Name: Cal'yx
Age: 23 turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: High Reaches
Rider Rank: Search/Wing Rider
Previous Rank/Craft:

Physical Description: Cal'yx is a tall man at 6'4', taller even than his brother -when he chooses to stop slouching-, but slim. His preference for loose fitting clothing makes him look slimmer still and ruins any chance he has at looking imposing usually. Despite his time spent in the Weyr his skin remains fair with a smattering of freckles across his face and shoulders. His eyes are amber colored and almond shaped, set a bit too wide on his face. His hair is a deep copper brown, shoulder length and shaggy and often in his face obscuring his vision.

Personality: Cal'yx is a very laid back man. It can be difficult to tell whether that is a good or a bad thing though. Which seems to be a pattern for Cal'yx. On the one hand he's very grounded and down to earth, acting a rock for the people around him at every turn. Thread falling without warning or off the predicted track? Cal'yx is the man who will keep calm and adjust the plan to combat it. Worried about some decision you have to make? Cal'yx is the one who will help you consider all of your options and consequences. But he can often come across as apathetic as well. You want his honest opinion on how to handle your personal problems? To bad, because he could just not care any less. That's your problem and not his. Did you screw up and make a bad decision and now you need a sympathetic ear? Skip Cal'yx and keep on looking because he's liable to remind you that you brought on yourself rather than comfort you.
He's also unbelievably passive, a follower through and through, its not his decision to make and he likes it that way. Despite some of his other qualities that might make him a decent leader he hates the idea of being in charge. He'd much rather play the victim by association if things go wrong. That's not to say that he doesn't care. He's a very conscientious man, and his every decision is guided by what is right. He takes his duties to the Weyr very seriously. Even the smallest tasks are done with the utmost care and attention. This expands beyond decisions that effect himself and Kerberoth though. Nothing is more important to him than the well being of the Weyr. Except perhaps Kerberoth of course. Cal'yx has been accused [on a few occasions] of forgetting to consider his well being in leiu of doing something for someone else.
Above all else though Cal'yx is extremely possesive. Of his material possesions. Of Kerberoth. Of Hect'r. Of his wingmates, his weyremates, and his Weyr. Thiese are things that belong to him [in his mind] and he'll be damned if anyone tries to take them from him. It wouldn't be too surprising if some people held grudges against him for this childish behavior of his.

Positive Trait List Altruistic, Grounded, Conscientious
Negative Trait List Apathetic, Passive, Possesive


Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Kerberoth
Age: 3 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 29'

Physical Description:
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: xXx Nameday Gift xXx