User ImageIt wasn’t that unusual for her to wander to the edge of the prides lands. She was a cultivator she always had been, amassing new kinds of seeds and growing things that hadn’t grown in an area before was her passion. When she had joined the Ela’wadiyi this love of gardening hadn’t stopped, if anything it had grown, enhanced if you will until her den was surrounded by plants and saplings that had not grown there before.

She could not claim to know every kind of plant though she knew many there were some plants she just didn’t know what to do with and many of these plants she found outside of the local area. The pale lioness with the streaks of green had been away from her tribal base and den for a couple of days, sleeping out in the open never hurt her and she quite enjoyed looking up at the stars and finding flowers that only bloomed at night. She was thinking about returning home though, she had gathered many plant shoots and new samples, seeds she wasn’t sure would grow when she placed them in the ground but she was keen to try, plus her bags were staring to get heavy.

As always when the lioness was out on an extended foiret the jackal was with her. Vee was getting tired though, the few days of gathering none food items was leaving her dozy and her own, though considerably smaller, bags were starting to weigh on her. “I Think it’s time to go home Camillia” She barked catching up to the lioness and nudging her encouragingly “I could do with a long nap, in a comfy den.” He yawned

The lioness smiled and gave a nod “Okay, lets go home.” She stretched her paws and was just about to take off at a gentle lope when she spotted something unfamiliar “Just a quick look Vee I promise!” She grinned bolting for some tuft of green she didn’t recognise.