Name: K'ir
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Candidate
Physical Description:
Personality: Traditionlist
History: Like many at the weyr, K'ir is the by product of a Gold flight. Born to K'rill of bronze Kharith and Akilina of Gold Katjuth. It was one night of passion that left Akilina with a child. The young K'ir, originally named Kailinir, was given over to the creche as quickly as Akilina was able to. She had been young when the boy was born and still getting used to her Goldrider duties. K'rill wasn't her weyrmate, the young woman had only found herself with the male when she and her Gold were leaving the weyr during the Gold Flight.
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Name: Crnoboth
Age: 20
Color: Bronze
Size: Please select actual foot length appropriate to their color and our size chart.
Physical Description:

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