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Charlotte Richardson-Connelly ~ Accepted (Grad) *Updated

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:23 pm

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          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES CiCi (Typically my sister only)

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY June 28, 2031.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10¼ Inches, Apple Wood, Amber Core, with a Slightly Springy Flexibility, and Decorated Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Annalise Basso (young) [x] Rose Leslie (older) [x] (Both Approved)

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              CLASS OF 2049

              HONORS None

              CLUBS Art Club (1st tp 7th Year)

              BEST LESSONS
                  Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ T
                  Transfiguration ~ P
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Divination ~ A
                  Mythology ~ P
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  Wandlore ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Wandlore ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Inspiring Artist but otherwise unemployed

              DREAM JOB Artist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SELFISH Mother has always spoiled me and my sister. Anything we want we get in most of the time. I want what I want, even if it’s just what my sister wants. Doesn’t matter what we have to do to get it. Usually for her it’s the center of attention. At least I think it is. But she shares with me sometimes because we’re twins so she has too, even if we fight over it occasionally.
              ■ COMPLIANT I tend to go along with what my sister does and says. Typically I follow her around or repeat what she says. I also follow my mother’s ideals for me. Even if I want certain things I’ll still follow what they or other authority figures tell me. I’m pretty obedient in that sense. That’s not to say I don’t roll my eyes when or argue with my sister when I disagree. Granted I usually pout and move on.
              ■ UNINTELLIGENT Cilla and mother say I’m dimwitted. I’m not entirely sure what they are implying. I can be smart. Just sometimes I forget things or get things confused. I might not get a lot of things but I do try. Although I usually just go along with what my sister says. Perhaps they think I don’t have my own brain. I do though, I swear. And I might mess things up but I try my best.
              ■ FICKLE I change my mind at a drop of a hat. One minute I’m going to get lunch and the next I’m distracted by the flowers outside. I can go from being mad with my sister to being content with her. Even my interests are pretty all over the place. I can go from being interested in cooking to being interested in gardening. The only interest of mine that’s ever stayed constant is drawing and painting because it’s literally the only thing I’m good at.
              ■ ARTISTIC I’ve always had an artistic side. Like I mentioned earlier it’s the one thing that’s a consistent interest. My mother says it’s good for a girl to have some kind of artistic ability. Probably why she made me take it up in the first place, though she doesn’t think it’s worth much. I for one rather enjoy painting and drawing the scenery outside. It’s relaxing and it’s better than having me try to play the piano or any other instrument for that matter. Besides I can be rather creative with a paint brush and an easel.
              ■ DREAMER I’ve always coming up with ideas that are as my sister calls them completely impractical. Sometimes the words that come out of my mouth aren’t very sensible. I’m a bit of a dreamer when it comes to live. I want to be an artist but my mother doesn’t see that as a reasonable career not that I’m required to have one. If anything she considers it a mere hobby. I’m also a bit of a hopeless romantic which doesn’t sit well with my mother. My dreams just don’t align with what my family expects of me.
              ■ RESENTFUL To say I don't get jealous would be a lie. To say I’m jealous of my sister that would be an understatement. She’s always been the favourite with mother even if we are twins. I have hopes and dreams that just don’t align with hers. Though, mother spoils me just as much and I love her for it, I still can tell. It’s not enough to hide it. I’m not mad just a little bitter by it. I’m not that dimwitted…


                  Being told what to do...
                  Being told I'm foolish
                  Father's gone
                  People talking over my head

                  Drawing or Painting
                  Hanging with my Sister
                  Reading sometimes

                  I'm Artistic

                  I'm Forgetful
                  I'm Clumsy

                  Creepy Crawlies...

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD My sister Priscilla and I were born in June to Trenton and Davina Richardson. Dad was heir to his family fortune. Mum was the only girl in the Devereux family. Both were sorted into Slytherin when they attended school at Hogwarts. They loved us like any parents would love their children. I was certainly dad’s favourite. It was hard when he got sick. Though I didn’t get to see much cause mum kept us away. He passed away two years ago. It all happened pretty fast.

