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Sitting alone, Divya had taken some time to gather her thoughts about recent happenings. She had heard the whispers at first, but didn’t think something terrible could ever befall a pride of such numbers and strength. She had seen a divide start to build, but only ever considered it a fad. The fact that it had continued to grow and root itself in some of those around her had her worried - was there something she wasn’t seeing? Had she been too wrapped up in her own life and thoughts to see that something was wrong? She had never been this doubtful about anything in her entire life - and she hated it. Divya had trusted the most recent of changes wholeheartedly - having new and fresh perspectives for a new and fresh world was a fantastic idea in her eyes. But now, she wasn’t sure if she should be looking for faults in this change.

All of this doubt had been planted after a believer had approached her. Divya spent a good deal of time near the borders as a huntress, and it seemed like much of their efforts were focused near there. It had been an awkward conversation, but had planted enough doubt in her mind to shake her. It had sounded so crazy, but she didn’t want to be blind and not consider it at all. She wondered how many of those around her had already joined the cause. She glanced around, eyeing those who wandered near her as she sat, wondering what their thoughts and allegiances were. She must have looked fairly odd mixed up in her own thoughts, because one actually approached her - a fellow huntress from an old family. She recognized her, but had never been in a hunting party together with her. She seemed nice enough - though Divya would soon find out if that sentiment remained true.

Pya had just been coming off a hunt when she had noticed a fellow huntress sitting alone, looking quite lost. She didn’t know the lioness well, but she’d seen her around every once in awhile. She watched her for a few minutes, soon deciding to approach her and see if there was anything she could assist with.

“It’s, um...Divya, isn’t it?” Pya came close to the other lioness, her brow slightly furrowed but eyes sympathetic and concerned. “Is everything alright?” She hoped she hadn’t heard some sad news or something of the like - perhaps there was just too much on her mind.

Eyes fluttering nervously, Divya had actually been expecting a sermon of sorts - she took a deep breath, surprised at herself for allowing her paranoia to affect her social skills among fellow hunters. “It is! And...I guess they are. I was just….thinking about a lot, that’s all.” She let a small laugh slip, not yet wanting to drag up her doubts into conversation. “I’m sorry if I worried you, but I’m also grateful for the concern.” She smiled kindly - see, not everyone was caught up in this nonsense. “You must forgive me, but I don’t think I’ve heard your name around.” And this familiar face had known hers already - Divya was a bit embarrassed.

Pya smiled, feeling a little lighter knowing there didn’t seem to be too much the matter. Although, thinking deeply about things could still spell trouble. “Anything I can help with? Sometimes sorting through your thoughts out loud helps.” She smiled softly, taking a seat next to Divya. She didn’t want to pry, but listening had always been a strong suit of hers. It was one reason why those around her thought she should have tried to be a healer instead of a huntress, but Pya liked the flexibility of being able to go out. Plus, being a provider brought its own fulfillment.

“Oh, that’s quite alright! I have quite a knack for names.” She winked - another one of her strong suits, apparently, was names. “I’m Pya.”

“Well, Pya, I’m glad to have finally officially met you.” Divya smiled, trying to lighten her thoughts. She had probably already spent too much time thinking about the subject - after all, if they hadn’t heard concern from the King or the Council, then they shouldn’t be worried, right?

“Honestly, it’s a silly mess.” She let out a laugh, thinking it would sound crazy to someone else. After all, the whole thing had sounded crazy to her. “It’s just...everything that’s been going on recently, I guess. I’ve been hearing some strange things.” She glanced over at Pya nervously - the other huntress hadn’t yet voiced her opinion on the matter, and there was a small part of Divya that worried she was one of them and didn’t want to get into an argument.

“Ah.” Pya momentarily moved her gaze away from Divya. It was true, she had heard the rumors and whispers around the pride. She had mostly kept to herself, somehow avoiding the believers that roamed the borders. Pya was too much of a pacifist to choose sides on something like this - she had a policy of waiting until something was determined before she formed a firm opinion on it. And honestly, she hadn’t heard any concern from those whose opinions mattered the most to her.

“I can see how having all of the different...ideas swirling around you all the time could really cause some distress.” She returned her gaze to Divya, giving her a friendly nudge. “I know! How about we go for a small hunt to get your mind off things - and then after, if you’re still worried about things, you can vent some to me.” Pya rose from her spot, gesturing with her head for the other lioness to follow. If there was one thing she knew could distract someone from something, it was a good hunt. Plus, they’d end it with a much needed snack.

“Yeah, it’s been an odd couple of months I suppose.” Divya laughed - and honestly, she wondered how long things had been festering before someone as dense and anti-social as her had heard these rumors. Pya had really helped to get her out of her slight funk for the moment - and she didn’t seem like someone who was secretly trying to convert or convince her to join her cause. And unbiased pair of ears was just the thing Divya needed.

“I think that sounds like a great idea.” Smiling, Divya rose from her spot, ready to get all of this off of her mind.

“Perfect! Shall we?” Pya lead the way beyond the border - they still had plenty of sun to catch something good, and even more time to talk and get to know each other better.