Verbrand and Brenva are siblings. Brenva is the younger of the two.

Name: Verbrand
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: IIAM
Craft: Smithcraft - Jeweler
Rank: Apprentice
Location: High Reaches - Formerly Nabol
Physical Description: Tall and kind of lanky. Has pale skin prone to burning that is littered with freckles, grey eyes, and perfectly maintained black hair. He is very particular about his grooming.
Personality: - After being told how talented he was his entire life and how fantastic his jewelry designs are, Verbrand has a taste for rising up in Nabol's upper society. Because of this, he could be considered easy to use as long as the right sorts of promises are made to him.
- On the flip side, if people who have paid such lavish attention to him pay attention to others in a similar fashion, he is quick to believe that this person is an interloper and stealing his shine. That's his attention, don't take it!
- Being born in an upper-middle class of crafters, visions of kids being sold into mines and girls taken into brothels has gone mostly missed by Verbrand who has justified it all away or thinks of what is going on in the most innocent possible of terms.
-Despite his naivete he has a good heart, mostly, and if he sees someone who cuts thru this veil of innocence he has, he will genuinely try to help them as long as it is within his means.
Positive Trait List Ambitious, Kindly, Imaginative
Negative Trait List Manipulable, Prone-to-envy, Naive
History: - Born to an upper-middle class crafter family, Verbred never experienced the darker sides that Nabol is so known for.
- Has a younger sister named Brenva who was much more free spirited and left home to act on fixing what she could see was wrong with Nabol.
- Caught some very influential attention for his detailed ways with jewelry at a young age and has been fed promises of greatness in exchange for his craft his entire life.
- Only left on search because his sister was searched and sees it as a way to potentially reunite their family, especially if she doesn't impress.
Other: Anything else you want to add?