              After dad’s passing mum met Desmond Connelly. He’d just lost his wife and he had a daughter our age. We don’t like her according to Priscilla. I suppose I came up with a few good reasons of my own as to why. Where was it? Oh yeah it all happened so fast. We lost dad, mum meets Desmond, and they get married. So Desmond’s my stepdad now. My sister and I got our names hyphenated after that. Unfortunately our new dad isn’t home much. He’s always out of town working. Why’d he have to work with dragons anyway?

              When he’s not home we do our school work… or rather Stella does our school work. We’re home schooled for the most part. Stella takes care of pretty everything. Fine by me since that gives me more time for my art which I do practically every day. Mother says it’s good on a resume for potential suiters. I’m not too sure about that one. But what do I know I’m a child.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              My dear child, is that truly what you want?
              To be just like your sister, to please your mother?
              No, I see greater things for you
              I think you'll be surprised by what you discover about yourself
              Yes, I think you'll do quite well in

              No where did I think I'd end up in Ravenclaw upon my sorting. So when the sorting hat didn't say Slytherin I was astonished. I never saw myself as a smart person... Neither did my sister. But I found a friend in Lara, a Ravenclaw that kept my head above water. Guess there is more to being a Ravenclaw then I thought. Coming home for the summer mother was furious with me. She was not pleased that I didn't make Slytherin like a Richardson should (don't get her started on our cousin Sabrina). She wasn't happy about my grades either... or maybe she wasn't happy that Stella hadn't done enough for me. Hard to say.

              Second Year, I went on a snowy picnic gathering of classmates. We had a snowball fight it was so much fun. Mother and Cilla would be furious if they found out. Though, Cilla was mad the moment she found out I went after she told me not too. Not my fault my housemates are convincing at telling me to go. Besides I had fun.

              Third Year was elective year for which I took those of interest. Coming home with low grades mother wasn't happy. Though I wasn't particularly happy about having a baby brother. So I guess we're even.

              Fourth Year, I was struggling to make the grades. Priscilla said I just needed to rely on Stella doing the work for me but I just couldn't. It wasn't helping and it wasn't very fair for Stella. I put a stop to it. Now Priscilla won't talk to me. However, Stella has been helping me with my studies so maybe I do the right thing.

              Fifth Year, I studied with my sisters. OWLs were a real stress and I found comfort hanging with my friend Aidene. We hung out a lot and although she's younger then me I quite enjoy her company. By the time my grades came in I wanted the summer to end just so I could get away from my mother. She wasn't happy with my grades but at least it wasn't a total let done.

              Sixth Year, I found out just before Valentine's Day that my friend Aidene liked me. Like, like liked me as more then a friend. I never realized it until she said anything. Unfortunately I didn't feel the same way. I did still want to be friends though. With time she was about to come around and we went back to being good friends.

              Seventh Year, I struggled on my NEWTs but managed to get through them. I sort of wished I had a boyfriend. Both Stella and Cici were getting somewhere in the romance department, sadly I can't say the same.

              POST GRADUATION - - -

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Trenton Richardson (father - deceased) • Davina Connelly née Devereux (mother) • Desmond Connelly (step father)
              • Priscilla Richardson-Connelly (twin sister) • Stella Connelly (step sister) • Jared Connelly (half brother)
              • William Richardson, Gabriel & Adrien Devereux (uncles)
              • Cortney Richardson née Hannon, Fiona & Poppy Devereux (aunts)
              • Richard, Aurora, Julius, Caleb, Quentin & Monique Devereux, Rebecca & Sabrina Richardson (cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • N/A
              BEST FRIEND • Omalara Soyinka
              • Omalara Soyinka
              • Sonora Li
              • Aidene Kieran

