who unfortunately had gotten the slave status. It felt slightly ridiculous to Muna, that they would have slaves like that. In the firekin, although there were different roles, everyone contributed and was on equal footing. They had to be to live in such a harsh environment after all. Of course, there were those that were higher, but those were usually the leaders, and of course they never seemed to be lazing about either. They had to work hard, if not harder for the pride. But here... it seemed as though there mas more time to relax and not to really care, at least if one wasn't a slave.

She couldn't do that though. She felt that she always needed to be doing something to help the pride. Not doing anything was just weak and would only make her a burden on everyone else.

And so that was what she was doing today. She was going out hunting once again, by herself, and probably wouldn't be back until night or even the next day. Or... at least that was the plan. Until, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something white and yellow that looked quite fluffy. She was curious, wondering if it was a lion, though it seemed a bit small to her. And she slowly made her way over, and finally could tell that it was a lion, and a male at that. And he was small! Or at least compared to other male lions of his pride. It made the tips of her mouth rise a bit as she laughed in her head, but then she saw the hare and was interested.

In the firekin pride, there were no prey familiars. And while she hadn't seen many here either, it was interesting to her when she saw them, wondering how a lion and something that it might otherwise eat could get along so well, and so she continued over, not really making any effort to hide her presence.

Syrius Lionwing
tell me if the font color is too bright


Springtime Noob

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 11:54 am
Lovely colour it is!

“Flipping ECK!” The white and orange tinted hare exclaimed as the massive lilac lioness trotted towards them. Well, that would explain the visions of purple. Still, he was surprised, shocked even at the size of this lioness.

Zlatan’s head had been lolling when Pinyin let out his exclamation, his words though brought the young pale maned lion out of his half doze to stare at the Goliath before him. Sure, he was a little male lion, but this lioness was way bigger than average. He stared up at her his eyes wide as dish plates as he stared at the approaching giantess. To say that he was stunned in to stillness was an understatement he was fairly sure he had stopped breathing.

It was then that by the time she had reached talking distance he gasped for air and grasped at imaginary straws looking for something to say to the female. Nothing came tho so he merely stared slack jawed and amazed at the lilac lady.

Pinyin prodded Zlatan as few times as subtly as he could but soon found it was useless, the boy had gone tharn on him. It seemed it was down to him to make introductions. The tall hare stood on his back legs and stared carefully at the lioness. She wasn’t hunting, she wasn’t here to hurt either of them, she just seemed curious. He didn’t feel any danger coming from the massive girl so he gave a shrug and with a wriggle of his lengthy ears he spoke calmly. “How do there purple britches what can me an’ my little yellow fren do for you this fine day?”  
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 5:24 pm
Muna was glad that one of them was willing to talk, though she was surprised that it was the hare. Guess the male was a bit too intimidated. After all, she was a bit large compared to the rest of the lionesses here since she was ex-Firekin. She could only imagine a smaller than normal even for this pride male thought about her.

She grinned a bit, though she had a hard time understanding the hare. That was quite the accent. "Actually, I was interested in your uhm... friendship." She wasn't sure how to word it exactly. "Prey such as uh, hares weren't allowed in my own pride as companions." She wouldn't say 'because they would be eaten'. "And I'm just curious as to how you two get along so well? If that's okay to ask." She still wasn't too sure of what was and wasn't allowed in conversation here. And it seemed that conflicts were a bit harder to solve.

It was so much easier when one could just duel the other.

"Your yellow friend seems to be a bit surprised though. I'm assuming at how large I am. I'm from the firekin, however this is my pride now. I'm Muna. My sister Yamka is in the pride too but she's a... slave." It wasn't that Muna was disappointed in her sister, after all it had been up to fate and wasn't Yamka's fault at all, but she did feel a bit bad that she was in a higher class than Yamka.

Syrius Lionwing


Springtime Noob

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:23 pm

The hares ears flickered strangely as he took in the lionesses words and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Yer wonnerin why I ain’t been eaten ent ya?” He snickered and settled himself slightly in to a less alert pose. The lioness was just curious. He decided he liked her already he just had to get Zlatan to wake up from his daze. “Yer know, don’t really know, just kind of decided he would be my buddy. I watch out for him, he stops me bein’ Eaten.” The hare grins ina. Slightly foolish fashion. What he wasn’t saying was that his sight had lead him to Zlatan in its own way. “I’ll be guessin’ Here is just different. They don’t tip their noses up at prey beasts bein friends.”

The yellow lion blinked a few times as he listened to his hare companion just explain their friendship in a straightforward fashion. Well the hare was always pretty blunt and oddly he had never been afraid of lions. It was perculiiar though he often wondered if it was something to do with how big Pinyin was compared to normal hares.

“You..You’re a firekin?” The words washed over him and the young male lion finally found his voice. She didn’t look like one of the giant red creatures that had come to their lands. He had only been an adolescent when they had visited and his brother had convinced him to say hello to them. It had been the most terrifying thing he had ever done.

