"The Charioteer holds no reins, the horses have no bridles; they are directed though the strenght of will and balance. The Chariot represernts struggle--internal or external--and victory through will and discipline. You must be level headed, disciplined and in control of your passion, and your intellect in order to triumph over recent difficulties or limitations. This is a strong card full of symbolism, and the dynamics of victory, will and sacrifice..."--Line Strider deck by Siolo Thompson

Name: E'tem
Age: 24
Sex: male
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Weyr: High Reaches
Rider Rank: weyrling
Previous Rank/Craft: n/a
Physical Description: Warm brown hair falls in wisps around his face, a braid falling down to the small of his back. Dark eyes sit atop sharp cheekbones, creating tone more severe than it should be. At a height of 6', his lean frame is made imposing. He moves with perfect posture, always focused on what is ahead.
Personality: E'tem is a cerebral rider. He knows the rules to the letter, and relentlessly trains to keep himself in proper condition as a rider. Expressing himself, and making his feelings known, was far from a 'priority' growing up, and it has left him stunted. Explaining the laws of the weyr comes easier than expressing his feelings, and this leaves him evading questions left and right. Since Impression, Curruth has been pushing him to express himself more, and has absolutely no qualms blackmailing him to do it. ((initial idea--needs refining once history complete))
Positive Trait List Studious, Intellegent, Focused, Disciplined
Negative Trait List Socially awkward, Emotionally deaf, tunnel vision, rigid ((needs refinement.))
Equitem to E'tem

xxxxxxThere was always an order to things. It was inescapable. There was an order to meals, days, and even children. There was an order to life, an order to death. All things had some order or another. In Equitem's case--that order was second. The first son studied tirelessly, learning more and more of how to make sure their hold survived these tumultuous times. Their line had overseen their hold for generations, and now it was time to ensure it did so for generations to come. Their father had no patience for airs and graces. They ensured their people did not starve. They ensured their people's access to education, trade, and they maintained their connections with the dragon riders. First was not a position of privilege under their father's tutelage, it was a position of responsibility. They served their people, and should foster growth within their community.
xxxxxWhile that responsibility would never truly escape him, it would be their Mother who tended to young Equitem. While their father was made of order and intention, their Mother was chaos and cleverness. Each day brought a new adventure as he traced her heels. When help was needed to clear the feed pens--they cleared the pens. When the healer needed more hands, well there they would be. He learned the history of the world on balmy summer days. His father might have chosen his successor, but Equitem was hers. She danced through days, running like water from one lesson to the next.
xxxxxIt was on his twelth nameday that his mother asked a question that would shape him forever--how would he choose to serve their people? For his brother, it was all decided. Under his father's teaching, he slowly grew from learning, to helping. One day his brother would take their father's position as Lord--but what of Equitem? The child fell silent, searching for an answer only to find his mother's finger on his lip. "Tell me next year, on your nameday."
xxxxxThe Lady did not live the month. When sickness swept the hold, their lady did as she could--she helped the healers tend to the afflicted. Equitem begged to help, but his Mother refused. She spent her every moment at the aid of those around her, so wrapped up in her work that she hardly noticed her own wasting frame. The lady fell to fever in her sleep, and while she would live two days longer, she would never wake.
xxxxxEquitem did as best he could. He did as his mother would have done. There would always be someone who needed help. Buried in work, it was a dragon rider who found the aimless child, and dusted him off. Equitem found his mother's answer. He would serve their people as a dragon rider. The day he left was the only time he had ever seen his Father cry. It would be a lie to say it was only out of pride.


Name: Curruth
Age: growing--tarot clutch
Color: Green
Size: 28" (adult)
Physical Description: large ((rework))
Personality: ((rework))
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: raffle