              • Class of 2049
              • Priscilla Richardson-Connelly (some days)
              • Jared Connelly (just a little)

              PETS • None

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 05/01/20

■ Age & Year
■ NEWT scores
■ Bio Updated

PENDED BY Weasley 7/9/18
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [8/22/2018]
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:24 pm

xxxx Character Format xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

User ImageUser Image
Charlotte Richardson - Connelly
Fourth Year Ravenclaw
Fourteen Year Old - Pureblood
Twin & Step Sister

                                            Location : - - -

                                            - - -

                                            Status : - - -
                                            Company : - - -

                                            OOC : - - -

                                                                        tab tab _ My dear child, is that truly what you want?
                                                                        tab _ To be just like your sister, to please your mother?
                                                                        tab tab tab tab No, I see greater things for you
                                                                        I think you'll be surprised by what you discover about yourself
                                                                        tab tab tab _ Yes, I think you'll do quite well in
                                                                        tab tab tab tab tab tab Ravenclaw!

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow25lvYoKXo][imgleft="300"]https://i.postimg.cc/25Gd1msq/Charlotte-2nd-Year-Resize.jpg[/imgleft][/url][url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25265577][imgright]https://s26.postimg.cc/6pxdsmux5/Ravenclaw_crest.jpg[/imgright][/url][align=center][b][size=18][color=#F28ACF]Charlotte Richardson - Connelly[/color][/size][/b]
[size=13][b][color=#C8762D]Second Year Ravenclaw
[i]Twelve Year Old - Pureblood[/i][/color] [/b][/size][/align] [align=right][color=#340029][size=14]Twin & Step Sister[/size][/color][/align]

[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][color=#DD4BA8][b]Location :[/b][/color] - - -

[align=justify] - - -
[color=#DD4BA8][b]Status :[/b][/color] - - -
[color=#DD4BA8][b]Company :[/b][/color] - - -

[color=#DD4BA8][b]OOC :[/b][/color] - - - [/align]

[size=10][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]:tab: :tab:[color=white]_[/color] My dear child, is that truly what you want?
:tab:[color=white]_ [/color]To be just like your sister, to please your mother?
:tab::tab::tab::tab: No, I see greater things for you
I think you'll be surprised by what you discover about yourself
:tab: :tab: :tab:[color=white]_[/color] Yes, I think you'll do quite well in
:tab::tab::tab::tab::tab::tab: [color=darkblue][b]Ravenclaw![/b][/color][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:54 pm

List of Knowledge

Core Classes

First Year
[ ] Names of Planets
[ ] Movements of Planets
[ ] Names of Stars (Including Sun)
[ ] Names of Constellations

Second Year
[ ] Mercury
[ ] Venus
[ ] Earth
[ ] Earth's Moon

Third Year
[ ] Mars
[ ] Jupiter
[ ] Great Red Spot
[ ] Jupiter's Moons

Fourth Year
[ ] Saturn
[ ] Saturn's Rings
[ ] Titan
[ ] Uranus

Fifth Year
[ ] Neptune
[ ] Triton
[ ] Comets
[ ] Meteorites
[ ] Asteroids

Sixth Year
[ ] Black Holes
[ ] Supernovas

First Year
[ ] Wingardium Leviosa
[ ] Reparo
[ ] Incendio
[ ] Spongify

Second Year
[ ] Scourgify
[ ] Aresto Momentum
[ ] Flame-Freezing Charm
[ ] Diffindo

Third Year
[ ] Cheering Charm
[ ] Carpe Retractum
[ ] Colour Change Charm
[ ] Glacius

Fourth Year
[ ] Accio
[ ] Depulso
[ ] Engorgio
[ ] Reducio

Fifth Year
[ ] Silencio
[ ] Dancing Feet
[ ] Reducto
[ ] Repleo

Sixth Year
[ ] Aguamenti
[ ] Bedazzling Hex
[ ] Avis
[ ] Nonverbal Spells

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
[ ] Knockback Jinx
[ ] Lumos/Nox
[ ] Ghosts
[ ] Doxies

