Name: Thariluah
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Craft: Beastcraft - Hunter
Rank: Journeyman
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: Stocky and strong, she has light eyes, light hair that she wears in a braid, and fair skin. Often dressed in furs and wears her best kill’s fur over one shoulder as a show of pride.
Personality: - Fortune favors the bold, and oh is that Thariluah! Nothing holds this woman back! She knows what she wants, when she wants, and she is not going to flounder about on trying to get it!
-However, she often will think that she deserves everything she wants and can think higher of herself than she should.
-Does NOT like waiting for things to come to her, or being patient! She wants to go to things and she wants them to be ready for her to do so NOW!!!
-Don’t try to hold her back. She’s going whether you try or not. You get less headache by not trying.
Positive Trait List Bold, Adventurous, Decisive
Negative Trait List Vain, Restless, Rebellious
History: - Firstborn daughter to a pair of hunters. Has five siblings.
-Made her first kill when she was 8. When she was 12 she killed a particularly large beast (type unknown because Pernese fauna???) and started wearing it’s hide as a show of pride. She would change this out as her ‘best’ kill changed.
-Due to the mostly migratory way of her family, never settled down long enough to actually be searched at an earlier age.

Other: Anything else you want to add?