Drache was not one to mobilize since she came home, but something was Wrong. Puzzle and Boneknapper appeared on edge, and with things topsy-turvy, her visions were going absolutely wild; lions in blood and fire, lions in darkness clawing to reach some of the faces in the Kizi... It was impossible to decipher,m but not impossible to tell she was going to need to snoop before bringing things to Puzzle. No, first came the investigations, and the lioness snuck from her den early one morning, slipping out into the roguerlands she'd spent so long in, and began to travel.

The fire might mean a mountain she saw distantly one, and if so, it was a start, and she might get more from there, following her paws deftly. The land felt strange under her paws -- and while she was outside the protection on their lands, Drache was far from alarmed. She was a dragon, after all. Dragons feared nothing. It was only when the time drew near night that Drache found a lush jungle near the mountain, and slipped in.

Noih was happily patrolling. the pale chil snuffling for anything unusual as she moved. It had been a nice night -- her children attending tasks, the jotunn and former swampies settling in nicely, and as chil Noh felt it smart to protect the pride by paw, the lioness walking asw she hummed. All of her cubs were grown, but she wasn't phased, rather thinking about a couple males around and in the pride fondly. Efez was cute for a leopard, and that Tiridates sador.. Well, it was likely her own pale coat talking but he was also quite fetching. It was rather a dilemma, one Noh was struggling with when a flicker or red and gold caught her eyes like flame, and she looked towards the Hellgate immediately. Was it spewing flame/ Was there danger to the pride?

For a moment, Noh was stil and leery, and seeing not ven a lick of danger, the lioness hummed. Something was there. Something that was literally akin fire, and the pale chil squared her shoulders and moved, followinh the flicker in silence.

Dragonsblood - Drache - recognized the danger not by sound, but by a flicker of white, a motion oif a lion resident to thre land, and swiftly spun, moving to watch carefully. This was unsafe land, and an unsafe land carried risk of capture, a feat Dragonsblood didn't wish for. The lioness shifted, eying the area as she kept walking, and sighed. There was a large clearing ahead, and she began for it when a female voice drawled behind her.

"Ballsy, walking into a pride's territory. Especially this one's."

Noh had let the female draw near. Watchying for danger, watching for anything -- but this female was... Well, probably stupid, on a dare, both, or something else. Was she seeking the Hellgate? Noh didn't know -- merely that they were near the Nat dens, and that was deep enough -- besides, Noh didn't wish the nat on anybody. Still, the lioness LOOKED demonic enough Noh wasn't inclined to attack -- actually, she rather reminded her of Angra in a level Noh couldn't place, and thje female turned, looking at her, and then blinked.

Dragonsblood was not home. That she knew -- but if this was another pride';s land, why allow her so deep? The mummer hummed to herself, then bowed.,

"Well, you know. Chasing visions. I saw fire and lions after some.. developments in my home and decided to snop lest more trouble come. Say where am I? I've seen that big smoke mountain from a distance but."

"These lands belong to the Aegnor'hiuni. And if you aren't a demon, what pride let a random seert just roam off chasing visions?!" Noh groaned, and Drache flicked her ears.

"I'm from the Kizingo'zaa. Ah, my uh, pride doesn't know I'm gone."

Noh stared silently, just a moment, and groaned.

"You didn't think to-- I..."

A sound of exasperation came from Noh, but she sighed. Attacking risked a diplomatic issue, and as another seer, Noh didn't BLAME the wayward female, but she did think she was a bit... Squirrelly. Dragonsblood, however, sat, entirely unbothered.

"Actually, it's. Hmmm. I saw lions of fire trying to reach lions of my pride and it led me here. I thought it best I start with this area trying to find them." Dragonsblood explained. Noh sighed, and motioned.

"If you want to meet others to try piecing this together, you'd need an escort. I can do that, but if I say 'don't eat that' or 'don't touch that' you'd do best to listen." Noh explained. Dragonsblood nodded, before motioning again.

"No, no, I understand. That's sensible." Dragonsblood hummed, looking around. She didn't plan to intrude, not really, but now here she was with a small pale lioness and the female couldn't help wondering if this meanty something. Maybe? Maybe not? The mummer hummed, grooming a paw thoughtfully as she considered her next few words.

"So what do you all have here?" The female asked. Noh sighed, then motioned for Drache to follow, the lioness leading her away from the nat dens.

"Here we are demons, the keepers of the Hellgate. Most, anyhow -- dominantly those of appropriate peft would be those born to bear a demon -- you might suit -- but others pale of coat live among us tending out day to day needs, demonless, but no less valuable. And then there's the Nat. The filth, those whom we keep from the rest of the world for the most dire sins -- murder, cannibalism, and such." Noh explained. Dragonsblood marvelled, looking about as she walked before looking to Noh.

"What of the rest of the world?" Dragonsblood asked. "IO, for one, am but a simple seer, happyto bring delight."

Noh sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Lessers, usually, but not all. Some we do not mind. You. Well right now you're a guest, so not much." Noh sat once bordering the sador dens, the female patient.

"We know some do not dare draw near the hellgate but yet may be of worth, so don't worry. So you're an entertainer?"

Why the hells would an entertainer leave?

"Oh my, yes I am." Drache beamed. "It is my lone desire to bring mirth to those I can, of course."

And to perhaps score a few new shinies or other tasks, but she didn't tell her THAT. Instead the lioness smiled a big smile.

"We are a peaceful pride who simply seek tales and sundry. My name is Dragonsblood, for instance."

"Noh'Vah. And Iam a chil -- one of the heirs to these3 lands."

THAT earned an earperk. An heir! ROYALTY! While no heir herself, Drache knew the value of befriending royals and nobles, and the female was on, smiling.

"A pleasure, a pleasure." The female bounced a bit, Noh sighed before watching Drache yawn.

A, a sundweller.

"You look tired~" Noh said, patiently, and NDragonsblood nodded.

"I am yes, my apologies. I've been walking some time."

"Well then, those like you need sleep at night. I'll escort youto the sador dens, you may sleep there." Noh crooned. "You may speak with our members in the evening tomorrow, and see if you may yet solve your puzzle."

"Alright. Thank you."

Noh nodded, before rising, the female guiding Dragonsblood for the sadordens, and hummed.

Such an odd lioness. And such an odd thing to seek.