Now here he was, being approached by an ex-firekin lady. He could see the resemblance, she was huge, of course her soft pastel coat was in stark contrast to her brethren that had visited but that didn’t make her any less intimidating. He felt dwarfed.

“You hum, woke at the right time then.” He stumbled over his words, he was of course referring to the sleep in to which all mwezi lions went which decided your rank in the pride. “I..uh..I can’t imagine anyone would... or..well...could..” He trailed off, his attempt at finding something nice to say about being a slave lost on his tongue. He really couldn’t imagine someone of Muna’s size being treated as a slave.

The pale hare glanced at Zlatan and have a single huff of a laugh. It seemed his friend had found his voice even if he still looked like he was in deep shock. “I think Zlatan ‘ere is tryin’ to say is no one really mistreats slaves, not that anyone could if your sister is as strappin’ as you.”  
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:02 pm
Muna looked at the hare. "A mutually beneficial relationship then?" She said, smirking a bit. She wasn't interested in eating the hare at all, but ws surprised that they would hang out together. Life was so different compared to being in the firekin. "Sounds a lot more relaxed than the firekin. That's always nice." After all, the firekin were continually trying to make sure they had enough food and water in a desert environment.

She looked over to the lion, who seemed to have gained his voice a bit. "Yes, ex-firekin. I wasn't born with acceptable coloring, so while I was allowed to be raised there, I had to leave when I was an adult." Such was the way of the firekin, but that was why they were so distinctive. She mostly just missed her family rather than the desert environment.

"Woke at the right time? That's... interesting. I'm still learning all of the rituals in this pride." Firekin it was mostly fighting and if you were good at your job. "And that's good, I would hope that no one would treat my sister horribly, though if they did, they would have to deal with me." She replied, giving both of them a smirk now. She was quite confident in her fighting skills "But my sister can hold her own. She's quite tough herself."

Syrius Lionwing


Springtime Noob

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 8:04 am

The white hare stamped his hind foot on the ground, normally this would have been a warning but in this instance it was more through enjoyment. “Aye I ‘spose ya right on there missus, but we’re bein frens too. Young fellah here he’s right skittish an havin’ me around as a best friend is right good for his nerves.”

“Pinyin.” The young lion frowned a bit. The hare wasn’t wrong of course, his natural awareness of danger definately kept him out of trouble, and he enjoyed the hares mannerisms. He really as his best friend but he was also the most blunt person he knew. The pale maned lion sighed and looked up at the lioness. Something about the fact that she was huge, but not bright red had him feeling a little less nervous. Her size though, he thought she would and in fact could crush him if she so desired. It was a most unnerving thought.

“I.. I’m sorry you couldn’t stay in your ..hum..home.” He mumbled. The firekin he had spoken to when the pride came to visit had informed him that they preferred hot coloured coats, that unusual coats like his own would not be welcome. He was fairly glad of this fact, he really didn’t want to go to the scary desert where all the giants lived.

“Oh.. Uh .. Yes.. you woke when the moon was in its correct wax or wane. Your sister.. she must have been very unlucky.” He had been raised to think this way of course, it wasn’t unusual to think that lions born in to slavery were unlucky. “I..I’m sure she w..w..wouldn’t be mistreated though...” He managed, he had actually never heard of a slave being mistreated, though he was rather young so maybe before his time. “Uhm.. I..d..d..don’t really understand why the fffirekin wouldn’t wwwant you though. Your c..c..coat is pr..pretty.” He managed, he wasn’t lying her coat was a lovely shade but he also thought perhaps if he was nice to her she definately wouldn’t squash him like a bug.

The pale hare raised a brow at Zlatan and sniffed a little chuckle. He had no idea what his lion companion was up to but he seemed to at least have found his voice which was a good thing.  
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 7:43 pm
Muna thought about their relationship for a moment. Within the firekin lands, she could never imagine being friends with a prey animal. Food wasn't too abundant there, if anything they would be an emergency food supply, and most likely a burden upon the rest of the pack as they would then have to provide for someone else. But here...

Muna smiled. "Friends sound nice. I'm glad you two can get along so well. It's nice being in a pride that allows that. And good thing you can calm his nerves too! I might just try and befriend someone myself!" She replied, chuckling a bit.

It seemed that the lion had found his voice once again and she had to hold back a laugh as the lion tried to sound a bit angry at his hare friend for being so blunt. She thought they fit well together though. Complimenting each other at least. She wondered what type of familiar would fit her the best? Probably someone who wouldn't resort to fighting and was a bit quiet?

She shook her head slowly at the lion. "I may miss my family, but this is my home now. It's nice to feel grass under my feet compared to the hot and freezing sand of the desert. But my sister is here too. Thank you for your kind words about my sister. I may worry about her a bit too much."

