Her faith in his mitts were not unfounded, as he caught the bag with a quick snatch. Eyes widening slightly at the heft to it, he surmised that 'nice' meant extra nice. Something for the baby, maybe? One of those lovely wraps to hold the young one close without breaking mom's back?

Then she was mentioning names, and he nodded. "Casgar, got it. And yes, I'll stop in before we head out." Truthfully, he need only have Bru bespeak Rhianth once he was there to verify any particular names, but it was helpful to have it in his own brain as well. Timing was everything, and there would probably be times he couldn't wait for confirmation before acting on a contact.

"Bru'll keep in touch, you know how he is." He called out to her, following it with a wave and a purposeful walk back to his own shelter. Healer kit, definitely. Faranth only knew what sort of issues he was going to run into. Reading material? Maybe some age appropriate picture books. He'd have to pick up other comfort items for terrified younglings once he was there ... shards. He didn't want to think about what they'd be thinking before they realized they hadn't be sold to some lecher. He'd need a safe place for them to rest before he brought them back here to Aishe ...

Right, he had a lot to do.

Best get to it then.

Pausing, the young bronzerider looked up at the snaking head of his dragon and grinned. "You're just excited to see Western, aren't you."

We will make things right. I am glad you accepted this.

I'm pretty sure I didn't really have a choice.
A pause, this time Shev looked up at the sky and frowned. But, you are right. We're going to help fix this. No one should be bought and sold, but we can get names and locations of the dealers, and pull whoever we can out of the fire.