Second Year
[ ] Rictusempra
[ ] Expelliarmus
[ ] Fumos
[ ] Fire Crabs

Third Year
[ ] Finite/Incantatem
[ ] Boggarts/Riddikulus
[ ] Grindylows
[ ] Hinkypunks

Fourth Year
[ ] Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia
[ ] Aqua Eructo Charm
[ ] Stupefy
[ ] Petrificus Totalus

Fifth Year
[ ] Protego
[ ] Oppugno
[ ] Inferi
[ ] Werewolves

Sixth Year
[ ] The Unforgivable Curses
[ ] Dementors
[ ] Patronus
[ ] Nonverbal Spells

First Year
[ ] Broom Commands
[ ] Mounting
[ ] Developing a Broom Bond

First Year
[ ] Spiky Bush
[ ] Bouncing Bulb
[ ] Devil's Snare

Second Year
[ ] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[ ] Mandrake
[ ] Fire Seed Bush

Third Year
[ ] Puffapods
[ ] Moly
[ ] Mimbulus Mimbletonia

Fourth Year
[ ] Bubotuber
[ ] Gillyweed
[ ] Dittany

Fifth Year
[ ] Fanged Geranium
[ ] Screechsnap
[ ] Whomping Willow

Sixth Year
[ ] Venomous Tentacula
[ ] Snargaluff

History of Magic
First Year
[ ] History of Hogwarts
[ ] The Chamber of Secrets
[ ] Statute of Secrecy

Second Year
[ ] Ollivander Family
[ ] The Deathly Hallows
[ ] Beedle the Bard

Third Year
[ ] Muggle Witch Burnings
[ ] Nicolas Flamel
[ ] Newt Scamander
[ ] Goblin Rebellions

Fourth Year
[ ] Ancient Egypt and Greece
[ ] Herpo the Foul
[ ] Grindelwald
[ ] Tom Riddle/Voldemort

Fifth Year
[ ] Albus Dumbledore
[ ] Harry Potter
[ ] Order of the Phoenix

Sixth Year
[ ] First Wizarding War
[ ] Second Wizarding War

First Year
[ ] Forgetfulness Potion
[ ] Boil-Cure Potion
[ ] Wiggenweld Potion

Second Year
[ ] Hair-Raising Potion
[ ] Girding Potion
[ ] Swelling Solution

Third Year
[ ] Shrinking Solution
[ ] Antidotes
[ ] Undetectable Poisons

Fourth Year
[ ] Wit-Sharpening Potion
[ ] Herbicide Potion
[ ] Wide-Eye Potion
[ ] Sleeping Draught

Fifth Year
[ ] Everlasting Elixirs
[ ] Draught of Peace
[ ] Strengthening Solution
[ ] Love Potion Antidote

Sixth Year
[ ] Amortentia
[ ] Elixir to Induce Euphoria
[ ] Felix Felicis
[ ] Polyjuice Potion

First Year
[ ] Match to Needle
[ ] Snail to Teapot
[ ] Mouse to Snuffboxes
[ ] Teacup to Rat

Second Year
[ ] Beetle Buttons
[ ] Avifors
[ ] Fera Verto
[ ] Rabbit Slippers

Third Year
[ ] Teapot to Tortoise
[ ] Chair to Cat
[ ] Hedgehog to Pincushion
[ ] Lapifors

Fourth Year
[ ] Switching Spells
[ ] Draconifors
[ ] Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig

Fifth Year
[ ] Evanesco
[ ] Inanimatus Conjurus
[ ] Geminio

Sixth Year
[ ] Owl to Opera Glasses
[ ] Basic Self Transfiguration
[ ] Human or Animal

Elective Classes
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:55 pm

Hogwarts Schedules

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
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