She raised an eyebrow at his compliment in surprise. She was... well she didn't think he would be able to voice that! She smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you! Purple isn't really a color favored by those in the desert. My sister had to leave even though she has a pink coat. Maybe if we were mostly white. But thank you, I do think purple is pretty, though I do like your yellow coat and your white mane. It's sort of like a large, puffy cloud. It looks pretty soft." She replied, laughing a bit, though she felt a bit embarrassed. "No one... has ever said that to me before, besides my sister." She smiled a small smile, happy that this lion had complimented her.

Syrius Lionwing


Springtime Noob

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 9:07 am

The pale lion blushed. He couldn’t help it, he had never been told he looked like a cloud before. Of course his mane had only properly grown in recently so he supposed he did sort of look like he had a cloud on his head. Stil, he couldn’t decide if he could take it as a compliment or not. Ultimately he decided he should, it was a nice thing to say after all. “Uhm.. My..Mmother is blblue, I like uh.. colour.” He managed. He very much considered her colour close to his mother, she was cool coloured.

Pinyin raised a brow, his friend was comparing this lady to the one female in the world that he trusted? Well that was a turn of events. “Aye lassy, tho I have ta be sayin’ I can hardly protect tha lad proper like. I ain’t got no muscles like you got um.” He paused, clearly an idea was forming in his noggin.

Zlatan looked at the hare and shook his head. “You g..g..give me plenty of warning.” The pale lion replied, he could see his friend was getting an idea, he just wasn’t sure what was going on in the hares mind.

“I’m sure we can be findin’ You some frens girlie, ya can be this ere scardy cats buddy, he’d appreciate havin’ a pretty lady about.” The pale hare beamed.

The yellow lions jaw, quite literally dropped. He had not expected the hare to say that. The pale female wasn’t exactly unwelcome but Pinyin knew full well he was nervous around girls. “If you..want to be.. friends.. Uhm.. You seem really..nice..”  
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:56 pm
"I didn't get to see many lions that had blue in them until I came here. It really is quite a calming color." Muna replied, glad that the other lion was finally able to really continue the conversation, even if he was still stuttering and pausing a bit. The blue color really was nice. It was so different from having yellow sand underneath one's paws all day, only for it to turn dark once night came. The grass was even more welcome.

She cocked her head at the hare. While the first question in her mind should have been why the hare was suddenly saying what he was, the first thing that actually popped into her head was 'how is a hare supposed to protect a lion?' However, it was soon answered as it seemed the hare was more of a alarm than actually defending the lion. Though who knew, the hare might have had some fight in him!

She smiled and nodded her head. "I would really appreciate it if you could! I don't know many here and it can be... nerve-wracking trying to start in with conversations with other lions, so I appreciate all the help with socializing that I can get!" She smiled warmly at the lion. "Thank you! I would love to be your friend too! Though if you need it I can also be your bodyguard. I'm quite confident in my fighting skills." She smirked as she said that, just remembering some of the scraps she had gotten into at her old pride.

Syrius Lionwing


Springtime Noob

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:56 am

Alarm bells went off in Zlatans head but he couldn’t back out now. Not only had he just decided to be friends with a female, he’d decided to be friends with a huge female. For a brief moment he was like a deer in the headlights. His mind slowly kicked in to gear though and he managed a smile. She was offering to protect him? Having been poked and prodded by his sisters for the longest time, being looked after by a female that wasn’t his mother felt strange, but nice.

“I.. Yes.. I’d like that.” He managed. “I Uhm.. We are going for a drink.. you can come.. if you like.” Again a pause as his ears vanished inside his mane. What would he look like walking next to the lilac Goliath? Probably like a little ant, but it didn’t matter, through Pinyins meddling he’d actually found a friend, even if he did feel intimidated by her.

The hare beamed. Zlatan taking the initiative, he hadn’t expected that at all. He hopped off the lions paws and ran to Muna skipping between her feet. “You got yourself a deal miss. We’ll bout be introducin’ ya to anyone we know.” He grins and hops back towards Zlatan. “Up on yer feet then fellah lets at leas’ Take tha lady for a proper good drink.”

Zlatan watched his hare companion, without any hesitation, run between th lionesses legs. Well, that’s as a good sign, Pinyin never put himself in danger. He settled, just a little and got to his paws. He really was small compared to her. “Okay Pinyin, slow down.” He mumbled, managing a smile at the lilac lioness. “Uhm.. After you?” He smiled, he wasn’t really sure if he wanted to turn his back on the lioness, but his mother had always told him to allow a lady to go first any way so this suited this particular situation really.

“I’ll lead the way then shall I?” The hare snorted and bolted off towards the watering hole his long legs eating up the distance between them leaving Zlatan basically alone with the lioness.

The yellow male watched as the hare raced off leaving him alone with the larger lioness. He smiled nervously at her and took a few careful steps moving aside so she could easily walk past him. He would follow, as soon as she got in front of him.  
[IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands

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